Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Rabid Skunk Madam Gavel

The power vested in the House of Congress can best be understood through the obligation that “Headless Horseman Sleepy Hollow Body” finds consideration in the event the enemy invokes the “Presidential Succession Act”. Yes, “Sleepy Hollow”, with the likes of Fingernail Freddy, Ichabod Crane and Hannibal Lecter. Imagine, if we had a Lech Walesa in the White House instead of a Peter Clemenza wannabe, the Fucking Moron Wimp Coward that thinks he is the Godfather surrounded by hitmen. So let’s take a “hypothetical” situation many of us would appreciate coming to be with “And that’s Reality, the Dream is Over”. Say when Donald Jong Trump has the second affair with “lover boy love joy love toy” Kim Jong dUNg, that the North Korean punk - who sent 55-boxes of human remains that supposedly contained the repatriated “souls” of American Soldiers lost as MIA during the war, but only 3-humans accounted for as the rest of the bones were from dogs eaten by this pig leader - say Kim Jong’s handshake infects the Fucking Moron Wimp Coward with “fromunder lice”. And the lice colony grows into a “pandemic” and soon the entire White House is too busy for anything else but scratching their private parts - so can’t go pubic, I meant “public”. And this “lice” is a special strain developed by Kim Jong and finds no relief. Talk about relief, so glad to see that American Citizen in “Good Standing” Otto Warmbier’s parents sought relief in excess of $500-million and won the verdict against Kim Jong dUNg, for the torture and murder of their college kid. With that, I am all for the Moron arranging that 2nd “Love Summit” here in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, and when the “dUNg” shows up and hands over that “loot” a citizen’s arrest and “waterboarding” time. Sad, that the MORON has said little to nothing about this historic verdict against his “Lover Boy”. Back to Melania, I meant “ball licking lice”. So with the “outbreak”, the White House is quarantined, with the Moron’s executive staff infection including Mike Pence fenced in - except Melania said she “Don’t care DO U” and is heading towards Florida with the “lice”. Now then we have a problem with a No-Show President and Vice, and through the “Succession” it means that Madam Gavel House Squeaker becomes the acting President and…for real Chuck Grassley as a Vice? Chuck, the guy that redefined “corn cob holing” learned through close encounters association with his protégé, the “Toothless Mountain Man” of Deliverance fame. Wow, sorry to interrupt this fascination with the “Rabid Skunk” taking over the Oval Office, but is this for real? Elizabeth Warren just spilled the beans, on how the “Wealthy” are indeed using a little known “precedence set” court case to pay out as little as possible in “taxation” upon their income. Yes “little known” as that means taken advantage upon by that 1% cast of crooks. So as the salt-of-the-earth middle-class proletariats reap a 10% investment windfall, the wealthy enjoy that in exponential form which is an extra 10-dollars to every one of your dollars in earnings. According to Donald’s favorite Native American, the “Tippy-top” slop of wealth are paying on average only 3.2% “taxation” on their enormous “loot” which finds a “Grand Theft Auto” revenge “renege & ransack” accounting casualty close to 80% this nation’s gold reserves! And yes, Warren let the “cat-out-of-the-bag” and let me take you “on a tour of one-night stands” what it all means, so you can play the game and “teach your children well”. See, back in 1956 a young “bullish” attorney with an attitude was working as a government prosecutor and thus assigned the “critical must win” case against “Public Enemy Number 1”, aka Jack Marler. Alaskan Jack was a senior Internal Revenue Service “field agent” that worked in the 49er when it was still a “territory”, at the time the citizens were considered United States residents under the Red, White and Blue. Which demanded taxation on income, and since 100% of wages in Alaska back before “statehood” came from “government jobs” building a railroad nobody wanted, taxation was fair. Hey, don’t bite the hand that feeds the freeloading. Yet many Alaskans thought differently, and with that in mind Jack had over the years arrested his fair share of “tax cheats”. His record of achievement as the “Tax Man” was second to none. Alaskan’s feared this man, like a John Wayne type character and it was a time in Alaska when you were required to