Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Basement "Date Rape" Tapes

Damn, I didn’t get to listen in on the beginning of Donald Jong Trump’s “Crisis Mismanagement Intervention” prime time speech, as there came an urgency at the stroke of 9PM - a highest of the high-priest’s priority as it was Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash in “Girl from the North Country”. No way was I about to abort that song time for what the Fucking Moron was about to say about nothing of impotence. And by the time Bob and Johnny had finished this serenade, what must be one of the greatest duets in time immemorial, well by this time into Trump’s Moronism 101 it was more like the remnants of a fart lighting contest. What’s that smell, hey be careful with those matches! But here is my Supreme Kangaroo Court “opine” on his “Erectile Dysfunction Crisis”. It boils down to “Brains in the pot, they're beginning to boil - they're dripping with garlic and olive oil”, down to a long stand-your-ground between the ideologies of two individuals - that being Fred Christ Trump and Woody Guthrie. We have finally come to the “crossroads” the final battle between Woody and Old Man Trump. Wherein son Donald is defending what his father cherished, in Fascism. On the opposite, what Woody cherished in liberty from sea to shining sea all walks of life, “this land is my land this land is your land”. Look at it this way, the middle-class is Beach Haven and the wealth of the “Ritzy Richie Rich” has corrupted society. Wealth hoarding selfishness is the evil divider, and “Divided We Fall”! Yes, maybe it is time for a demonstration in Socialism to ring in a new era for “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. But herein is an interview from the wealth side of the equation, that gets the point across what the middle-class is up against with this “Wealth Crisis”:

Interview with Luigi Cronaca Sovversiva of Brooklyn New York, from the Basement "Date Rape" Tapes 2019.

