Wednesday, October 31, 2018

White Lightning Refugee

It is “Torture”, the inhumane kind outlawed by the Geneva Convention, with Donald Jong Trump’s mass like murderous Motif Operandi, especially with this “Caravan” craze troop deployment. Look, the last time a sitting president tried that option we ended up with “Four Dead in Ohio”. Trump’s  “we all Tweet in a Twitter submarine” rage today, Tilt-10 on the 3rd Reichter Scale. Sending our military troops to protect Supreme Court Jester Antonin Scalia’s resting place is beyond…isn’t there a conspiracy theory that when Scalia passed away in his sleep down there at Jiggalow Creek Ranch only 20-miles from “refugee alley” that his body was never returned? Some believe Scalia’s last will & testament stipulated - without any undue influence - to rest in peace close to the border with Mexico because he knew some day that “Caravan” would show up and “Opine Season”! OK, sending troops to “Be Afraid” condemn asylum seeking moms with kids is not a “Be Best” 1st Lady attribute. But it is expected and today routine abuse, Moron doesn’t get along with a Melania, we see it in the body language and in the body language. I bet they have no intimacy, especially while Devin Nunes is camped out under the chastity belt bed in the Dead-End wing of the White House - where the whores and crooks have back-door access. But I just talked with a family that were part of that “Caravan” and have landed safely in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. They just arrived, so are hitting the “Big Lot” with a sign that says “Help”, and it was amazing grace the handouts from strangers - and this is “Conservative America” in Northern California wherein a carry license is not an option but mandatory! Yes, not so close to Devin Nunes’ country but we can smell his pigsty GOP Femdom Freedom Caucus bad-breathing the Democrats. Look, not all conservatives support this Trump maggot! So, a refugee family from that “Caravan” Trump is determined to destroy, safe right here in the “Homeland” so I went interested in how in hell they got here so fast - like “white lightning” fueled immigration. See, they came by way of boat, “Michael row the boat ashore, Hallelujah and the trumpets sound in jubilee”. First and foremost, the husband spoke very good English and was an electrician by trade. The kids wore hand-me-down Halloween costumes and were well mannered. They wanted to be “electricians” like their dad when they grow up in America, made that point clear! The mom was shy, but a smile worth all the tea in China. Is this what the F’n Moron Idiot is against? And yes, there exists “pirating” on the high seas and it is Russia that is behind it, in cahoots with Mexico. It is government sponsored refugee aiding and abetting, the more the better is my sentiment if we are getting electricians and families that stick together. It works like this according to my source. Large fishing trawlers accommodate upwards 50-extra passengers, refugees seeking asylum in America. The Mexican people are struggling cash-poor hard enough for their own basic needs, so don’t want the refugees and best if they are transported to a safer haven, which means a trek along the Pacific Ocean corridor wherein in time they will offload to a Russian fishing trawler - factory sized - which will then head up the coast of Canada with a rendezvous point in Alaska and when an American fishing trawler from Alaska is within S.O.S., the refugee crew is offloaded due a “taking on water” excuse from капитан Nikita Khrushchev. This is how the law works on the high seas, help does exactly that. Now the refugees are encamped on Captain Jack’s boat headed for shore, the refugees get to set foot on American soil, way up “North to Alaska”. True story. Now Alaska welcomes refugees in with open arms? Yes, the state that is known for its Lone Ranger Congressman Don Young’s description of Nancy Pelosi as a “Rabid skunk with gnashing teeth” is very friendly to asylum seeking families. Those “Bridges to Nowhere” seem to bridge the refugees with new hope! And why so this friendly “welcome aboard” for asylum seeking humans? Because, with a limited jobs market and winter that lasts way too long, refugees leave town in a hurry. Yes, they say land ahoy but it’s too damn cold here and head toward the Canadian border. And Alaska is an expensive place to just hang out, another deterrent factor that helps refugees make up their mind pretty soon and head out of Dodge - and there is only one way out! Now Canadians are also very friendly to those wanting to claim they are seeking asylum in “AMERICA” and help there is abundant for the brothers & sisters and kids in tow, by fast tracking them through Canada and with a porous Canada crosswalk U.S. border, “We’re In”. That’s what the front page of the Anchorage Daily Times sported in 1959 when Alaska went from a territory to a state, something to be proud upon let’s have a celebration let’s have a parade. So even though Trump wants to build a WALL, forget it as there are many other avenues already being pursued by refugee seeking families - yes families that are a part of what Ellis Island is all about, families that will pay their fair share of tax on income as they are hard workers so will indeed get gainful employment and that makes them 100-times better qualified to be an America then that Melania and her pack of rats! Put that in your peace pipe and toke it Mr. F’n Moron Idiot, better yet go fishing on one of those Russian trawlers and when “taking on water”, maybe that rescue ship will be out of reach of an S.O.S. praise the lord! In the meantime, refugees entering Don Young’s kingdom, welcome aboard your “North to Alaska” adventures and rest assured, things will work out as “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” is still our national anthem. FUCK DONALD TRUMP, will one day be blood, sweat and tears stained on Miss Liberty, for refugees that earned their keep and helped make American Great some more! And Trump, maybe if you understood the difference between “legal vs. illegal” immigration than maybe you would have a conscious case against that “Caravan”. And if you are having a tough time trying to decipher the “illegal” side of the argument, just look that Melania in the eyes, I rest my case. God Bless America!

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