Thursday, February 21, 2019

Covfefe Covered M&M’s

Ok all you Constitutional scholars stool stuck constipated upon the “Articles of Confederation”, that which advises “for or against” a sitting U.S President being held in contempt of constipating the U.S. Constitution - accountable for actions unbecoming a Commander-in-Chief! Look, the American Revolution was based on the fact “We the People” went tired of a “Fucking Buffoon” from abroad trying to “I’m a Queen-Bee” tell us how to drink beer and behave during “Pub” time! We didn’t need interference by that London “Pubic Lice” good thing Brett Kavanaugh was around back then to defend the “Keg Lifting”. Yes, today’s big question on perversion in persuasion, can actions “unbecoming” a leadership drooling with incompetence, a.k.a. high crimes and misdemeanors, be justification of a contempt charge? All this upheaval about indictments possible against Donald Jong Trump are but for breath yanking “Covfefefefe Collusion” yacking like fodder, a bowel movement endowed FOXcopulation Syncopia dysfunction, an encapsulation of man’s quest for intelligence hitting a low-ball roadblock. That’s right, man’s meritorious ownership we are “smart” has slipped away upon that reign and today our amoeboid affiliation has less humanitarian intellect then when Dick Nixon became a president-in-swine flu, we are losing our footing in the Neanderthal precincts of distinction - just like how Trump has lost ground with the Forbes-400. See, even if 1000 indictments became Trump’s Mt. Rushmore barricade the door, as the lawman posse comes knocking at the White House and Kellyanne Conway tries to convince that officer with an arrest warrant that Donald John Trump was a fictitious character and in no way shape or form in uncertain terms supercalifragilisticexpialidocious suspicious, well the Chief could just sign a “Martial Law” declaration into effect. Look, he is halfway to the goal post already with that “Bathroom Border Brawl” emergency in deceptive explosive diarrhea and amending the Posse Comatose Act! Yes, the “Fucking Moron in Chief” has both the “Martial Law” and the 2nd Amendment right to a “Well Regulated Militia” to save his ass, it is the ultimate “Get Out of Jail Free” recommendation. Once Trump declares “Martial Law” all attempts to arrest him would be “frivolous” as the courts cease to exist and by calling to duty his “Militia” - get over it if you own a gun he owns your ass. And remember, once he declares “Martial Law” his posse can arrest you with “guilty” until proven - as the writ of habeas corpus is suspended under the “Martial”. Once enacted, there is no law except what Trump demands as “Law”!  So Donald Jong Trump should declare “Martial Law”, that is my recommendation as the “Grand Wizard of Ozie & Harriot General Counsel at Large”. See, “Martial Law” is the be-best-kept-secret law of the land and the ultimate weapon the 45th has still at his disposal to circumvent any Coup D’efecate against his inbreeding religion of a threesome-treason affair, that indoctrination of his imbecile moeboid hemorrhoids. Threesome, his fling with “Lover Boy” Kim Jong and “Love Joy” Vladismear Putin makes the Three-Stooges look like Apostles. And Trump is starting to shed some light on this so far hidden away subject matter of interest in “Martial Law”, so I wish that Donald “Fucking Moron” Trump would just get it over with and indict himself into the “Hall of Shame” by calling for “No Law” across the land, all for his own protection or for his fascination with a “don’t fence me in”. IMAGINE, “Martial Law” becoming the “Law of the Land”. But I do believe that “Martial Law” based on the “Marler Law” subordinate also finds due diligence observance as part of this “No Man’s Land without Law but with WALL”. See, there are at least a dozen members of Congress that are today reneging on their “sworn duties” and the entire body of Congress turns a “blind eye”. It is a “bi-partisan” dereliction of duty. Look, swallow your pride, as a member in “good standing” cannot perform that job according to Gideon’s bible and at the same time cross-dress like Lucifer - look under the topic of political defrocking for what I mean herein. A member of Congress should not be running for the office of the President. If you want that job, then resign from your “Sworn Constitutional” seat warming cushion job if that interest is above that of “Representation”. But we have made the election circuit a joke and the proof is in the hasty pudding, 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue just ask Sarah Palin her opinion. So there are many Americans that are without “Representation” as their elected wingnuts sabotage the “duty” and spend time thinking they can trump the Trump. And that is wherein the missing “M”, as we learned from Mr. Marler the fact the courts have insisted that “No Taxation without Representation” is also the “Law of this Territory”, but with “Martial Law” and the “court” dissolved through a “non-disclosure”, Trump will start the next long over-due long range Revolution for Democracy’s sake, of survival! Get over it, as it was way long overdue, a spirited correction, we just needed a “Fucking Moron” to lite that fuse and disrupt “Tranquility” as we have been transcendentally transfixed into believing America is in “good” while the wealthy-rich change the laws so as to get “blood out of a turnip seed”, at Miss Liberty’s expense. “We the People All” are under ATTACK by the “Wealth” and must revolt, else we will be but slaves and this divide, help us Founding Fathers!

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