Sunday, January 6, 2019

Alaska’s Diamond Jack Marler

Alaska’s Diamond Jack Marler” is a documentary produced by MSK Media and promoted through Eagle Rock Press with a scheduled debut in 2019. The opening scene unfolds with a focus on an Alaskan court house in Fairbanks, back in 1956. It is the early spring during late March still cold outside, and a jury seated in a Federal hearing has executed a “hung” verdict and in adjournment as the Brown Kodaks begin flashing a hold on this historic event. With that, Diamond Jack Marler was still a free-man, a pink-faced smile testament to this 7th inning victory! At least so until further notice another jury could be seated and at the prosecution’s discretion continue to challenge that “Mr. Marler nobly chose to risk prison with his battle confronting a No Taxation without Representation defense”, the merits of the trial once again heard and tried before a competent jury. But with a “hung” jury, moving forward was a bad sign for the prosecutor, the United States government. It was known as US v. Marler. And this was a trial that did not lack headline news opportunities across the wild wilderness of Alaska as well as across the contiguous United States of America “sea to shining sea” as it was considered an all-important “Test Case” based on the theory of jurisprudence sovereignty granted the United States with respect to “Income Taxation”. It was also considered a crucial case at a critical juncture this “Territory” purchased from Russia on the cheap, as Alaska was in the mainstream to go from “Territorial” status to statehood. And if Alaska maintained a citizenry base that opposed “Taxation”, many Alaskan “statesmen” pushing the “Union” went scared the negative side effects this trial may produce in efforts to influence Congress and then President Ike to deny “statehood”. No doubt, Alaska became the 49er in 1958 and ten years later the largest North American “oil field” would be discovered on the North Slope. Yet this “Test Case” maintained an interest, for many reasons as the outcome held ramifications that could strain the fundamental elements behind “Taxation”. A win for the government would re-enforce the concept of mandatory 1040 filing “or else”, for purposes of collecting taxation due on income and the consequences for not obeying the IRS code - prison time for delinquent filings! And should this trial produce a loss for the government, it wasn’t supposed to ever happen! The “No Taxation without Representation” goes way back in this nation’s history, likewise with the Boston Tea Party and a civil disobedience orchestrated by American heroes like Samuel Adams to John Hancock, Patrick Henry to Paul Revere to name but a few - no doubt this “Test Case” some many years later was out-of-necessity for the government to win. Yes, Diamond Jack Marler was this new age inductee to the “Sons of Liberty” and with “due process” in effect through the judicial system, the outcome would set precedence. The latter sets the stage for how future court cases will be tried, as “precedence set” finds an addiction and never a concern upon withdrawal symptoms, else the entire judicial system caves in. Due “precedence set” some guilty men have been set free and innocent men have been jailed, so there is no turning back. The reason “precedence set” is a tool many lawyers use as an advantage, it makes things easy as long as the “precedence” sets your client free! So this case was of utmost importance, it had to be a “must win” verdict as the G-men picked Theodore Fulton Stevens to prosecute Mr. Marler when the new jury was seated. Now Jack was a well-groomed Alaskan that before his trial was a “Deputy Collector for the Internal Revenue Service”, so understood the ramifications confronting an individual with willful disregard “Taxation” filing requirements and obligations. Diamond Jack Marler knew what he was up against, but was also a strong willed individual with a conviction - not to forget that after he was fired by the “Revenuers” for challenging the “Revenue Code” with respect to the Founding Fathers’ Constitution, he became the boss out at the TOK Roadhouse - which means you have to be tough like a John Wayne. So Ted Stevens, who would be called upon to represent the U.S. Treasury and the IRS, this was his greatest legal challenge of record as a young lawyer. Ted was good but not good enough as on April 3rd of the same year and still cold outside, the 12-jurors - equal men and women - acquitted Diamond Jack Marler. The unanimous verdict rested its case in fact that Marler had the “Constitutional Right” to not file and pay taxes based on “No Taxation without Representation” and instead of serving time, this outcome is instrumental in a “precedence set” architecture that is being used today by the wealthy to avoid paying taxes! And when well-to-do perpetrators get caught in the act after many years of failing to file, high-priced attorneys familiar with the Diamond Jack Marler “Test Case”, well they will argue the same merits for their clients. It is one of those “best kept secrets”, and for over 60-years never once challenged by the government to the High Court. See, since it has been allowed to settle in as a “precedence set” verdict and was not challenged at delivery in 1956 by the U.S. government, it is like a “statute of limitations” and is today set in Fred Flintstone “bedrock”. Following the trial in favor of Diamond Jack Marler’s philosophy that “No Taxation without Representation” is a permissible defense when actual “Representation” is missing or demented with dereliction, this documentary focuses on a stellar 40-year career for Ted Stevens as a United States Senator, until the same agency he defended - the IRS - ventured down the path of mistreatment on a trumped up charge and the derailment caused Stevens to loose his senate seat. At the time of this affair, Stevens was the Pro Tempore in the Senate, 4th in the Presidential line of succession - needless to say a very powerful man about town. The government instigated over-zealous proceedings against Stevens that portrayed the Alaskan “statesmen” as a corrupt individual and in doing so, the G-men was caught in evidence tampering. Now even though Stevens would be cleared of any wrong-doing, it was too late as not only did Stevens endure castration and verbal abuse from his colleagues - like John McCain - his honorable career was sabotaged to death. In the last inning Stevens was assassinated, while aboard a plane as a passenger on a “private corporate jet” that mysteriously crashed into a mountain over in Aleknagik - in Western Alaska. And this all before a “Special Counsel”, that which was ordered to look into “serious improprieties and criminal allegations by government oversight police”, had finalized a report which found reasonable doubt the charges upon Stevens by the IRS were instigated based upon a “falsehood”. This ruined an honorable man and sad enough, as a few months before his death Barack Obama signed off on a complete cleansing of the “slate” - that Ted Stevens had become a victim. And Stevens was a staunch republican! Ted was the victim of a “sting” and following that period wherein he was lost for words how this could happen in America, he decided to do what was best for his country and was about to spill the beans on many well-to-do that were using the Diamond Jack Marler tactics as a ways and means to claim “No Representation” and avoid paying taxes. And when these tax cheats went caught after many years of not filing, they would end up paying a pittance on what was faithfully due, because the “Revenue Police” were under pressure to “compromise” and thus collecting only a very small percentage of what was actually due based on the tax codes. Said again, the government was not in a mood to challenge the “precedence set” by the Diamond Jack Marler trial and over-time it morphed into a legitimate excuse in exercise for the wealthy to not pay a fair share of what the “middle-class” end up paying. That is what happens when the hourly worker has “taxes” assessed upon payment of wages, unlike the wealthy that pay whenever they damn well feel like it. In ending, it is possible that Donald Trump has used this principle to pay a very low tax rate and the reason his “returns” have been hidden away “still under audit” as it could uncover this “conspiracy” exercised by the wealthy and an individual that is the sitting U.S. President “sworn” to protect the U.S. Constitution. This documentary is designed to uncover what may be the greatest tax theft of our times, and it all started back in 1956 by Diamond Jack Marler with the outcome of his “No Taxation without Representation” self-initiated “Boston Tea Party” march! But back then the intent was “Patriotic” and it appears the “wealthy” may have turned that “precedence set” into a loophole of opportunity to seek even greater wealth.

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