Wednesday, October 24, 2018

White Bird Must Fly

The other morning still pitch dark, before the dawn of civilization witnessed once again that light at the end of the tunnel of desire has not been extinguished and the lingering glow may be indicative of a nuclear war heading our way from all directions, I witnessed an “angel” about the ether. Just what I needed to start my day off, no caffeine rush involved. OK, it was a Great White Egret out and about the freedom on high before the commencement of the hustle and bustle from chaos still promoted by the human sacrificial scam endeavor - to get nowhere fast. And when we finally get to that promised land on layaway, Saudi Arabian “knights in white satin” welcome us with the butcher’s salute. In this day come of age, swords being used to crop-chop decent dissenting individuals that practice an obligation being vocal - a.k.a. exercising one’s 1st Amendment Right to challenge authority. Pinch me, it is 2018 not the 10th century. Look, that “privilege” is “God Given Driven”, else cut out our tongues! “White bird must fly, or she will die. The sunsets come, the sunsets go”. It is a Beautiful Day on my horizon she told me so. Yes, we are “gravied” in chaos that has already an epitaph enchanting that destiny’s child “grave”. And technology once good is promoting this “chaos”, not the intent as it could be a good thing in liberation I meant moderation, yet it is out-of-control and proves that Ted Kaczynski’s mathematical genius “Boundary Theory” had limitations. And has this “Flat Earth” technology proved its worth to help us conquer our fears? Yes “Flat Earth” as those cell phones are consistently getting dimensionally confusing, length x width x weight almost need a guitar strap to keep it “linked” because it is more then just ordinary 3 in 1 oil. Just start carrying around a TV glued to a laptop glued to a lobotomy dildo presto! And do you really think there is still security over unwanted “eavesdropping” your intimate conversations? “In the morning when I wake up and listen to the sound, of the birds outside on the roof. I try to ignore what the paper says and I try not to read all the news.” Thanks Neil! But with the backdrop of deep dark space my savior, with only stardust reflections an indication that star-nations all over this Universe have been finished, this “angel” appeared as just that. Dream is over, this was “Reality”. It was at first take very eerie like, this ghost like presence appearing so suddenly out of the blue. Ok, the blue-wave for today was on the way. It was dark out, so the White Bird stood in dominance like, well an “Angel” - assisted on this stage by the reflection from the new moon acting as a beacon of hope. But I never crave any claim to an “eerie” sensation when looking up through the “heavens” towards an unending wealth in that Universal domain we think we understand. Do you really think we will ever “go where no man has gone before” sitting on a firecracker? Or aboard a Space-X rich men only bottle-rocket? Space travel was popular when it first arrived on the scene, became an interest new. “You had me several years ago-When I was still quite naïve-Well, you said that we made such a pretty pair-And that you would never leave-But you gave away the things you loved-And one of them was me-I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee-Clouds in my coffee, and” Simon says and we were so naïve! Now what, as we are still stuck working with “gravity”, stubborn mass and speed of travel so slow that we are old before we get anywhere in space. There must exist a higher order, call it god, or add an extra “o” and call it “good”. Now when I look out and about this “good” given ether, I do not see any semblance of “chaos”, or lingering “cluster fluster” as would be expected if indeed the “Big Bang” went tired of being politically correct with a “Black Hole”. One does not work without the other’s perversion permission. It just does not add up, that there was nothing but a “lump of coal” and then it blew its cool and the Universe came to be and today the fallout allows Brits to call black plane passengers “Black Ugly Bastards” and get away with it. Take UK off my wish list. But what’s up with the proverbial “prove it” with this “Big Bang”! They cannot, and never will. To reiterate, I have witnessed zero “chaos” in the night or morning skies indicative of some humongous explosion that “created” it all and that observation is 24172-days in the making - please “chaos” make my day! And many scientists that have made a well-to-do career with “Fake” multiple-orgasms over this nothing-burger “Banger”, they will remain silent and continue to waste $money$ on “Hard-on” super-colliders that still proves “snake oil” can be sold when ignorance is bliss. Black Elk, an honored with reverence Lakota Sioux worrier, when he looked up at the night sky it warranted respect with a prayer. “The star nations all over the universe you have finished”. And of course without the slightest hesitation to give credit wherein credit is due the “Creator” finished this job at hand, so this respect comes from the heart and soul. The “Creator” did not give us a bomb scare to contend with - there exists no evidence I rest my case - please “cease & desist” any recovery efforts this maddening crowd share theory. But now with Stephen Hawking’s new claim to scientific fame instilling more pain, that “There is No God”? Hawking’s died, but his voice still promotes a following in the same arena as the Jade Helm conspiracy. Another disgruntled dissertation from an individual that had no right ruining…

But Stephen, “I'll bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You've never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling; seen that. And look at you... I don't see an intelligent, confident man... I see a cocky, scared shitless kid. But you're a genius. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. But you presume to know everything about god and you ripped his fucking life apart.” Thank you Sean. Don’t I miss Mr. Williams. Hey Robin, please give Hawking’s a “winky”!

