Sunday, January 27, 2019

Science Sunday - Global Warming

The following is recovered from the “Notebook” lecture series presented by Amlev Yelknid, who immigrated from Russia and now lives in Fairbanks, Alaska and is considered one of the most brilliant young minds of modern times. She is also the architect of the “Mobius Migration Theory”, that which describes in Simple Simon how the Universe came to be and discourages the well-known “Black Hole” concept encouraged by Stephen Hawking.

Want an “Energizer Bunny” debate that keeps on giving, with a better ahead “Return-on-Investment” of time then talking the politics of the Fucking Moron error - I meant era? Global Warming says it all, as just that two-word phrase alone can incite riots and scurvy the headline news that the “Sky is Falling”! But let me take it one step back this so far mind-boggling and present century’s favorite subject matter with a “Truth in Consequences” so demanding to dementia demeaning. Maybe “Be Best” a two-step in the opposite direction to instill some confidence that the debate finds “across the isle of blight” bipartisan agreement. WHAT? Blasphemy as “We the People” are divided and can’t agree on anything! OK, the earth’s climate operates just like any other ordinary process wherein “Control Theory” rules. Control Theory, as old as the first “lie” who farted but for a pretty simple concept within its “mainsail cornerstone” involvement as a physical phenomenon, and used for just about every damn process utilized by man for survival. From fire making to cereal production to electrical generation to rocket fuel manufacturing. OK, take for instance that caveman fire for heat, as the embers die down over night while “I’m an Ape Man” and family sleep snuggly in that cave, well mother Ape gets up to stoke the fire and soon it is too hot. The control mechanism herein rests its case that the human sensory perception of involvement causes an interference, all with “good will intent”, but due limited reliability with “modern man” still in diapers. We feel the chill and the appropriate action mindset a fix is to over-stoke, with the perception that the bigger the load the faster the heat - which is true but also complicates the issue, through over compensation and everybody then wakes up and complains about heat flashes and the kids run outside and get eaten by an irate Woolly Mammoth. Just kidding, that beast was a vegetarian, except for a single “Mammoth” that was recovered that had the remains of Abraham. See, when the fire dwindles down towards a luke-warm state of affairs, the “Control Theory” we have inherited from the Mother Earth controls how we react to interface with the problem and sometimes our intuition upon our limited intelligence interferes with the process. We have not the precision to calculate exactly what is required, that being what is needed for more heat in a reasonable amount of time but not over doing the process - or wherein out-of-control finds a passion! So let’s start with the basic of the basics - boiling water. Have any idea how important this “dance of the molecules” for man, woman and child to survive? When you travel “sea to shining sea” and see these humongous facilities in the middle of nowhere with power lines overhead the only semblance it is important infrastructure, it is a “power plant” that is merely a huge “tea pot”. That which uses a hydrocarbon - like coal, like oil or natural gas - to boil water into steam to turn a turbine which strokes a magnetic field and the miracle of “electricity” comes to life. And these plants are very efficient, using the exhaust heat from the combustion process to make the process even more of a money-maker and we never see the rebates. Damn Woolly Mammoth is at it again! Anyway, when we boil water first things first in the morning for that coffee, the boiling point is exaggerated by applying too much energy for way too long, as the boiling point is reached earlier on and the energy conservation equilibrium breached - as seen in the bubbles that form and carried away in the “transit velocity” component. Ok, it is wasted energy gone away to the (n)ETHER forevermore lost to the sea of space. We over achieve the goal, that is how “Control Theory” works. All processes have a goal to get to the desired “set-point” of interest within bounds of stability as a criteria in a reasonable time period, else it is a “damped” process and the “hot-line” is over-crowded with complaints. Now for cereal production the “Theory” can act as a sugar high adjuster or a rat crap eliminator. With respect to boiling water at atmospheric pressure, it means a “Set-point” of 212.XXXX°F, and within a process design as-fast-as-possible and with that there is always an inherent “over-correction” period. And then control theory castrates what is causing that over-correction and a “cycle” of back and forth in time balances out a recovery and we reach “Tranquility Base” all is good. Modern day “Control Systems” utilize algorithms learned over time, to anticipate how to react when the process is AWOL from the mission, that being stability at a desired set-point! Ask any “Control Theory Engineer” about set-point control, you will get an earful, like the “shower” example. When taking a “shower”, your body is the temperature measuring element that sends a signal to the brain. And depending on one’s preference in temperature, that “set-point”, the brain then commands a control signal to the hand to adjust the shower valve accordingly, for the desired temperature. Yes, herein is where one also uses the “learning” concept as fine tuning is required, as too much of an adjustment with that “valve” can scold or cold shower. And that “re-learning” is established when we enter a different shower, like those found at some hotels wherein the valves are worn useless and that shower sucks. No matter how hard you try, you can never achieve that at home comfort. Oh so simple! See, even with modern day hi-tech computers used to fine-tune this control and forever in a learning mode for better control, it is the final element control mechanisms that limit our ability to speed up the process. Take a simple process to fill a tank of water. The tank must have a “Level Transmitter” to send feedback to a system that can