Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Regards to Beauregard

Donald John Trump is NOT stupid! Donald Jong Trump is insane. Stupid finds a calculated risk excuse reconciliation, no strings attached. Insane is a serious “mind-set” condition so has non-reversible side-effects, as a precaution straight-jacket attached. Stupidity can be resolved with “we learned it all in kindergarten” sentencing penance. Insane needs incarceration at institutes of higher medication. Ok, Ronald Raegan closed the likes of the “Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylums” and then many went homeless and their only hope at a future was in politics. Don’t ask me to self-authenticate this “opine” assessment, just passing on an observation made by Harvard’s renowned and very own Dr. Jekyll, Henry Murray. Henry who? Ted Kaczynski’s hero father fraternity figure! OK, to Simple Simon “simplify”, Trump is a “Trojan Horse” so appears insane from the outside but it is the inner circle that finds stupidity - Psycho Henry calls it “cognitive dissonance”. Regardless, not a good combination as something will give. Now it appears that this “monster” that sits in the White House, wherein the welcome mat sports not a greeting but a warning of - “someone painted April Fools in big black letters on the Dead-End sign” - he pays no attention to the Founding Fathers Constitution. And I am sure with his FOXcopulation Syncopia inferiority complex, that he never read aloud this “Great Emancipator” of Democracy. Get over it, he was too busy either evicting poor-to-do “black folk” from those Beach Haven ghettos owned by Fred Christ Trump or in Donald’s later years too busy with “bone spurs” to find an interest in what was contained in Article II - Powers of the Presidency. But not to fret this regret, he indeed found an understanding behind the Founding Facelift of Fascism and that factions “Constipation Constitution”, as “We the People Patriots” are getting shat upon. Donald’s upbringing was with Fascism, and KKK sympathizing through parades - the reason he wants a march - designed to harass our troops marching peacefully during a Memorial Day celebration! OK, it appears that there are “Patriots” on both sides of the isle, just because you voted for this “insane” doesn’t mean - hold that thought yes it does, just as insane. Maybe as a right to vote we should be tested as to what the Constitution challenges with respect to Life, Liberty and that pursuit to Happiness. I would place a wage that if you polled Trump’s base and asked a Simple Simon question, say for example what is Jefferson Sessions III’s middle-namesnake, they would balk. Mommy and daddy Sessions named their son after a famous Confederate general, a family name handed down for 3-generations of safekeeping in celebration of the Confederacy! But ask that same base what Rikishi Stinkface is all about and what Wrestlemania version “Trump meets the Boogeyman” won honors, they would be all so excited that they could answer that question with ease. Time to vote! But now Trump wants to circumcise the U.S. Constitution to exclude citizenship naturalization for anybody born in “This land is your land, this land is my land” sea to shining sea, those that are the offspring of “illegal immigrants”. That would then disallow “chain migration” which is the only reason Melania Trump and her family can this day live comfortably in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” with shame. Be it known with scorn that they too were immigrants and somehow Melania was allowed “accelerated” citizenship, which is usually reserved for immigrants that are of age and make a conscious sacrifice to enlist in the military and go off to war like in Iraq and when tour of duty is up with an honorable discharge are offered “citizenship”. Do the time, get ahead of the line on Uncle Sam’s dime! I never saw Melania in military fatigues, did you? She doesn’t care what I think DO U? All “Patriotic Americans” should care, else Democracy is under attack a “Constitutional Crisis” is at hand can we survive this Trump holocaust. So when Donald signs an Executive Order that castrates the Constitution, I hope he words it such that constitutional scholars can sift through the “order’s” intent and find reason to deport Melania. The flamboyant “filth” that has taken over decency in the White House, with the Trump Tower Dysentery “Green Stool” Dynasty hijacking is mind-boggling, because Donald Jong Trump is insane. But this tearing apart of Democracy, this gnawing away at the framework of the Constitution, it is allowed by the “Silent Majority” while Mitch McConnell and his cohorts in shame condone the mindset of the Confederacy resurrected. Abe Lincoln, who kicked Robert E. Lee’s gonads, as sitting U.S. President orchestrated “Martial Law” into effect in efforts that beer drinking Colonists an “allegiance to the flag of the United States” could arrest and hang the Confederate “Turncoats” during the “Great Beauregard Retreat”. But instead we gave the treasonous brats a second chance, and even though Robert E. Lee was allowed his citizenship back pardon me - through an act of Congress well after his funeral - we caved into those death-bed wishes that same guy that commanded the death of thousands of “Patriotic Americans” that heard that call of the “Union” and went to war against the Confederate insurgency. So, we see wherein Trump is exercising his “insanism” by deploying troops to the border - that is the first step towards Martial Law. Remember, he has a war plan as did Hitler have a plan even if through insane reasoning. If “brain cloning” is possible, maybe Donald ended up with Hitler’s single cell amoeba. But That “Silent Majority” along with that Republican Femdom Freedom Caucus, that silence is based on the fact it condones the destruction of Democracy, as that is the only way a “Confederacy” can take over. And a single dent in the Constitution without Congressional approval - we have NOT a Congress that gives a rat’s ass. Soon, there will be laws against “Free Speech” as that is the insane one’s personal vendetta in which he attacks the 1st Amendment Right on a daily basis - through his “FAKE NEWS MEDIA” criteria. Soon we may see an Executive Order that requires all news to be censured through censorship by Kellyanne Conway before release. At the same time, you will be required to carry a gun and be an enlisted devotee in Donald Jong Trump’s “Well Regulated Militia” in efforts to “love it or leave it”, Fascism over Americanism. The “Revolution” has begun, it is a smorgasmbord of Fascism, Nationalism, Counterfeit-Confederatism and when combined gives us Portnoy’s Complaint on Clockwork Orange steroids. And when push comes to shove and Democracy is dead take it or leave this Hitler “Kiss My Ass Club”, I refuse to wipe that filthy asshole and will proudly rest my case, rest my last breath in the noose of the gallows of Fascism in due respect to who we were at one time as a nation without such a decisive division. Dīvide et imperā, it means “Conquer by Dividing”, listen up it is happening right now! And with my last breath of air as I spit blood with sweat with tears and phlegm upon those of the Confederacy the looks of a Mitch McConnell with an expression of Putin’s dildo ramming hard and away up his Confederate anal ego, chalk another win up for Miss Liberty over the Miscarriage of this Confederacy - wherein “Live Free or Die & Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” finds new meaning! I am ready, read my Last Will and Testament of Democracy. And in my Braveheart dying days for my country, remember that song from the Great General Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama, as my President sang Amazing Grace - how sweet the sound!

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