Friday, February 22, 2019

All Aboard Bridges to Nowhere

California has its “Bullet Train” dream, at the same time Alaska has its “Bullshit Train” wet-dream and the common denominator the “dreams”, Uncle Sam ejaculation “welfare”. So Donald Jong Trump has made a “Covfefe Coated M&M’s” point, listen up. Yes M&M’s, like in the candy store Trump has not many options left to keep his ass out of the slammer, M for “Martial Law” and if that doesn’t work give me an M for “Militia”. But this Presidential bone of contention, insisting that California should reimburse Uncle Sam for reneging on the high-speed rail - else he will declare “Martial Law” and send in the “Militia” to rescue Charles Manson’s ransom. OK, why am I “all aboard” for the high-speed rail-man so feel deprived now that the Cali-fornicate bullet will be half-in half-out half baked? See, we have not advanced very far with respect to “Modern-Man”, as we have been sent back eons with this fascination a “Fucking Moron” could impersonate a U.S. President and get away with it for way too long. But it speaks for itself well the resiliency of Democracy under attack by a foreigner. What, isn’t Trump an American? I doubt it, as that finds a disadvantage in taxable income, so offshore it all just like the majority of the 1% hoodlum drifters - those that are NOT affiliated with “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” when it comes to paying out their “fear share” of tax but still like to cast a vote for a “Tax Breaking Tax Cheating Moron”. He got the White House, his wealthy donors got a humongous tax break and all we got was…still a “Lousy Hat” and a deficit out of control. Sad, our children will have to pay it off as “Trust Fund” babies that will never work for a wage pay no taxes either, like father like son! OK, not fare game but how many fucking cars hit the roads in the liberal fruit-loop state? For that matter, have we become addicted to driving like in “Bridges to Nowhere”? But once upon-a-time a guy named Howard Hughes had a brilliant rain-bow vision, that high-speed railway corridors would be the main means of transportation to the centralized East to West Coast air travel hubs. OK, the other day I was at a rest stop and people were overly excited because with mean Joe Green clouds serenading the rain to surrender the California drought and turn the highways into miles and miles of enchanted irrigation ditches, a double rainbow appeared off in the horizon. NO it is NOT two rainbows, some kindergarten kid chimed out while everyone laughed. Then the kid wizard asked all the adults how come the spectrum was reversed - talk about the silent treatment. We did indeed learn it all in kindergarten, unfortunately by the time we get adulterated to test our senses at the voting booth ordained by defrocked fool-hardy Catholic priest perverts, it is like a Royal Albert Hall Hannibal Lecter lobotomy. But with Mr. Hughes’ thought process to modernize man, travel for a majority of back and forth would be by rail, and cars would become obsolete, followed by truck transportation also on the obsolete bandwagon and all the eminent domain arrested away for the highways would be re-purposed for housing the homeless - inroads! But when Hughes was found running around naked in the desert, he was considered presidential and that was the end of his dream. Now this concept of giving back money to the U.S. Treasury, it is a very “navel” idea for a very simple reason. It is like that stuff that is fond of the belly-button cavity - fromunderlings nobody wants. The U.S. Treasury has a one-way door - it taketh then giveth but cannot taketh back - as that would be “double jeopardy”. OK, time to get into the heat of the discussion why the revolving one-way door works wonders and this “No Return” policy stinks. If any hard-working U.S. Taxpayer wants a demonstration into Uncle Sam’s “Welfare Extraordinaire” giveth away policy without a policing policy, just look “North to Alaska” and the Alaska Railroad. Now many “welfare” situations climax as a one-time bank heist, but in the case of the Alaska Railroad it is an ongoing obsession obstruction of financial justice with jaundice. This Casey Jones “Special Addition” was built by Uncle Sam many moons ago when Alaska was still a “Territory”, in efforts to move materials to construct a critical military infrastructure to protect the homeland against Russia. Back in the 50s, many government officials envisioned that someday we would have a sitting president that would become over-friendly and consider giving Alaska back to Putin. Anyway, when Alaskans “defrocked” the Revenue Police and found victory with “No Taxation without Representation”, Uncle Sam said “oh well what’s one more welfare state” and soon Alaska was admitted to the “Union” as the orphaned child. See, this was way before oil was discovered, the real “Black Gold”. And when it came time to sell the railroad because Sam was not in the business to sell rip-off rail seats to tourists, no takers came to the courthouse steps to offer up a bid. So the “State” on its own accord decided to see if it could play Casey Jones and Uncle Sam gave the narrow guage piece of scrap metal away for free. And all was pretty swell until Casey realized that by