carry. Then Jack read the Constitution and had an epiphany, and changed hoods and refused to pay taxes based on the ideology of “No Taxation without Representation”. In a movie that is today in the design stage - soon to be released - the opening scene shows that young lawyer about to begin the toughest case one could ever imagine, that lawyer was none other than the Honorable Theodore Fulton Stevens. OK, Stevens lost the case which became history and soon-after due humiliation threw his lawyer’s license into Ship Creek and ran away to the U.S. Senate the rest is history. Until Ted was taken down by the very entity he first defended, the IRS! Another story but watch the movie when it is released to see the action. Anyway, following that unanimous “Not Guilty” jury verdict, Jack Marler was a free man and it set “precedence” based on “No Taxation without Representation” as a valid excuse to withhold paying a fair share of taxes on income. And that verdict was over 60-years ago and never challenged! It basically speaks unto itself the legal ramifications of being “stubborn” on taxation but a convenient “out” based on “Representation”. It was a Simple Simon case, not complicated at all and all one needs to do is prove “No Representation” and that tax burden ceases to exist, or it melts away. Yes indeed for a reason, a verdict never challenged to the “High Court”, because it has been used by the “wealthy” to skirt the law on taxation as the greatest “tax heist” scandal of modern times. Many wealthy Americans have been using this “Marler” tactic for decades and getting by “freeloading” with pennies-on-the-dollar as taxation upon their “wealth”. I am sure it is the same “tactic” behind the reason we have yet to see Donald Jong Trump’s “returns”, as “No Taxation without Representation” is that ticket to Pass Go and Get Out of Jail Free. And Elizabeth Warren just told us so, as I am sure many members of Congress take advantage of this “Precedence Set” formula to evade taxes. So according to Warren, the 1% which owns 80% of this nation’s “Gold Reserves” pays on average only 3.2% tax-on-income? It works like this: Say my tax rate for this year is estimated at 32%. I live in California and made $1-million bucks gambling because I am a “Trust Fund Maggot” son of a “Hedge Fund Thieve” and have no idea what real work is all about, but sure know how to gamble daddy’s money away. Now because I have reason to believe that I have “No Representation” in the “Migrant Farm Worker” state, based on a House that finds a disproportionate ratio of Democrats fighting for democracy and Devin Nunes Republicans fighting for the Femdom Freedom Caucus, that allows a rebate based on “No Representation”, so now that 32% has been reduced to 6.3% - less then those poor bastards making a $10000 yearly wage cleaning bathrooms - and with only two Senators claiming “Democrats Rule”, take off another 3%+ and that brings my “Tax Burden” down to 3.2% and on that $million$, you do the math. What is so nice about this Marler thing, I can re-claim my party affiliation any time, to say “What Representation”? And so my “Tax” accountant purposely delays the yearly IRS filing, just like how Jack Marler orchestrated the greatest “tax heist” rule-of-law verdict and it takes the IRS several years to catch-up and then I plead the “No Representation” and the IRS knows I have them by the balls with that “fromunder lice” and we compromise…which means the U.S. Treasury gets pennies-on-the-dollar as it knows that when “precedence” is set in a case based on “No Taxation without Representation” and a ruling that has gone on unchallenged for over 60-years, they have no option but to curse at Jack Marler, who was one of them! But I would wager that Donald Jong Trump and his Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia Dynasty enjoys Jack Marler, what else would be the holdup the showing of his “tax” returns - unless the Fucking Moron Wimp Coward has gone one step deeper into the “No Taxation” cesspool to “Trump” all the rich assholes that use this tactic to fool America, by claiming he is NOT an American Citizen but officially resides in Russia! “NO REPRESENTATION” and “NO TAXATION”! Now that “Rabid Skunk” thing with Nancy Pelosi? That is what Congressman from Alaska Don Young used to call out Nancy, and I am sure he was thinking the same when as “ornery” senior citizen of the House, he was the honor-guard to hand off the “Gavel” to the 116th Congress under Democrat control!

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