Thursday, November 1, 2018

Little Rascal You!

I was feelin' so bad,
I asked my family doctor just what I had,
I said, "Doctor, (Doctor)
Mr. M.D., (Doctor)
Now can you tell me, tell me, tell me,
What's ailin' me?" (Doctor)
He said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Yes, indeed, all you really need…

Dammit this aging process, as I started having that…forgot what I was going to cook! It will come back soon and be meaningful, just give it a little time tender loving care for that brain chemistry to wake up the Wilbur “Dead Man Walking” Ross in me. Someday, you will understand this dilemma. Imagine we pay this guy as the Secretary of Commerce to perform nothing but show us what it means to be asleep at the wheel of fortune and keep one’s job? The White House tried a “You’re Fired”, but due the fact Wilbur is always asleep, how can you terminate one without the possibility of a discharge lawsuit if you were never upfront with a worker? And age is a factor in any termination proceeding, as are medical issues. So just let “The King of Bankruptcy” sleep it off and collect that $207800 Johnny “come-lately” Paycheck. Not bad for zzzing and not seeing the economy lobotomy that will soon make double-ply TP fashionable only for the 10% wealth-in-torture crowd.  As with the “peon-class” of righteous citizens, it means a crowd-share of single-ply get used to “stink-finger”! But Doctor Harold Bornstein, what’s ailing me? No, I do not suffer from erotic erectile dysfunction like Donald Jong Trump. Nor do I suffer from all those ugly sounding things that are advertised in “Senior Surfing Magazine”, within Annette Funicello is still featured as a center-fold in a one-piece WOW! I am talking hoarse those aliments that are excruciatingly difficult to normalize in a vocabulary meaningful and each prescription medication having 3-pages in fine print explaining the side effects! Those you didn’t have but will have, like growing an extra penis from your knee, another nose please no thanks as it stinks enough from that White House cesspool stench that can be smelled 4000-miles away in Alaska! And when aged, weird stuff grows without the assistance of designer pills - nose hair, ear hair and toenail hair and what the fuck is that thing that wasn’t there yesterday? It’s alive, but kill it or not? I carry, a Boy Scout knife that is, for reason these body snatching monsters that come alive over-night in strange places of one’s body need attention. Now I have a firm belief that “We the Union of Patriotic People Divided” are not this “Unhealthy”, physical body odor wise I am talking about. Pill here, pill there, pill for everywhere, but for why? With respect to “mind-game” legislation by a “Do Nothing” Congress, we are all going insane with the scientific opinion that the race to space is stalled because we cannot get anywhere fast strapped to a bottle rocket. See, Congress knew this 50-years ago and has spent so much money that the deficit is now being blamed on “poor folks”! We actually pay members of Congress for this kind of crap relief? Be better off if they followed Wilbur as a role model, just sleep off the hangover! Anyway “I Don’t Care DO U” that come of age we start to find a castration of “memory” functionality a reality, as the brain chemistry wants to retire. But I have come up with a solution that is working, one that uses Simple Simon non-medicinal and affordable by the “poor folk” that have “bankrupt” the U.S. Treasury due the massive welfare “Tax Break” allowed by the sitting Moron-in-Chief. Why in hell did Trump give it all away to thum “poor folk” poke salad Annie?  But it doesn’t take much, this simple exercise each “morning after pill” as you sip your coffee and maybe another dose during the day, at happy hour but before the “booze” kicks in. It goes like this: (T°F - 32) x 5 ÷ 9 = I swear that the evidence that I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me GodYes, this simple formula exercised without a pen, pencil or slide-rule don’t forget dildo - I banned anything that required a battery when I retired - it does wonders to keep the mind fit, it is mind stimulating medicine free-of-charge. So each morning, check the outdoor temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and convert it to Mr. Centigrade without the aid of any “Welfare”, mind over matter as it is about the only thing we have in common these days with Canada, because of the “Trade Wars”. And with respect to that “grade” with “centi”, it means we have been sent to the back of the human endeavor line by 100-years because we did not learn it all in kindergarten when it comes to respect for the poor and elderly.

The Exorcism Extortion Execution Exercise Example: Here we go make up my mind it is 70 degrees F outside! 70 minus 32, that’s easy as pie hi 38 how are you today! And 38 times 5, that’s easy still as 5 times 8 equals 40, remember the zero in your mind and carry the 4 and that same 5 times 3 gives a 15 plus the carry of 4 ends up 19 which has that zero follower for 190 which is now divided by 9. So far so good not bad! Now Phineas J. Whoopee suggests trying 2 to extort the truth, that works with 1 leftover associated with the trailing zero. Well done as the exorcism execution rests its case with that remaining 10 divided by 9, easy as “1” again and the combination of the first with second quota results in a 21! OK, it could have been formulated with that 38 divided by 9 for an easy 4 approximation multiplied by that once upon a time “dividend” of 5 for a “Result of Division” of 20 for Mr. Trudeau good enough for government work. Talk about that “Result of Division” I guess when the “Trade War” finds the Energizer Bunny on empty and those calculators loose that digital brain power, as least we can still talk turkey with Canada when it comes to the weather. That said, my manual calculator says it’s good enough for today’s skinny-dipping lesson and we end up with 20.5 on average for Mr. Centigrade times up! And this method of madness allows for a very accurate answer, as when one compares the temperature whence using mercury thermometers, there is always a bias. Had to throw in that “mercury”, as that was also a thing of the past to remind just how far we have come, can’t say advanced, in this digital age. Wasn’t that fun, like when we were first learning to mind our “Ps & Qs” during that 1st grade history lesson, when we learned about the “Result of Division”, we FALL! But that mathematical exorcism was a whole lot of work, and my reward now it’s Happy Hour as this I remember with ease as a precious priority of life with Riley!

We're playing those mind games together
Pushing the barriers planting seeds
Playing the mind guerrilla
Chanting the Mantra peace on earth
We all been playing those mind games forever
Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil
Doing the mind guerrilla
Some call it magic the search for the grail
(from John Lennon Gospel)

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