Friday, December 14, 2018

What’s Cooking - Smells Human!

Trendsetting, to indicate my knowledge of this “setting”, I thought it was a two-word wonder until Phineas J. Whoopee went on the defense for Webster. I’m just as bad with my spelling as is Donald Trump, no big deal as my eraser comes in handy and I don’t lie. Do not we have anything better to do then to harass spelling-bee Morons? Look, Richie Rich kids get “A” grades, even if never in attendance and then get into the most prodigious of higher education institutes then take over everything. Money reeks but speaks and seeks to cheat. I am a proud “Patriotic American” because I have worked for a living, something many punks will never find ownership or bragging rights upon as many jobs today have no allegiance to who we are as a nation strong - and this is a bipartisan realization, no party affiliation required. My sentiment: “Uncle San wants you, get a real job”! And low and behold, it isn’t just in the apparel appetite wherein this “Trend Setting” finds significance in social circles those that can afford - for real that much for a pair of socks used to soak up toe-jam? Do these imitation American jobs pay that much? But back to the subject of “Trend Setting”, I find it interesting how the media continues to use the Stock Market still in a roller-coaster mood to grasp what is happening in the economic “Big ‘Uns” picture show. And of course there are indications of an “all hell broke out” trade-war with a cause and effect result upon this Casey Jones revival “Make America Great Again” sometimes veering out of control. Look, we cannot compete with cheap labor found in other nations! On a comparison basis, the “minimum wage” would have to increase by 93% to be competitive and that has already been ruled out by the “Wealthy No Class”. Don’t panic yet, praytell just a smoke-screen to what is really going on in the “privacy” of board rooms across the street from Wall Street - the Bowery Boys back alley bookie joints frequented by the “Hedge Fund” and expensive hookers. But the DOW “Trend Setting” paints a picture don’t it that is very interesting - at least so in my book the past year of interest. I have been involved in “Trend Setting” my entire work career, but not with fashionable socks, but using the “trends” in control theory. Say what…like in making gasoline or delivering power over the grid so you can boil water for coffee. Trends are the friend to those that are responsible to safely operate such facilities, ranging from power plants to pipelines, and it is the “Trend” that monitors the stability which aligns safety. Now in efforts to achieve this “stability” a system must be properly tuned, that is wherein the “Setting” comes into play, else all kinds of weird things can happen. Like for instance gasoline becoming rubbing alcohol. Remember “flubber”, that was a chemical process that went out-of-control and the result was a hit for years until kids started getting rashes and it was recalled. That was back in the early 60s, when control systems found a tendency to boil over, as it was an “analog world” with serious limitations to safety. Today, it is all digital with all kinds of safety controls so “Flubber” will never again be discovered unless you dig deep under Mr. Hasbro’s estate. OK, you learned it all in kindergarten that the frequency of electricity that which flows current through the heating coils of that “Instant Pot” oscillates at 60-cycles per second. Try counting that fast…and that cell phone and wireless stuff that surrounds us from here to eternity? How about 40-million times faster then that boiling water current, and yes we are surrounded by super-high-frequency stray currents like being entombed in a micro-wave oven - I feel that heat contributing to global warming and every time someone else’s phone “pings” to disrupt my peace and quiet, I feel the cattle prod. Entirely different subject time to turn on the air conditioner but to all those “global warming” advocates, please turn off your phones! OK, we are all part of this new age “Flubber” scientific experiment with dancing molecules invading our peace and quiet zones. But there exists certain aspects used by a trained-eye in efforts to determine the stability of a system - is it out-of-control? Tuning takes into account the entire cause and effect relationship that can affect this “stability”. So this theory - mathematical in nature - can also be used to establish whether or not the “Market” is reacting out-of-control, pinpoint what the controlling mechanism is and monitor for “stability”. Throw a few “learning” algorithms into the mix and it can act as a predictor of sorts, answering the “what if” of many scenarios. This “Trend Setting” allows an opportunity for intervention, like to engage the brakes on a locomotive on steroids, either automatically or through a manual takeover - like a “coup”! What is different about the Stock Market trends of today - since Trump started the trade war - it appears the up and downs are not through “unknowns” associated with a tariff battle plan against China’s Xi, but rather a desired response for a pay-per-view manipulation. In a nutshell, this manipulation is but for a single opportunity, to make money and it’s time to get blood out of that turnip seed. And it is the main reason today so few middle-class Americans enjoy this “Market” extravaganza to make a little dough-re-me, instead we here “brother can you spare a dime” more and more, as this “money honey” is today reserved for the wealthy that will make even more wealth such control. Think about it, with major stock options on the “trade” a few pennies here a few more there by this manipulation and the reason Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross can stay asleep on his job all day long, it adds up to $millions$ - to those that can entertain this manipulation. Penny stock? On January 25th in 2018, this manipulation was launched and started taking shape when Net Neutrality was unleashed - as to have a “market” that is manipulated to suck the profits dry requires “bullying” over the wireless network for instant gratification trading. And it is all through high-speed computers, that most common fold do not have at their disposal to take advantage of this pirating. Believe it, as “Hedge Fund” joints have the best in technology with “servers” and high-speed communications “sea to shining sea” with newly installed “fiber optic” transmission lines. So when I look at the “Trend Setting” and analyze this “Stock” by the use of a Cray-Super-Duper-Doppler-Computer up in Alaska, well when the area under the curve is calculated and using Newton’s “Zero Root” to backtrack, it dials in that the market today is manipulated and money is being made with the ups and downs through rapid sell-off and buying - something IRAs and 401Ks have not the ability to enjoy. Is this a bad thing? You’ll find out when your teenager gets a rejection letter from that university because someone was allowed to buy his or her way through the application process and wouldn’t know a rake from a shovel.

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