Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Mr. Clean’s Separation of State

“Mr. Clean will clean your whole house and everything that’s in it”. Talk about a “cleaning” job did you see that Vince McMahon WWE showdown slapdown between Donald Jong Trump and the “rabid skunk”, it was broadcast live from the Oval Office as a “no holds barred” tag-team Rikishi Stinkface extravaganza. And no “pay per view” necessary, free fun flicks courtesy the White House! Trump is losing hair, as during the Russian Collusion Campaign when he appeared to show the base boss he means business by meeting the “Boogeyman”, well he is defiantly falling down on the job he promised. Maybe he has lost his magic touch crutch, drooping boobs by his side no longer serenade his draft dodging agenda. “Rabid Skunk”, isn’t it interesting that following this “Apprentice Live” that Nancy Pelosi thinks Trump is a skunk with a tiny dick, all those in agreement say Aye! Wow, what the hell is all that racket like uproar drowning out “Lock Her Up”? See, the distinguished senile senior Congressmen from Alaska - yes the same guy that held House Speaker John Boehner at knifepoint in the Congressional crapper because seniority rules the can so Boehner retired and became the “Phantom Crapper” and found a better place to do the business - well Don Young accused his colleague on the other side-of-the-aisle Pelosi of being a “rabid skunk with gnashing teeth running up and down the halls of Congress”. Now how in hell did Don get that knife blade with an Alaskan walrus penis bone handle - called Ossik - past the security metal detector? Oh, sex toys are not prohibited, so not confiscated from the Congressional chamber maids. And in another 22-days, guess who will be 3rd inline the presidential succession plan but Miss Nancy! I bet old Don Young will be careful with that “skunk” attitude from now on! Don’t laugh, as Nancy Pelosi may be this nation’s first lady bird president on a temporary basis as it is falling down all around the Moron. Question, if Trump does get the freedom away from incarceration to run again, if a write-in vote designates “Moron” will it count?  I don’t know if the Moron will get jail time, as there is a whole lot of pressure to run him and the entire Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Dynasty out of town - yes it falls under the auspices of “deportation” and the entire corrupt clan deserves that kind of exit stage right going away party. Now what gets me about that spectacular “showdown” on the world stage between the x-Miss Skunk and the newly elected skunk with a teeny-weany was the fact that Mr. Clean remained so cool, calm and collected. Like he was enjoying this total meltdown between high ranking high rollers the epitome of whom this nation employs in its leadership roles! And with Mr. Clean’s “Chief of Staph Infection” Nick Ayers saying no to the job promotion to replace the Moron’s “Staph Infection” Chief John Kelly, trouble ahead…trouble behind? But there is something going down wherein maybe we have missed the gravy train special addition addiction. Like a calm before the storm with all the Helter-chaos and Skelter-commotion this “rabid skunk diplomacy” bombards us with on a daily basis and maybe our sights set on the wrong target of interest. Nick Ayers has an almost perfect record, accept when he was busted in 2006 for crooked driving habits, admitted “Yes Mr. Lawman I know Jack Daniels” then failed the field sobriety test and refused to take the “official” Brett Kavanaugh “I Love Beer” test and thus was faced with a DUI “implied consent violation” that was later calmed down to a reckless driving show and tell…wait just a minute as in 2010, Ayers was named as one of Time’s 40 most influential people in politics under the age of 40? But something isn’t right beyond that preferential treatment, and I believe it is Mike “Mr. Clean” Pence that is purposely causing all this White House “chaos” turmoil in efforts to spoil, as it is the only way he will ever get to sit in that Presidential chair. It is a perfectly deployed gamble, so far so good. Pence has his sights set on confiscating that “chair” for a reason, “bless me father for I have…” or was it “I have sinned against you, and I beg your forgiveness…. My sin was done in secret, and God has said to me, ‘I will do what I do before the whole world’…. I have sinned against you, my Lord, and I would ask that your precious blood would wash and cleanse every stain until it is in the seas of God’s forgetfulness, never to be remembered against me, any more.” OK, that was Pentecostal Evangelist Jimmy Bakker Swaggart, but somebody with that “evangelical” inkling is causing the Trump ship to sink in its own cesspool swamp for a reason. It is a “coup d’etat” going on right before our very own eyes, ears, nose hairs and belly button lint. Yes, Pence is behind it all, trying to oust Trump and placing the blame on the Hillary from Russia with love affair. This is the “True Collusion” and of course it is “Treason”, as it amounts to aid and comfort to the enemy. That enemy being the destruction of our Founding Fathers’ Democracy by religion! And why so would someone want to destroy the cornerstone of “Liberty”, because this is a “Zealous