Many will disagree with me, as Hawking found his celebrity with sobriety, the latter in the context what in hell are they drinking - in believing this “hoax”? Hawking rests in peace, you fans and followers can now renounce your inner Satan, it is OK. Said again, this “theory” of a “Big Bang” cannot be proved. Now don’t take my word for it, ask the Nobel Prize steering committee that which nominates individuals brilliant in the sciences, especially “physics”. Just because something sounds good, too good to be true sometimes resurrects that “blow me down” and results in a change in the direction of the mainsail. Hawking never won that coveted award, because there came concern from some scientists that the “Big Bang Black Hole” theory held serious flaws and that one day, those that have been hiding behind the truth would practice “honesty is the best policy” and step out of line and “God forgive me for what I have done”. It is time to retreat. In efforts to persuade ourselves that the theory of Hawking and others held a good intent potential, but with over a hundred years gone away since it was first conceived along with the excuse man had not the mathematical genius armed with only a slide-rule to “zero root” qualify this theory about “Creation” as credibil, well today we have that technology yet not the vision to admit defeat. And of course super-computers have been tested to deliver a NAY or AYE the possibility the Creator is a “Unabomber” in disguise. There was no “chaos” from the “Creation”, if there was it would still be seen and felt as a nasty disposition lingering side effect consistent with a malnutrition malfunction, it’s quiet up in the “Heaven” of space! And the ether is getting more and more stable each and every passing day, which means we need to align ourselves to a new theory behind “Creation” that is not just a foolish excuse for a “lump of coal” pissed that it only gained favor at Christmas. And that theory may already be coming our way, but the old guard that stands behind the fromunder rigor-mortis of man’s greatest of scams in the “Hoax” category must be willing to move out of the way, else we continue that journey of one-step forward and did not we pass that same point today some 100-years ago? So yes, there is a readily available replacement to the “Big Bang Black Hole” that in the words of famed negotiator Phineas J. Whoopee, it works and makes sense. Here we go! The “Creation of the Universe” theory by a 9-year old Russian immigrant that lives in Alaska finds the answers, that this “Big Bang” was not loud - but for a serenade that allowed angels to guide us through the night. I have read and fully understand this theory proposed by Amlev Yelknid, so do my kindergarten friends as even Big Bird gets it. So, I would bet that with Hawking now embracing the “heavens” even though he said “there is no god”, that he has seen and witnessed first-hand the lovely physics behind “Creation” and maybe he would like to retract what he said about a non-existent super hero. But that cannot happen, so we live with denial until such time we come to our senses and feel not embarrassed to call a hoax a hoax. In the meantime, morning is breaking another dawn is waking the birds, they sing praise another day and the only commotion from shrapnel attacks is with those of us that don’t believe in “Creation”.

Hey hey! hey hey! hey hey! hey hey!
Grandfather, Great Spirit, you have been always,
and before you no one has been.
There is no other one to pray to but you.
You yourself, everything that you see,
everything that has been made by you.
The star nations all over the universe you have finished.
The four quarters of the earth you have finished.
The day, and in that day, everything you have finished.
Grandfather, Great Spirit, lean close to the earth
that you may hear the voice I send.
You towards where the sun goes down, behold me;
Thunder Beings, behold me!
You where the White Giant lives in power, behold me!
You where the sun shines continually,
whence come the day-break star and the day, behold me!
You where the summer lives, behold me!
You in the depths of the heavens, an eagle of power, behold!
And you, Mother Earth, the only Mother,
you who have shown mercy to your children.
Hear me, four quarters of the world -- a relative I am!
Give me the strength to walk the soft earth, a relative to all that is!
Give me the eyes to see and the strength to understand,
that I may be like you.
With your power only can I face the winds.
Great Spirit, Great Spirit, my Grandfather, all over the earth
the faces of living things are all alike.
With tenderness have these come up out of the ground.
Look upon these faces of children without number
and with children in their arms,
that they may face the winds
and walk the good road to the day of quiet.
This is my prayer; hear me!
The voice I have sent is weak,
yet with earnestness I have sent it.
Hear me!
It is finished. Hetchetu aloh!

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