 ~ 1% Double Dipping 1040 Drooling ~

I’m Luigi, a wealthy bigot and proud of it. Proud to be part of that 1% that controls the middle-class peons, almost said penis! One in the same. You know, treat them hourly workers just kind enough so they don’t revolt in protest - nothing more mind you! Throw the dogs a bone! My daddy taught me that, when as kids learning about the “power” of segregation, it makes $money$. The only thing that is a better return-on-investment is WAR - at Halloween I dress as Daddy Warbucks and scare away them frick’n candy begging kids. Want candy, just go buy it, or steal a handful from the corner store - that’s what we did when young hoodlums. See how fast Mr. Trump changed his tune to bring home the troops from Syria, he finally was told how much he makes on the sidelines in them there ISIS killing fields. I know Donald, he was that little kid down the block, always hanging on to brother Fred’s shirt-tails. I was a landlord at 7-years old, we had these apartments over in Beach Haven neighborhood and received government assistance but refused to rent to them colored folk, as we could collect more money from better paid white folks. The best part of my job was nailing an eviction notice to the door of a family that couldn’t pay up. Give the dogs a bone and kick them out on the street. I liked hearing little kids without a home crying out loud. Too bad “Debtor’s Prison” was outlawed, we will get it back one of these days and that will end all this homeless crap. That was another great thing, the “privatization” of prisons and 3-strikes you’re in for life. I own $millions$ in “prison stock” so the more crime on the street the better and good thing we have a drug problem, from that opioid stuff that comes from the harmaceutical corporations, as all that heroin and marijuana stuff just wasn’t cutting it in the money makers market - we didn’t have control of that “weed” drug distribution, different story today. I own $millions$ in the pill companies - more addiction is my sentiment, and more crime from the scum poor so keep up the gruesome work. More WAR! And sure with “Affordable Housing” we were breaking the “spirit of the law” designed to help the poor get a roof over their heads, who gave a rat’s ass. And if Fred Trump was doing it, my dad was in on it also. Fred was like the village patriarch, he ruled. Dad broke the law, he didn’t care as $money$ supports this thing not found in the Constitution called “bribery”, with the officials that are supposed to uphold the laws. We had this “negro maid”, my dad would come home “whiskey’d up” after a “clan” hanging and throw change on the floor and make her get on hands and knees to pick it up and lick it clean - as a tip! His theory they were germs to begin with so what’s a little more germ lick’n and we white men have been whipping that races’ ass since the Confederates won amnesty and the foolish Colonists gave us back our right to citizenship! Amazing that Mitch McConnell is the head of the Senate, “hush” money is so powerful and “glory be” the “Confederacy” is growing! The next “Civil War” will find the poor folk in the back of the bus where they belong. I remember in my youth this guy called Woody, he made this song about Donald’s father called “Old Man Trump”. We used the lyrics posted in the playgrounds as a dart board. He sang like a drunk vagrant and that Bob Dylan clown tried to replicate the sound of that down and out hobo. My political party affiliation is “Independent” - because Confederates are not recognized - used only as a “front” like in “lobotomy” as  the saying grows “Half of the people can be part right all of the time when some of the people can be all right part of the time but all of the people can't be all right all of the time”, Abraham Lincoln said that and “I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in your dreams”, that Dylan joked about that and “most of the people can be fooled most of the time and the rest bribed in fool adultery”, I said that! I’ll let you get in a few lines, but I’m rich so get to go first. Now due the fact I have clothes drawers over-flowing with $cash$ because today I hedge fun your 401k investment and reaped the benefits of over inflated “stock values” with “penny smart pound foolish” gambling - I meant “Trading” - well I can contribute $millions$ in campaign contributions. That’s how I make my loot, gambling with your hard-earned money. No, not talking campaign funny money for that crappie “penny foolish” contribution and its tax deductions, as only fools rush in that rip-off. Talk about “pound foolish” and “poor foolish”, only fools pay taxes! And I claim my residency “nearshore” and “offshore” and “onshore” and the “Revenuers” cannot keep up with my “domicile”, as the intent is to not have bonafide “Representation” in Congress. I get what I need through changing legislation that I purchase through under-handed bribes. See, what is “Good” for that “We the People” bull-crap is not what “We the 1% Wealthy” see as “good”, so we buy our “Representation” after the votes are in. Now because we always send campaign donations to the “underdog”, because the “bribes” get us what we need regardless of who or what political party is at the wheel of the middle-classes’ misfortune, well we really can cry foul and invoke the privilege under “No Taxation without Representation”. I have used this “Jake Marler” law-of-the-land for over 75-years, and for sure, the IRS always gets its man but at a reduced payback. See, I only file once every eight years as that is the tipping point wherein the “revenuers” have exhausted all means to reach-out and time to commence action. And then my lawyer offers the “Revenuers” this thing called an “Offer in Compromise” wherein the only thing that is “compromised” is the willingness for the U.S. Treasury to collect what is due, bending over for “pennies on the dollar” in a pound-foolish manner. See, this “Offer in Compromise” was designed for the middle-class, but like anything that comes from Uncle Sam with “good intent”, we wealthy bastards can find a loophole “what is good for the goose is good for a truce”. Ha Ha, maybe I should become a “poet” as the IRS sure has enough “clowns”! But when my attorney gets those nasty letters from the IRS cop, we claim the “Jack Marler”, as my campaign contributions are entered as exculpatory evidence that I have “No Representation” as none of the politicians I supported won an office seat. My financial adviser figures all this out and my tax on income over the past 60-years, well it is a well-kept secret but that damn Exhell work-sheet always claims that “divide by zero error”. But there is never a return, as that would be high-way robbery. Just claim “No Representation” and let the lawyers do the rest. “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, the more money physically and that is what America is all about, but only a few can enjoy this benefit as we inherited this selfishness from our astounding fathers. That Founding Fathers BS, have it your way but it won’t make you rich. And that patriotic BS, same thing. Constitution, just a bunch of words about nothing. If you like being poor, like being in that middle-class that has to stand in line for everything, then embrace all that Founding Fathers Patriotic Constitutional stuff you learn in school. And while most of the peon penis class embraces that lost-cause, then we rich can take it all away. I don’t know if I can take my wealth to Heaven, sure going to try then bribe that God thing. Your turn over my explosive diarrhea of the mouth, but you asked for it. Hey, got a match as I feel a fart coming through and it is about the only thing I would share with a peon!

~ The End ~
NOT the END, just the Beginning of a Woody Revival!

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