Monday, October 22, 2018

My Constitution

The U.S. Constitution is a cherished document worth fighting for, death only do us part, a gift for Democracy from the Founding Fathers. It has been in effect for 230-years, to serve well the framework of life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness - which defines that Democracy. But this scared document is under attack, and that is a dangerous proposition for freedom. So maybe this attack is due the complication of this composition on Democracy, that we have not yet a grasp as to what it all means, in practice. So here is my take on what is embedded in that gift from the Founding Fathers, an abridged rendition what it means in a nutshell:

“Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall”

That simple, take it or leave it well enough alone! And if you have a tough time understanding my take on this subject matter so few words, then words of advise from our Founders, “Love it or Leave it” should be taken seriously. We are so divided as a nation, as a Congress, as humanitarians, as brothers and sisters one in the same that if we do not get our act together, this Great Emancipator “with liberty and justice for all” is doomed towards no-return destruction. That line above, all it takes to truly “Make America Patriotic Again”.

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