Saturday, November 3, 2018

WMD = Weaponized Money

We have become an “appoholic” society, drenched in a bizarre addiction. That “must have” aggravation, bigger a nuisance and better a nuisance “flat phone” craving with “apps” like the “Flat Earth Society” rules destiny! Every addiction is a nuisance, mutually speaking! And evolution may reward us with bigger hands, which means bigger “flat” screens to carry around. Can’t wait until the next generation phone finds at “no additional charge” a built-in docking station for a 3-D bullet launcher and a MAGA dildo re-charger. And “I’m so glad, I’m glad, I’m glad, I’m glad” for “Net-Neutrality” so that “give me link or give me death” wish is what we are all about as a society once humane. We are linked, best it doesn’t wink out! Yet this lackadaisical landscape of hi-tech gitmo-gadgets we think we want, this fascination may become the precipice a downfall our romancing the stone of Democracy, upon which modern day civilization under a “Union” once anchored itself with stewardship - to hold tight, ride out any Confederate storming. The other day I ran into a wall, at a local Starbucks. The line was humongous ahead of me and soon to be behind me. I just want a damn cup of coffee! As many others in a hurry - for real - opted for those “Designer” drinks that takes more than a simple pour - maybe a barista recipe degree from a leading institute of higher learning for higher earnings and I am still yearning for a caffeine fix. And when I finally reached the counter with my flip-flop phone on outdated revision 151, “I don’t have an app”! Pardon me, how much for a cup of mud that was on auto-brew 6-hours ago? That’s 100 times what it costs me to stay home. Really, people were looking at me like I had just been released from ADX Florence and had fallen out of touch with “Deliverance” incarcerated a spell as Ted Kaczynski’s roommate. Look, Henry David Thoreau also lived in a “cabin” and entertained us with philosophical poetic justice. With Ted, some say it was pathetic justice. An app here app there, probably need that "app" to die with dignity - get to the Pearly Gates and the gatekeeper demands port-of-entry “app” please and if you didn’t download it when you were still in good standing still alive, no turning back do not pass go, straight to the end of that Starbuck’s line! Trump wants a parade, I need a song: “I don't feel safe in this world no more ~ I don't want to die in a nuclear war ~ I want to sail away to a distant shore ~ And make like an Appman ~ I'm an Appman, I'm an App Appman ~ No, I'm an Appman.” Look, I will be the first in line to admit the merits of “technology”, as I was involved in the forefront the birth of this Gates & Wozniac Valley “smog” Revolution, when trying to make electronic “whoopee” cushions working out of my magic-mushroom infested garage. But time for a stop-gap measure clarification. Donald Jong Trump is not telling little “White House” lie 5237 plus 1 when he admits that he tries to tell the truth, as the “Truth in FOXcopulation Syncopia” statement sometimes must stretch the truth. No different, just like with that “Truth in Lending” statement from your bank that is always a lie with added charges to that mortgage of interest, so what a 30-year payoff takes an additional 5-years with hard labor. But Trump is being honest, as telling the truth in the digital age, it ain’t easy. See, the “Silicone Boobs Technology” shift occurred when the 2-bit “highball and lowball” invasion compromised accuracy all things considered, when this digital started to compete with the almighty “analog”. We still live in an “analog world”, when it comes to seeing what’s out there with respect to how we measure things. Say for instance the temperature of mash in the brewing cycle - it is an analog device that responds to changes in temperature and soon enough that data is hijacked by a circuit that uses hocus-pocus to discriminate a continuous variable into a two-state variable - so accuracy is lost. See, the “least tears regression” conversion results in sitting on the right hand of the father, or on the left - choir boy verses Lucifer’s miscarriage.  But it is not an exact science, the reason true “Hey Joe” musicians despise the “digital” scene as it is not authenticated and…the reason Congressmen Joe Wilson yelled out Barack Obama was a liar during a “State of the Union” after “My president sang Amazing Grace”, as the song was being “all in harmony” digitized so that little white lie thing all over again. Authentically speaking, “I shall not tell a lie Obama” is what I remember so true about this “My Country ‘Tis of Commander-in-Thee” and the 44th’s Patriotism never to be shadowed. Now we enter the “Highlight Zone” and get back to business why this subject matter was titled “Weaponized Money" for destruction, a form of WMD like those nasty “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. This time around, destruction deployed in a ways and means that is stealth like and scary! The Center for Transmittable Disease & Contraband, also known in the inner circle of friends as the CDC, that entity wanted to have financial banking from sea to shining sea post a “WARNING:ALERT” at its ATM robots with sound blast horns and electric shock to alert the public this nuisance. For the sole reason that which acknowledged our money supply is being compromised with this no-cure “Zinke” virus. But in the end, the “White House” called in the “Little White Lie” witch-doctor who decided it would cause a run-off election and told the CDC it would not demand being honest to inform, to forewarn imminent threats to charitable donations made with cash. See, North Korea along with Portnoy Putin, these rogue nations have been working with transmittable diseases and most likely understand the chemistry behind the cure - so wants to hold this nation hostage. If Kim Jon bUNghole doesn’t get his “Lover’s Lane” way with Donald Trump, we will see this plan of destruction engaging our everyday affairs. It used to be the threat of a “dirty bomb”, today replaced with a money laundering scheme that could wreck-havoc the Capitalistic rendezvous perversion purse-strings. So the money gets contaminated by this “Zinke”, people start dying after handling cash and soon ATMs are shutdown like overnight and everybody must then turn to plastic. Banks are under “quarantine”, so commerce becomes a “no cash” allowed basis. Nobody handles cash, and for a few days everything seems to be adjusting, just long lines forming longer than that what was fashionably found at a Starbucks, because the “link” is on over-drive. And then it hits, the “appman” takes down the “link-up infrastructure” and now what? Can’t use cash, can’t find that “app” and bank accounts are not accessible on-line. We are under attack. Our money system is contaminated and all the money is soon burnt by the authority-having-jurisdiction the Commander-in-Thief, before an accurate accounting of what went up in smoke! Which crashes “civility” because commerce has come to a halt and the deficit…the Stock Market remains closed and this nation comes to a screeching halt. And if an outsider has the cure, that person holds the keys to our future - where “Give Me…fuck the “appman” as America will never stoop to Donald Jong Trump’s “Lover Boy” Kim Jong or that “Dildo Sugar Daddy”, Portnoy Putin. This is NOT a FAKE, it is NOT a JOKE. Handle that money with "kid glove" CAUTION!

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