Friday, December 28, 2018

My Christmas Dinner

After the stockings were all hung with care and the peasants all nestled in their lairs the night before Christmas and before Rudolf with his nose so bright, well Donald Trump announced that Santa Clause was a fundamental CNN “Fraudster Fake”. So without further adieu about nothing onto the extravaganza of the day after - Christmas day dinner let’s hope the Moron can’t ruin that also! Hurry, close the blinds and barricade the ice chest. Maybe instead of wrecking havoc on the tranquility of middle-class living he can go cook meatloaf for the “Homeless”! OK, the only exciting thing about Santa’s sidewalk food fair is the gossip gravy that settles down like dandruff, around the passing of the cranberry sauce. Ok, it is not the “sauce” but the excuse to “spike punch” everything and everything with a splash of Bourbon Street straight booze for the day after blues smells like another alcoholics’ anonymous meeting. NOOOOO, don’t do an Uncle Lewis and try to light that stogie Carmichael! Good, made it through that demolition course. So now comes endowed and empowered the desserts, getting attention passed around with its fair share of a booze lick’n. Booze everywhere, like wrapping paper, not needed but an excuse for something to get attention. With this 7th inning stretch in holiday spirits, it means the Supreme Kangaroo Court of “Opinion” begins in earnest in efforts to close out the year with that “opine”. And what can better serve this sentencing then the gift bags that went lost under the mistletoe, now being passed around as a heavy load to give one a hernia for the new year as it is soon to be “Deductible” time all over once again - that screwing over of those of us that eat an apple a day and stay healthy. For real, I pay $2400 buckaroos each year with a $1800 deductible and never exhaust that deductible - so what gives with “Health-Care”? It seems I am subsidizing the un-healthy that way of life by choice pass the dessert tray and go away. And the Doctor says there is something wrong with me because…drum roll please, I have NO Prescription Drug addictions! For real, he wanted to prescribe a placebo with side-effects just so he could benefit from the opioid pandemic. My take, the healthy should receive a “bonus” from Uncle Sam not a penalty that finds an increase year after year - like the incentive to stay healthy is opposite of what the medical “snake oil” industry begs forgiveness with disregard to morality. But this heavy load confronting my guests, as book giving is physically challenging. As so it is mentally bewildering the maddening crowd as this is wherein that un-divided “opinion” finds a true separation church theft and state deafness. To begin with, for real Bill Clinton in collusion with a co-working author? I only caught a glimpse of the title, something like “The President is M…and I assume that “M” was the lead in for the extension of “Masturbating”. Look, “burn” it as any book with this Monica vs. Hillary pervert, just a book in waste disguise already contaminated by Jeffrey Epstein’s fingerprints. For real, waste my privileged time on earth reading about…look behind every Bill Clinton line is “doubt”, as in “I did not have sex with…” because Bill tried to fool us that a “blow-job” isn’t penetration so doesn’t count as a bonafide “sex” act. I can see why the Moron gets jealous of what other presidents have gotten away with, by sidetracking the “Truth” of the matter wherein he has yet to find that advantage point on the Mobius Strip. And I have a new book out, it is called “A Bridge to Nowhere” and Don Young - Congressmen from Alaska - is my co-author. So if you received Bill’s book, do not bother wasting your precious time affixed to another Clinton sensation, use it as a yuletide log to stoke up the heat from that fireplace. And realize that Bill and Hillary are desperate for attention, as he-lost she-lost and too old so afraid to cross that “Bridge to Nowhere” into retirement because they cannot stand each-other forever Amen. Get over it, he was the worst sitting president of my time as he should have been standing at attention during the Monica Christmas hum-job presentation. Which brings me to the second and final book tour that I will allow myself to serenade a debate. And this book also needs that inferno of attention! See, for eight years when we had a U.S. President that cared and sang US “Amazing Grace” as a bonus, we also had his caring spouse Michelle as an everyday benefit “stand by your man” woman with a cause. And then there was the Obama family, and to reiterate a “stand by your family” woman with a cause - for eight whole years 24/7 we were in touch with a genuine 1st Lady Patriot and beautiful, as she was in touch with us wholeheartedly. There was NO fake in this woman! Passion Lady and Black Magic Woman, wow was she so dynamic down to earth American spirited. So like a gang member tattoo, so have I been branded by Michelle’s role model presence something that I will cherish forever and do not have to waste my time reading about who Michelle Obama was during her husbands…well he will be remembered not only as this nation’s 1st “black skin” Commander-in-Chief but the Last Great U.S. President. So burn the books, not needed. But I made my point clear, on this book thing and my guests have fallen into a coma like sleep as when society cannot stand the truth, that genuine Patriots like Michelle do not need to publish to tell us who or what they were when linked to the White House, as that smile tells it all above all. Even today when many 1st Ladies would be laughing at what ended up as Michelle’s replacement - and if you need a book about the present “trespassing” it is called 1st Lady is a Trump Tramp Stamp and the publisher is the Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia Dynasty and all pages “Left Un-intentionally Blank” as there is nothing worth broadcasting in print who or what we have in the White House that which has bitch-bastardized the Oval Office. Nor will it ever again be the same American icon of respect and our only saving grace to regain such respect, well the U.S. Constitution won’t let Barack and Michelle take it over for a retrofit clean up act 707-days over-due in destruction mode and “So this is Christmas” as John Lennon called out. But that “Amazing Grace” philosophy of Barack and also with Michelle lives on…wow and I was part of it for 8-whole years “In My Life” as an American Patriot and No booze required like is the case today!

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