Tuesday, December 11, 2018

There Is No Aim

“Life’s just a game, you fly a paper plane, there is no aim…there is no end”. Words of advice and advise from the scene of Thunderclap’s “Accidents”? Seems so, as every damn day for the past year or so, I wake with morning after sickness. “Too nauseate” finds a willingness to invade patience my daily-bread sleep-in hangover, ten beers a day keeps the Kavanaugh Supreme Court blues away. Wow, maybe time to “coin” a new word for this afterbirth remains called the U.S. Senate that gives not a rat’s ass the sovereignty of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. As how in hell did the “Confederacy” take over? Did not we take away that friction faction’s “citizenship” after Lee Gohmert Gowdy lost the Civil WAR along with the practitioners of “Treason”? Praytell what, we gave it back so they could again vote their “Deliverance” dominatrix back into office then allow destruction upon the U.S. Presidency - just so they could again try to further that anti-suffrage segregationists’ agenda that “all men and women are not created equal”. Why the color of a man’s skin matters, for Heaven’s sake shake it off Mr. Bigotry. But besides a re-awakening of Jim Crow with the present leadership in the U.S. Senate, bend over again squeal like a pig is all we get from that branch of Congress as it is diseased, or NAUSENATE fits their bill of rejected goods! I can smell the sweat grip of the “noose” becoming a reality, as the stench of death stronger with each passing day! And look what Mitch McConnell is doing to this nation with the entire GOP Congress still dressed up as if “Trick or Treat” it’s Halloween never ended, dressed in unison as “Turncoats” on a stage of rebellious delusion! Mitch will be banned from the history books, those without adult supervision. The only hope we as individuals have at our disposal to act against this aggression of a Confederacy, we should all STOP paying taxes on our income, just like the sitting president Donald Jong Trump and really bring “government” to a screeching halt. I have reason to believe Trump pays no such taxes on his tricky-dick business income, that taxation which is used to embrace our “Democracy” at any expense. But our tax burden is not being spent to favor “Patriotism” but being lavished on a moral decay delicacy. NO, not a spelling trip with “Jong” as this Moron in the White House…it will never be the same place of worship upon our Founding Fathers’ Democracy as we are definitely under a “Constitutional Crisis” shot across the bow warning. Maybe it is time we consider “razing” the White House to get rid of the filth that has so illegitimately occupied this precious dwelling, while patron whores track in dog shit and leaving behind used toilet paper, through the same hallways that many a great men once walked. Yes “crisis” and I would say the 7th inning stretch by now. Not much time left before Fascism, take it or leave it but no room “to leave” and a new “privatized prison” will soon be coming to our neighborhoods, called “Debtor’s Prison”. This nation is going broke, and the middle-class will shoulder the burden with blame and be taxed to hell - or that prison! Look around you, listen up and into the world-wide tensions in fear, as it is trying to tell us a “beware”! Something we didn’t have to worry about under Barack Obama. Yet today so intense it rattles the walls and is a precipice for WWIII, it is Armageddon like scary. Not that “tensions” were missing-in-action while “My President sang Amazing Grace”, but the 44th managed our nation’s treacherous affairs on the world stage out-of-sight and out-of-mind so we could go about our normal “Patriotic” business routines of enjoying that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Remember, nuclear destruction is but for a football away and it is so scary the individual that grips that fool’s ball and always in a gripe road rage! And that “trinity” of happiness is being forfeited today, because the Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” FOXcopulation Syncopia Dynasty and his 1st Lady is a Trump Tramp, this monster doesn’t believe in Democracy - which includes sharing our nation’s inalienable right of inherited wealth for all. How in hell the “wealthy” have advanced so far ahead of the crowd, only politics is too blame. And it is the “wealthy” to blame, that is what will bring down this nation, as the divide between the have and the have nots is widening. The salt of the earth hard working middle class proletariats will not stand for it much longer. But as soon as we start to assemble for peaceful protest…it will never be peaceful as we are beyond any negotiating stage. So with word getting out on the streets “this land is your land this land is my land sea to shining sea” of our intention to take back our “Democracy”, Jong Trump would establish “Martial Law”. But I doubt all states would shove its National Guard brigades out into the streets to protect His Majesty’s Dragon Fascism. This “Constitutional Crisis” is being felt by all walks of life and there is already a “coup d’etat” gaining momentum in the inner workings of our government. In actuality it started in earnest on January 20th, 2017, when newly elected Donald John Trump lied to the Supreme Court’s Chief Justice John Roberts while taking the “Presidential Oath” for that office. Since then, it has been a crazed “Union” and the rest of the world laughs not with us but…more like cries can be heard from abroad. Russia has been placed on “High Alert”, as even Putin is afraid of what Jong Trump may do when push comes to shove and he is rat holed - so this “Constitutional Crisis” is bleeding out loud a world crisis, and if that prevails it will start WWIII. Get over it, we are less than 1-minute away from such a tragedy with the “Doomsday Clock” so sad. But we have a faction before us that still has time and hopefully the gallwithall to act to silence this failure sitting in the Oval Office. John Kelly is still the White House “Chief of Staff” for the president, a Marine Corp General and was born in Boston - the latter retains a spirit of Patriotism forever so I cherish a Sam Adams’ faith forward. And with Mad Dog Mattis still hanging around, another Marine Corp General that owns the “Pentagon” maybe both men adamant that they will not let down their own oaths as these men are “military men” of honor. Sworn not to Trump but to “righteousness” and have done all they can to reign in the disaster of this 45th having no damn idea what he is doing, except out to destroy this nation’s sovereignty for a buck! So “I’m IN” with this “coup”, so should you and must call out for this uprising NOW, before it is too late and Trump fires either one of these men that can demonstrate a willingness to go out on a limb to save our nation. This is not a partisan “witch hunt”, but a bipartisan resurrection to halt this Jong Trump insurrection. I am game, and if a “Coup” takes shape the Founding Fathers can be rest assured I will be there on the front lines to protect Miss Liberty against the Trump tyranny. We should not fear but embrace this “OORAH” takeover, yet if we hear not this takeover, well the sad fact remains that “A Few Good Men” was but a movie and maybe “You can’t Stand the Truth” a realization that some men do not inherit the honor. A “Coup d’etat” against the Donald Jong Trump leprosy is all I wish for Christmas and because of my health, today is a fine day to see it through and I am ready and willing with Draft Pick #1 to come to the aid of my countrymen in uniform ousting this evil dysentery dynasty that has taken over our “Democracy”. And so this is Christmas and maybe by this time next year, a John Lennon Merry Xmas will be my rejoicing with our WAR over with and WWIII still a no show. It is all up to this nation, we refuse the Confederacy or we kill our Democracy, the noose is loose!

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