Religious Rebellion” and the time is ripe for such a castration as there can be but for a single “cornerstone” the conviction, so comes a mandate to destroy the  “state” so that the separation between  “church and state” is no longer required and “Religion” becomes this nation’s sovereignty. Look, the U.S. Presidency is today a thing of the past, it will never ever again be the same and I am glad that “My President sang Amazing Grace” on his way out of Dodge. That said, with the presidency in ruins it allows for new stuff to be made up by the Senate that may bring “Religion” back into the udder, and the GOP “majority rules” still owns that Congressional power and Pence resides over that body! Pence’s evangelical “culture of corruption and compromise” rules the Senate, which has been infiltrated by a “Confederate” mindset so is poised to destroy “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and its Democracy. This religion fantasy that wishes to take over and replace that Democracy, if Pence is successful it will be a right that belongs to the “white man face race”. There will once again be preferential treatment back seat pews, LGBT rights will be contested then arrested and abortions…pinch yourselves, as this is what is unfolding and Democracy is losing out. Pinch again until it sets in and hurts, as “We the People” are in a WAR here in the “Homeland”, the battle of the almighty has begun against this “Separation” clause that once ruled our Constitutional fortitude. It is almost to the point of no return. Trump is toast, he will either resign or be impeached - all part of this Pence aligned with the evangelical beings Helter-Skelter plan. Most likely Mr. Moron will throw in the towel and say the hell with it all, and all will remain calm as Pence takes over because Trump’s self-inflicted “liberal hatred haters” will see this as an ultimate win and while taking that victory lap, Hail Mary help us! If those against Trump are successful in his ouster, that is when your work begins so best be prepared! Martial Law ring a bell of concern? Look, as people frolic in the streets in celebration the removal of Donald Jong Trump - either through a “volunteer of America” stepping aside or forced entry by John Lawman with cufflinks - and the “white supremacy” is called to action in protest, it will require Pence to call for “Martial Law”, and once it is enacted no telling how long it will last before we recover our rights of assembly freedom. But rest assured that 1st Amendment Right will be placed in a holding pattern as the plan of attack this destruction in “separation” furthers its existence to destroy Democracy - as we have known and loved it for so long. Good things come to an end, wise men say! That is why Ayers has moved on, as Pence’s plan needs foot soldiers and it appears that Pence realizes his momentum and is preparing for the next phase of this “separation” destruction plan of attack. History tells us this was to happen, someday, as for the past 40-years there have come forward advocates within the mega-churchoholic ministries challenging this nation’s sovereignty. Adamant that there is not a “Constitutional legal reasoning” separation of church from state and only a separation of state from church - so the destruction began in earnest and is about to come to fruition. Pence has planned this out all his adult life and we may not be able to stop this “Train” bound for…holy shit not Glory! Arrest him? It’s religion so finds way too many Constitutional exemptions, as the Founding Fathers gave such freedom towards religion in realization there should never come a Trump & Pence ticket takeover as “We the People” should have more smarts then to get ourselves in such a predicament. Look, when you have a separation between church and state that is today one-sided and because of that Founding Father’s treatise of leaving religious worship alone and that god cannot be bothered with taxation and droves of worshippers forking over $billions$ in hard earned income as “donations”, of course they want something in return, and that is coming at a price we will soon pay. Democracy is supposed to be a two-way street, that is no longer the case today and Mike “Mr. Clean” Pence is cleaning house and the harsh like chemicals in use are rapidly disintegrating this “state of affairs”. And even though cleaning chemicals are bad for the environment, it doesn’t matter as the goal is to separate forever the state away from church by destroying this “state”! It looks so “Mr. Clean”, it must be good as god! Trump is toast as he knows what’s in store for the 45th and Pence has aided and abetted the targeting of a sitting duck, all for a FAKE god! And remember what John Lennon taught us about GOD: “God is a concept by which we measure our pain.” And for the religions of today, their god is a concept by which parishioners measure their wealth and that god is “Dead” and so sad to say soon the same with “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” DEMOCRACY! In ending, at least I was able to enjoy that Democracy our war-torn fathers fought for and for some 66-years by now, an understanding the true meaning of “separation of church and state” AMEN!

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