having derailments it could squander even more welfare $loot$ from the U.S. Treasury, through disaster relief. OK, the Alaska Railroad serves but for a single purpose in life, as a seasonal “Cruise Ship” with steel wheels. And when not ripping off the tourist trade, it functions as a transporter of “coal” to the military bases that sit right alongside the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline? Yes coal, still today for no other reason someone makes $money$ forcing Sam Eagle to shit on the environment some more. And the “Cruise Ship”, it is allowed to skirt the government intent of passenger “affordable” rail “sea to shining sea” in more ways then one. See, the “Board of Directors” of the rail are the owners of the lucrative “Cruise Ship” industry that soaks a tourist’s wallet dry during that once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Alaska. I see it all the time, visitors come to visit the 49er wearing a smile and when they step off that train, rail rage! Possibly the biggest welfare rip-off ever of record, yes the Alaska Railroad owned by a state that sports over a $100-Billion dollar portfolio by virtue it owns 12% of its down-hole oil revenues. For real, Tony the Tiger EXXON shows up and sinks a hole in the ground and takes away 88% of that resource, yes the State got screwed over because it did not know what it was doing when it caved in at such a low-ball offer of approval - it was stupidity! But when a wealthy state with a run-amuck corporation must continue to rely on Uncle Sam welfare, there is something wrong with how we function as a society civil - we condone “theft”! It happens when we let down our guard, the reason the 1% club is gaining popularity and it is entities like the Alaska Railroad that “forward ho” that sleaze in greed. As a matter-in-fact, for my “Advanced Accounting Class” wherein I act as adjunct Professor of Claustrophobia, at the Phineas J. Whoopee Institute of Higher Earnings, for my PHD class students the final test is to decipher an “Annual Report” of choice for the Alaska Railroad. The test challenges the students to determine the ROF index, for Return on Welfare. To differentiate what is “True Profit” verses “welfare” disguised as a bonafide profit designed with the intent to “fool most of the people all of the time” and to “opine” as to why the Chief Engineer has not been incarcerated for skirting the law with the obligation of offering “half fare” for senior citizens! OK, the rail boss does offer a “half fare”, but only in the winter which means you get stuck in places with no food or shelter! See, being a “State of Alaska” Corporation it finds transparency with its “reports”, so the posted annuals are purposely compromised confusing, so regular everyday Alaskans have not a clue how that hoodwinking “Tourist” trap train to Denali is hoodlum-wanking the U.S. Taxpayers. For real, take any of the “Annual Reports”, except don’t try to open 1999, as it contains a stealth like virus that will “derail” your laptop. It crashed my computer and I almost got relief from Sam, but could not convince the G-men that is was a “natural” disaster. But case in point how it works keep it simple Mr. Simon, and because of the downloadable “virus” in the 1999 report, give me the honors. In 1999 the Alaska Railroad had a derailment that sent 120000 gallons of benzene laden toxicity into the salmon rearing streams. It was late December, and like an overnight success, it paid off as FEMA came to the rescue. Now since “half” the operating revenues that in a normal business venture would come from actual performance goals to provide something of worth to another willing to pay for such service, with the Alaska Railroad it comes as a gift from Uncle Sam, as bonafide “free revenue” - no sweat equity involved, no warranty no nothing. Yes, the Alaska Railroad gets a yearly “revenue check” from Uncle Sam for “NOTHING”! It is disguised as a complicated “Grant Formula” to fool the Treasury, but it is applied as “raw” revenue income for something of value still undefined and gives that “Divide by Zero” error in a “spreadsheet”. Along with “NO TAXATION” this gift, as Casey Jones is not a person and with that finds “NO REPRESENTATION” so pulls a “Jack Marler”. Jack who? Alaska’s “Greatest Patriot”! Moving on, when the gasoline was thrown overboard, a proclamation by the governor called it a “natural disaster emergency” which allowed the state to profit some more through the generosity of Ukulele Sam giving Congressmen Don Young the keys to the Treasury safe. Nobody messes around with Don, as his office on Capitol Hill is a museum for head-hunters mounting their bounty hunted. So for year after year wherein the Alaska Railroad showed a break-even write-down to “zero” profit by cleaver-clever tactics to hide-and-seek the government bailout welfare, this one year it enjoyed a “profit” - because of the “derailment”! When in actuality this scrap-iron special treatment has been bankrupt broke for the last 60-years. For real, without this forever bail-bondsmen named Sam, the Alaska Railroad would have found no other option but selling this freeloader for pennies on the dollar as “junk” to Japan. Well god-almighty low and behold let defrocking ring, as due the