Monday, December 24, 2018

Proud Larry & Loud Larry

Wow, day before Christmas already and time for “Home Alone”. So this morning as I was taking a “Proud Larry” which was a “Loud Larry” because of too much “I Love Beer Like Brett Kavanaugh” out on the town this night before so suffer this morning after…as I was in a sillybacy celebrating mood. See, I never thought for once that I would acquire the “qualifications” as a High Court Jester, but when Brett was sworn in with that “I Love Beer” fascination made all so clear, let the clowns’ circus games begin. But my celebration in “suds” was due the fact that Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts sided with the “Liberal” establishment in an “opine” that struck a blow to the Nixon administration - I mean the Trump infatuation. For real, the first time in history that a Conservative Federalist as “Chief” of the High Court has jumped ship and sided with “witchcraft” - so the Mueller Investigation is not a “Witch Hunt”. Now during my morning sojourn, I was intending on reaching out to the Rex Tillerson “Fucking Moron’s” 1st Lady is a Trump Tramp Stamp for help. Look we will never get rid of that "Rex” influence just like how the EXXON Valdez wreck will never go away! Now I do my “Be Best” when paying tribute to “Larry”. What Larry you say? I don’t know but with all the vacancies in the White House, I am sure a Larry Kudlow will soon enter the “Cesspool”. He’s already there? No doubt, who’s on first is confusing. But damn, since the U.S. Senate under the majority of the Confederacy refused to back Donald Trump’s “slats” because he refused to offer up a “Tax Break” for the middle-class before year’s end, well the “Grinch” finds disrespect amongst the Congress. See, because “We the People” working-class heroes received nothing in the “Tax Shelter” bonus category, Congress allowed the “government” to be shutdown. And with that a furlough of the men & women that keep the lights on at the National Christmas Tree located in President’s Park. It is the first time in history that “Park” may be in the dark and closed for the holidays. This is a National “Disaster” declared “Hear Ye Hear Ye” chants the “Town Crier”. See, some guy seeking notoriety climbed the tree and was trying to replace the star at the top of this sycamore tree with a MAGA hat. Well he wasn’t successful and damaged some of the fixtures and when “Government” closed for the season, the Christmas lights operational status remains in limbo. This is sad, but maybe an indication of things to come and “hello darkness my old friend”! I guess what goes around comes around and since the Moron and the Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Utopia Dynasty enjoys “beheadings”, well so sad that has become a national pastime for ISIS. Yes that faction of evil villain society that the “Moron” finished off - yet that army of mercenaries is still engaged in brutal murders! Like with that journalist Jamal Khashoggi and Scandinavian backpackers in Morocco, all condoned by Jared Kushner - especially when his friend Crown Prince Mohammed bin Laden Salmon of Saudi Arabia was caught eating “braised short ribs of Khashoggi” as meat is off limits to the “Royals” and is considered a sin. So Kushner told the Crown Prince to weather the storm of ridicule and the ISIS beheadings continue. Look, those surrounding the Oval Office have nothing better to do but chant more hate and discontent and can’t even get a damn Christmas Tree fixed, so may as well watch horror movies over popcorn! But this morning, I reached out through “we all Tweet in a Twitter subterranean homesick blues” to the 1st Lady, yes the “Trump Tramp Stamp” of approval, to see if she could get some help with that “Tree”. See, with the “G-men” electricians looking for work the day before Christmas because this “shutdown” could last forever, there aren’t any qualified to fix that “tree”. Now I understand that the “Park” service reached out for help and the NRA responded, with Wayne’s raiders offering to come to the aid of its country men with help and that means sending in Yosemite Sam with guns a’blazin’ saddles and mowing the tree down to splinter like shrapnel. The sentiment put the damn rabid squirrel out of its misery, good-night Irene as “Looney Tunes” has taken over the political scene. Now I am all for the “WALL”, erected around the NRA as that once-upon-a-time American icon of the “old west”, well it has been infiltrated by “Russian Whores” that communicate with the “Trump Tramp” and it is supposed to be an organization surrounding the 2nd Amendment not “vibrating dildo” legislation. Here is my take on the National Christmas Tree disgrace. If those dildos needed servicing…fixed. Now the NRA was an American “spirited” organization at one time in history, until it used membership money to “Kill” the unions. For real, I was a member in Alaska and when my job was trying to go “Union” for the “Union” because the “Teamsters” knew how to build pipelines, the NRA interfered with the Alaskan politics while inbred with “Big Oil” and…well when I see that NRA insignia I spit! Hey, maybe we should ask Vladismear Putin for help in getting that tree lit up before Christmas Eve, as somebody must give a rat’s ass. Then again, boy did we get hoodwinked right before this Christmas. See, the Moron is pulling the troops from Syria, like right today. And that sounds good, but there is an ulterior modus operandi this sudden death “Hail Mary” last quarter bowel movement that was so upsetting to General James Mattis that he puked on his way out of Trump’s office. Yes this move by Malignant Tumor Bone-spurs was explosive diarrhea by this Eunuch-in-Cheeks. See, our troops in boots are soon to enjoy that “coming home” parade - let’s hope the National Christmas Tree is then on display. But our presence abroad fighting ISIS supporting Assad supporting Putin is not going away on the cheap. We will be sending “private contract mercenaries” to cover the weaning period which will take about 15-years. And there is a reason for this “privatization” and it has to do with making humongous profits. See, a “private soldier” costs 3x what an American “private” costs the U.S. Taxpayers for the same damn infantry. But there may be a snitch hitch why “mercenaries” will soon replace the troops in Syria as part of the Moron’s plan no one at the Pentagon was aware with. Back a few months ago, Betsy Devos’ $30-million dollar “Family” yacht was damaged by hurricane Vandalism, and that “party hardy” ship-of-fools needs repair money and Betsy enjoys “blood-money” through her cooperation with the “privatized” wars and at the same time, the National Christmas Tree remains “broke” and this is NOT my America. Merry Christmas, not when the White House has been infiltrated by a Bah Humbug Scumbag like attitude that of a monster madman. IMAGINE, we cannot even get the lights to work on that famed Christmas Tree. See, since the Moron didn’t get to go play at Mar-a-Lago for his family tradition Christmas “bribery” diner, I guess “We the People” suffer some more. And there is a “law” against this cruel and inhumane treatment, it is called the U.S. Congress which is AWOL & MIA this MAGA fascination that is crippling who we were once as a nation strong and together we stand. My “Proud Larry Loud Larry” Christmas Letter this year? Simple Simon, GET F…No, I am wishing Donald John Trump and Family a Merry Christmas”!

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