Thursday, January 31, 2019

Constitutional Fortitude Pubic Lice

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, comes now the Town Crier: Be it known that our Founding Fathers were extra vigilant back in 1787 when they assembled to “Cheers” down the end of another day in celebration the “Declaration of Independence”, at the corner pub with “Norm” while drafting the U.S. Constitution. Yes, victory still fresh in the air “sea to shining sea this land is my land this land is your land” like the scent from a Davy Crocket “fresh kill” rabid skunk cap that keeps on giving up Pepe Le Pew, this victory lap enforcing “We the People” would no longer have to care for the Queen’s soiled undergarments. All things were considered by the Founders in the framework upon our rights, except for one rotten green tomato, that be our “Health”. Medicine was still so young, stuck in the muckraker with the snake oil stage of affairs akin to the “Fake” news of today. Therefore, it was not part of the equation and there is not a decent “Constitutional Scholar” that wants to touch this subject matter, so I will have at it and throw my rotten green apple attitude on the line. Complain about our health? It is blasphemy in the “first degree and second degree if you’ve got any papers will you serve them to me”, especially if the “Witch Doctor” is frowned upon the fact he is letting us live longer - but that is the problem! Yeserie, it was not only that “separation of state from church” that dictated how some very important issues were avoided during the “I Love Beer” now time for another Amendment round-robin, back when it all evolved - with this non-secular and non-denominational not yet circumcised bible called the “Constitution”. And the “Health” issue missed the boat and then came the hangover vote, and here we are today with a “Missing in Action” Congress that believes “bipartisan” is an April Fool’s joke - due we went healthier and gambled on longevity! See, back in the 1700s the life expectancy was 41-years of age. So when the qualifications for the Senate were “cheered” upon, with an age requirement of 30-years of age and a 6-year term, it meant most Senators would enjoy but a single term of endearment and not stretch it out for 50-years and over-extend their stay wherein it turned into one too many years of endangerment. It is like the “homeless” taking over the strip malls, they have nowhere else to go, so claim “squatters rights”. See, little did the Founding Fathers realize that the nation’s citizens would get that much healthier, so didn’t investigate any reasons for “Term limits”, as it was not necessary at the time. Back then, it was “built in” as the Founders realized that stagnation was like the “scurvy”, way too much time at sea, no different too long a stay in Congress. Said again, the building blocks of Congress realized about a single 6-year term for a member of the Senate. And with the House, with an age qualifier of 25 and a 2-year term, do the math. In theory it amounted to a 1st term 2-years a dedicated seat in the House Chambers. Followed by 2-years off to campaign as you should not find dereliction upon that “Sworn Duty” when seated and it was the mandate of the Founders that there be allowed time in between “Terms” for “free to manage one’s affairs when not engaged in managing the affairs of a great nation” and with another win, it meant another 2-years one’s second non-consecutive term. So not quite yet at the endangerment cross-roads and then 2-years off again for good behavior and maybe if all was swell a 3rd term. When added up, maybe at best 4-terms equal to 8-years in office and when we look at the 4 to 1 ratio between the House seats to Senate seats, there existed “inherent” term limits designed into the 1st draft of the Constitution. Of course politicians never honored that commitment and it soon became a “lucrative” job for life, that was not the intent of the Founding Fathers. Look, do you really think “can’t you hear me knocking” Keith Richards would still be “rocking out” if not for “blood transfusions”? Out with the old in with the new rings in the New Year still! And with “longevity” pushing 85-years due Viagra, our poor children that will be forced to learn about “Stagnation from Hell” in civics class, due career politicians bent on sabotage upon the U.S. Constitution! Today, instead of “scurvy” it is more in tune to “Pubic Lice” taking over the Congress, very hard to eradicate the itch of sleaze. And let us not forget, “We the People” fought for “Term Limits” and our dually elected officials were going in that direction full steam ahead. There came a time not too long ago we as a nation in “bipartisan agreement” wanted, demanded “Term Limits”. All was good until Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sabotaged decency in politics - that dually factor - when they realized any legislation passed to promote “Term Limits”, that could put them in the un-employment line so then we started hearing just the opposite, that “Term Limits” was a bad thing as experience was necessary. Gag me with a Lady Gaga dildo, as “We the People” have been hoodwinked by career henchmen and lynchmen and Confederates, political thieves and over-time the Constitution has become constipated with stuff that benefits the brats. Chaos Theory? And if anybody is frightened by the blight or blinded by the right, just pick up that phone and call your representation, to hear what “Pubic Lice” sound like sounding off their responsibilities to circumcise with a “Divide” instead of using the excuse…there is no excuse as they are in it for you and I only when that re-election cycle comes about, as they have not the insight to realize politics and selfishness equates to a “poison pill” upon Democracy. But like with an infestation with rats, many “poisons” have little to no effect so rats find immunity and the reason we have “Pubic Lice” making all of us itch and scratching away at the foundation of our heritage.  God Bless America, home of the brave wounded by the political pubic lice and instead of Congressional Fortitude, “Servitude” sounds politically correct as we have become slaves to the bed bugs that are insulting Miss Liberty with a mandate to conquer by “dividing” us all. And it can all be blamed on “Term Limits NOT”, as when a “bipartisan agenda” is no longer the goal-post we have “Mission Creep”, "Be Best" yet it is more like “Mission Mitch Itch” and we hear the "Truth in Treason Statement" with "I Don't Care DO U"!

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