fact that insurance paid for the “Gold Creek” indictment derailment and chastising the “solution to pollution is dilution” when “green” can cover-up the stench of dead salmon, well what to do with all that FEMA relief that indicated a “profit” for once? But for one individual the answer was clear-cut, this “Gold Creek” derailment became a pot-of-gold. See, there was that anomaly for the year 1999, as the FEMA money became extra $loot$ that could not be returned after the insurer paid its dues, so there was a $12-million buck profit that “blipped” the historical trends for this waste of steel in the profit margins. It stood out like a sore thump, as the manipulations for all other years previous and then all years following, that $loot$ could not find cover and would no doubt be put to good use. Maybe like giving the “Unionized Brothers & Sisters” a bonus? Hey, loopholes are for the wealthy, and when such loopholes have no means to resolve the issue of trying in vain to give back money to Uncle Sam, talk about blasphemy…maybe tyranny! Look, the spirit of the Alaska Railroad skirts the law when under the umbrella of  “government welfare” as in the summertime when teachers are taking a break, without half-fare sharing the burden of expensive train tickets such “sharing” as is required by any Amtrak like rail, teachers must hitch-hike to see the scenes, as the salary doesn’t allow freedom for a seat aboard the Bill Sheffield Benzene Express. Like already alluded upon, the “Tourist” industry dictates this highway robbery, as if “Half Fare” was indeed allowed as it is supposed to be allowed any “rail” that dips into the Uncle Sam purse for funding, tourists would tell the “Princess” to shove their Richie-Rich seat prices to go see a mountain you never see due the cloud cover, bend over some more Alaska Railroad! But guess who is getting “bent over”? Anyway, when the 1999 profit statement was signed sealed and delivered by its partner in collusion the statement preparer, well the CEO who was once-upon-a-time the governor of Alaska until he was impeached, well he decided it was time to call it quits as train-wrecker-in-charge Casey Jones. And his golden handshake, it was based on the previous years profit margin, to reiterate was usually “zero” so any retirement bonus was usually a no-show. But not for the year of the wreck, as FEMA money was sitting there collecting interest, so Bill resigned, and walked away with a hefty bonus courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers. Had there existed a ways and means to return that unused $loot$ to its rightful owner that being the “We the People” taxed, then this kind of corruption would be tamed. Or, in the case of the Alaska Railroad if the “earmarked” money was kept away from the “income” statement - it amounts to abuse of greed. Look, if Trump is upset how California has reneged on the “Bullet Train”, if the Alaska Railroad was investigated for the lingering side effects of a swine flu pandemic, there would be enough “back tracked loot” for all kinds of playful ideas along the “Border” and if the crooks were incarcerated, the forfeiture would build walls and walls and walls. But the intent of Congress, giving back money is UNCONSTITUTIONAL as there does not exist a regimented tribunal to give it back and non-existent for a reason…that it would be sinful to slap the hand that feeds. So there are $billions$ sent to state coffers that is never used for its original intent, used some day but without oversight who knows how others profit. The sad fact, Alaska had a very honorable U.S. Senator that was taken down by the Democrats in power in Alaska, which included the ex-governor Casey Jones. Yes, Ted Stevens was taken down because he forgot to claim a lamp shade as a charitable donation when at the same time the crooks of corruption get away with rape, as likewise with the U.S. Treasury without a return policy, it is rape condoned by the U.S. Congress thinking their kids will find immunity against the pain and suffering of consent. Oh, in ending how in hell did Alaska get to build a “Bridge to Nowhere”? A train wreck without any tracks! So maybe Trump is on to something, this Congressional giveaway, as it is our money not theirs to throw away and that is what Jack Marler taught Alaska. But when statehood ruined things, it invited in the crooks and the Alaska Railroad is living proof some people don’t give a rat’s ass how hard we work for a wage that is taxed and far too often then not, the giveaway is highway robbery rape! The Alaska Railroad operates like something you would see in unfriendly nations like Russia, but remember what Sarah Palin said about that, she can see Putin from her crapper! In ending, a “Test Case In Point” of how the tax swindling has disrupted the intent of taxation, look no further then the Alaska Railroad, it cannot go it alone and instead of getting a helping hand from the state coffers overflowing with “oil buck revenue”, steal the American Dream by raping the U.S. Treasury. We do love “Transparency”…sad enough though, even when we have the evidence the crime continues because we are so weak when it comes to the wealthy controlling our destiny in slavery!

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