Monday, December 31, 2018

Science Christmas Present

The results are in, from a science experiment performed on Christmas Day which verifies maybe vilifies how the earth is responding to “Global Warming”, that hoax that has fooled Mother Nature. See, with increased heat on Donald’s “heap”, aka the Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia Dynasty, well of course there exists a built-in off course correction upon this “it’s a family affair” erection.  Talk about a bonafide John Boehner “Bonner”, that Mnuchin Munchkin that keeps the U.S. Treasury under sacrificial lion guard has a premature Russian whore ejaculation and his “wealthy” warlords lose 5% of their stolen goods, on a short-trading day the day before Christmas. Merry Shyster Heister is my sentiment! And then on the day after Christmas, the wealthy bastards regained that “plus” because with a government shutdown it is easy to raid the henhouse some more. Life sucks, because of the wealthy taking over. This is not by design the Founding Fathers mindset. But this roller-coaster cooling off of the ingrown WALL Street toenail, maybe this will assist the efforts to ward off this “Global Warming” trend. Look, my 401k plan is not making any $loot$ but is stable, and look where the Stock Market is finding friendly territory - back down to the Obama era “good practices” so 2019 will be a good year for US common folk that have already Made America Great. I have been doing that “Make America Great” for 66-years by now - I work for a living and enjoy life in the middle-class lane. This “Again” thing promoted by the “Fucking Moron” is as tiring as “Treason”! The Richie Rich, that’s wherein it is so wrong today with “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” as we have before us a generation that is spoiled rotten, wherein “Trust Fund” babies will never have to look for gainful employment which means they will never formulate in mindset what it means to be a hard-working American - part of that salt-of-the-earth society that is the “True America”. It is all part of the game plan to ruin the American Dream which is not a FAKE”, but the Fucking Moron uses that “FAKE” as a crutch in a Mobius Strip fashion, so “who’s on first” finds relevance in confusion but we know who got butt raped in Deliverance. I make mention the “Dueling Banjos” because Mitch McConnell…Dear Stephanie Mnuchin; “What’s good is bad what’s bad is good you’ll find out when you reach the top you’re on the bottom…” What best defines the present state of affairs better then Bob Dylan’s “Idiot Wind”? Wow, off tangent this “science” lesson but we are all genuine guinea pigs with this Moronic Distemper affair in the White House. Bottom wine, the earth is on a serious warming trend. And each and everyday built in mechanisms come into play this picture not perfect, trying in vain to restrict and arrest this phenomenon, a solution by dilution upon an ever increasing heat profile. Now the reason Whoopeepie Technology picked Christmas as this “Test Day”, double time for the science staff but due a government shutdown working OT out of the goodness of their hearts. Only kidding, this day is wherein the driving habits of Americans “sea to shining sea” would find a behavioral change deviation - it is about the only day in the year that enjoys a change that can be used as a gage to treatise upon a “Global Warming” theory that is bipartisan without across the aisle bickering. So the experiment based on a theory promoted by Einstein’s host, Phineas J. Whoopee, sounds like this in concept. The major heat source that is cause for concern this “warming trend” is from all the passenger cars that still use “internal combustion” like engines for motive force that which can propel a person weighing 120-pounds down a freeway at 80-MPH. Now a modern “heap” of a car weighs in on average at 4000-pounds so the “Glutton for Punishment” ratio is 0.03, wherein approaching “One” is modern man’s goal. What that means is when the weight of the “heap” equals the “mass of the ass” we have made it over the hump bump on our own. Now take into consideration also the efficiency of our modern chariots, like 30% - which means 70% of the cost of a gallon of gasoline is used to move the heap of armor so we can get to work but is lost as “heat”. So a forward wind tidbit, estimates that by the year 2525 cars will no longer be a major contributor of this “Global Warming”. Maybe, as unfortunately cars are gaining weight, so our efforts for more efficient engines is set-back by more comfortable cushions because we are all getting too fat…you get the point. And “in the year 2525, if man is still alive”. But these horseless carriages heat things up, as that “thermal efficiency” is wasted and that excess frat fat bothers the environment. Now it has been detected that the highway systems pose the greatest threat to this “warming trend”, as the “black top” acts as a “heat sink” and the road worrier source contributes to this latent “heat battery” effect, which stores the wasted heat from the traffic raged war over the 9 to 5 rush. Then at night, with space still in focus the “black top” acts as a reverse sink and tries to handoff that heat and the outer fringe benefits. But equilibrium takes time, so to work out this aggravation over-night when cars are all nestled in their beds - well it doesn’t work on an equal footing basis. Some people sleep with their cars. Now nature tries to offset this fascination of our interest to destroy the earth with this hatred, I meant “heated”. Now when the morning dew wakes up, due the crisscrossing of major byway and highway arteries, the combination of this “black top” heat sink and the night before “Space Odyssey” cooling produces “correction currents”, which surfaces as “excited air currents”. All is designed to throttle away that heat, as likewise a designated driver these air currents act as a “cooling effect mechanism” to supplement the race to space with this extra heat load. But that natural effect effort is sidetracked, as soon enough the morning rush traffic begins and the movement of that 0.03 argues with this natural correction factor and this over-aggressive heat pattern maintains, like an exponential existence which augments an exponential decay upon life for mankind. Look, with this “warming” we are in competition with nature. First priority, save its own butt and even though we are part of that cycle of life, the leading edge says save the “apple trees” because that has comfort in Abe honesty. Or was it a cherry? Praytell don’t panic as there is a solution, but we wasted that opportunity when it was declared that Howard Hugh’s was insane. For real, had we listened to radio engineer Howard instead of radio host Howard, we would not be talking about “Global Warming” as it would not be of concern! So the “Global Warming” is here to stay and there is a reason Donald Jong Trump remains foolish to oppose this heap of heat theory, he would have to restrict our driving habits. Else start a referendum that promotes “mass transportation” which would require a major realignment of cities and neighborhoods would have to be re-designed to accommodate and we would then be subject to less freedoms as we would rely on others and that “we the people” could never tolerate as it sounds like “Socialism”. So playing the Devil’s Advocate, let’s just say it is all a hoax and that experiment that was performed just this past Christmas day without doubt proved the destruction of these surface currents designed by nature to transport this heat away…it is a conspiracy just like with the Stock Market and a make believe currency, over-heated by a “Global” trade war but let’s keep on driving the economy into the heat of passion the wealthy worshipping rules us all as God is Dead!

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