Sunday, February 24, 2019

Hitler’s Pedophile-Bile-Perverts

Where have all the young girls gone, long time passing?
Where have all the young girls gone, long time ago?
Where have all the young girls gone?

Hitler’s Lucifer is on the loose - chastity belt sales are on the rise, buy stock! Best barricade the door, as incest rape has been legalized in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee Sweet Land with no Virginity of thee…this is NOT funny and Bill Clinton started it all with “I did not have sex with that wild thing wall flower”. And then the GOP Congress waited it out any applause until a “black man” President arrived and then yelled out “You Lie”. It didn’t matter Bill’s infidelity lie, he may have found recognition as a gentleman-swine with Hillary but he never lost his preferential seat on the “Lolita Express”. Aboard that private jet owned by the “Hitler of Pedophile-Bile-Perverts” and known for galivanting men of power and money to a private island known for sex slave employment for perverted enjoyment. Little Saint James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands where kids lost that “virginity”, forced to bend over and perform for celebrities in a sex-trade charade affiliated with wealth and power. And then there was Donald Trump with his “Access Hollywood” hoes, and the infamous pay-off scam to silence the premature ejaculations because that didn’t count as “spousal abuse” when Melania was rearing a baby named Barron - it was still costly as it fell under the subject of a suspicious character impersonating back-alley activity - hoe jobs in camouflage. So it appears the new norm with those with wealth, just lie your way to freedom or pay to play with underage girls. It is sick, and maybe it is time to re-open the Trans-Allegheny-Lunatic-Asylum as this perversion needs help and those so addicted can sure afford it - so no welfare required. R. Kelley and Robert Kraft, the list goes on this perversion with kids. What happened to the Founding Fathers justice system that cared, when did the “In” get included? And with this “Hot Off the Press” atrocity, this egregious action or inaction upon “justice served” with this hurry-up Alan cover-up Jeffrey Epstein’s habits in child copulation perversion. The “Hitler of Perverts” got away with raping upwards 40-girls in diapers and was allowed but for a bed-pan “plea” bargain basement sale of a lifetime - Jeffrey was friends with Bill and Donald - something stinks like rotting fish with the behind the scenes crime spree the cloak & dagger dangles! But the innocent victims along with the moms and dads that have endured years of pain and suffering, that their daughters were frontal lobotomized assaulted in rape followed by anal sodomy to keep “Lucifer” company, and not told the “Truth”? Is this not what is called “Double Jeopardy” and so approved by one of Trump’s henchmen, Alexander Acosta who sits at the right hand of the “Fucking Moron Idiot” as the Secretary of Labor? If our Founding Fathers were still roaming the “Streets of Liberty”, those responsible for this atrocity would be facing a “stoning” climaxed with a gallows going away party. Maybe we have become too soft, with respect to sentencing. The sad thing, the lawyers behind this claim that “Judge Acosta” didn’t find anything wrong with such a blow-hard “N-berger” sentencing for forced rape and slavery, when all the time the swine flu verdict was clear as daylight. This is what causes a “Revolution”, when preferential treatment sinks our Constitution. But it puts something into perspective, that John Lennon was right on target when he wrote and sang out loud that “Woman is the NIGGER of the World”. Jeffrey Epstein, why he is a free man today while many young girls face obstacles for the rest of their life, fighting the nightmares of getting over the rape, there is something wrong with the justice system it has become perverted. These crimes occurred in the U.S. Virgin Islands, which is part of our sovereignty as a nation strong, gutted by perversion and silenced by $loot$! The wealthy have been given a free-ride, wealth buys freedom from incarceration. So I second the motion put forward by Lennon, and today it is confirmed what James Connolly said upon this same subject matter, that the “female worker is the slave of that slave, aka ”capitalist society aka “NIGGER of the World”. And this outrageousness, this setting the “Hitler of Perversion” free for a sentence that finds “zero” penance - and “black men” still face life without parole for 3-strikes your in? And let us not forget what the once Chairman of the Black Caucus spoke aloud so eloquently without remorse, as the “Truth” is what it is all about:

"If you define ‘nigger’ as someone whose lifestyle is defined by others, whose opportunities are defined by others, whose role in society is defined by other, the good news is that you don’t have to be black to be a nigger in this society. Most people in America are niggers.”

And when the Harvard schooled “Doctors of Jurisprudence” consider it all a big game of “to hell with the outcome” as long as they win and like so in this case wherein poor innocent girls were raped of their virginity, who gives a rat’s ass about Miss Liberty - as she is also on the receiving end of the rape. Here it is, all those that were behind this “injustice” please step forward, as “they’re selling postcards of the hanging” as this tyranny, this treason that halts the wishes of the Founding Fathers U.S. Constitution has indoctrinated “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” onto “Desolation Row”!

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