manipulate a device in efforts to control the level at a desired “Set-point”, else all control is lost and the good stuff “I Love Beer” and “my cup runneth over”. But time is of the essence, so the “Control” tries to fill the tank on time and for that gratitude, it calls upon the opening and closing of a control valve to make changes. Over compensation is part of the design and achieved by a system acting out-of-control for a while and as the level approaches the desired “set-point” the valve starts to initiate control upon the flow of all things considered so as to prevent any “overshoot”. Now some processes enjoy this temporary “overshoot”, as that has a tendency to hurry-up the process towards the goal of “Tranquility” and then at an appropriate interval, start backing off. With “modern day” process control through computers, this “learning” process anticipates all kinds of deviations and can thus correct in a timely manner. And since it is always in the “Learn” mode, it can remember things and adjust accordingly. Now this is wherein “man” has “Trumped” the Mother Earth, with this learning process. Upon this subject of “Global Warming”, the Mother Earth is today in the correction stage, but at the same time “learning” what needs to occur to correct the “Warming” trend, as it had no idea man-made interference would be so bold. So in efforts to gain back control in a timely “un-sluggish” manner, the Earth is purposely “over-heating” itself, as that will allow correction mechanisms to take hold of the situation “timely”. Yes, the Earth is getting hotter on its own accord in efforts to change weather patterns so that a “cooling cycle” can begin in earnest the healing process. Look, the Mother Earth wasn’t equipped with a Carrier Air Conditioning unit, it relies on the weather patterns to make adjustments and it takes time and consideration to formulate a plan of attack. See, it never had the opportunity to “learn” man’s ways and means to disrupt “Tranquility”, that is what we have before us today and the reason we are seeing record breaking temperature, as it is the way Mother Earth handles the crisis - more heat means more clouds means more rain means quicker cooling. But it takes time, as the colossal “mass” of the earth is also in competition with the (n)ETHER, as the earth is a “sink” for the Universe, so space is also learning from what the Earth is going through. Here is the Sad Sack fact of the matter. Humans are not part of the control algorithm designed into nature, as to how the Mother Earth reacts to produce a correction course the effects mankind has contributed to this “Global Warming”. Nature doesn’t care who we are, as it has but for a single entity to protect, itself. What we are seeing and experiencing today is the Mother Earth in a “learn and correction” mode, just hope the mood stays calm as if the conditions this time next year are the same, the correction can take on an exponential reasoning 10x what it thought would correct things which means the next year could see 100x and that would be devastating for the human population. It could take us to the verge of extinction. Right now, the Mother Earth is behaving in a linear fashion, making corrections in efforts to cause a cooling cycle that will get the earth back into synchronization its original design. But here is another problem GAIA must contend with. A “heat source” out in the dessert like a modern day “power plant” is stationary, so it finds a dedicated “sink” position pattern with respect to the Earth - as corrections take hold. We must remember that the “Oceans 11” contribute to how the end result is achieved, as do mountains to rivers to the Great Lakes, all are part of the equation as these elements have unique characteristics the Earth algorithm must take into account to be effective timely, without an out-of-control attitude. But stationary targets are easy “sink targets” and can easily become part of the correction equation. The devastating fact of the matter, all the moving targets that cannot be “sink holed” in the equation, so it becomes a variable which complicates things beyond any Newton Principia in mathematical “zero root” equation decency, just ask Will Hunting! I am talking all the cars and other vehicles that act as an “on then off” chaos as each one is a “heat source” and the Mother Earth equation cannot “heat seek” for the obligation of a correction course so many individual “heat sources”, so it is a guessing game and that is wherein our contribution to “Global Warming” is the straw that may break the Dalai Lama’s Camel’s back. What to do about nothing we cannot stop as we are mad-maniacs with our wheels? Way back when a man named Howard Hughes had it all figured out, with a brilliant design for mass transportation corridors East to West, side boom high-speed rail transport links and only a few major hub airports strategically placed to take advantage of the “mass transportation” concept to “modernize man”. Mr. Hughes saw into the future what it would take to survive increased population demands - but was over time considered a “crack pot” his desire to, well “socialize” some aspects of how we do business and in step to make sure we didn’t piss off the Mother Earth! So we have the problem, we have the solution but we are saturated in this “independence” of a freedom that may soon find out that the Mother Earth tried to correct things but it was just too much and we did not cooperate so that exponential in the “Global Warming” correction equation kicked in and kicked mankind out of the way. What can we do about it? Well first we must get over the fact that “mass transportation” is socialism….wait just a minute it is, but who in hell cares if it saves mankind. And it may even save this out-of-control we have upon “Democracy”, as the time has come for “Socialism” to be part of who we are as a nation, as a “Planet” in this Universe. “Control Theory” is Simple Simon, and even simpler the fact not fiction is the embracing of “Socialism” as we have gone on long enough and far enough thinking we can kill our “brothers and sisters” and I pray but for one thing - that when the “massive” wave of correction heads our way that the wealthy can buy it and save us all.

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