Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Total Disruption the Only Solution!

The way Donald Jong Trump continues to “disrupt” the tranquility of Democracy, is it a “Good Thing”? Time will tell, but for sure the political quagmire will never be the same as it is on “chaos” overload. And the “Perils of Pauline” this political rebellion, possibly due the “divide” between the left vs. the right? Remember what the Founding Fathers warned: “Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall”. And it is Congress to blame for the shortcomings against “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and Democracy. Now many will say not far enough my discretionary dissertation to point a middle finger at the United States Congress, that with the trickle down “We the People” voters are to blame because it is our desire who gets to shat on that oath of office.  “I, Alfred E. Neuman, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me Stephen Hawking.”  OK, the ending used to call on “so help me God” and was cherished since 1862, until Hawking proved that God was killed in the “Big Bang”. But for 200 years plus a few days, we had always placed our mainsail thrust in a bipartisan relationship with that Constitutional body called Congress - a.k.a. TRUST! But when we let down our Constitutional guard and let a Confederate sneak in and wreck-havoc on Miss Liberty, well Mitch McConnell would have been hanged if it were 1865! “Oh move over Rover and let Jimi take over” you know what I’m talking about as it is louder today then Hendrix’s “Star Spangled Banner” encore at Woodstock. Look, Max Yasgur’s Farm became an historic “disrupter” that proved its worth in the “Good Thing” category. It changed the landscape, both socially and politically and gave us a better nation in sovereignty. So, maybe this nation was due for another off-course correction course revival. Shake it up good, wait for the pieces to say hey and see what is left - what is the fallout? Holy shit, the EXXON Valdez just hit “Bligh Reef” head on full speed ahead! Let’s hope never a repeat. And let’s hope this is not what is happening to Democracy under a liar’s fool. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me”!  America is very resilient, and for the most part if this Trump Tower Dysentery Green Stool Dynasty change proves to be NOT a “Good Thing”, then “give me your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” as we can change things that disgrace Democracy. If ever incarcerated against change, we have entered the no return FOXcopulation Syncopia Complex no-spin zone that is the tunnel of love for Fascism. IMAGINE if Fuhrer Melania demanded loyalty, and “give me liberty or give me death” was transposed as “Fascism Only” or that death wish comes true. And wait there is more, for real Congress wants to bring back “Debtor’s Prison”? We are inferior, mistakes are made throughout life and our survival mechanism kicks in to fix things. For some, that instinct is very inferior and relies on telling lies. See, it is easy to tell lies and we learned it all in kindergarten that lying is not socially acceptable. And for the most part, we leave “lying” behind at graduation. But not so for a faction that relies on lies to gain an advantage in life, as if lies work then keep up the good work. And it is not only in politics wherein we find this “inferiority” complex that finds a need for a shakeup - in the science of things. But The inferior complexity of humans finds its most demanding error in the treatise thesis that supports the “Big Bang” & “Black Hole” theory. That still unproven unsubstantiated “FAKE” reasoning has worn out its welcome. Almost a hundred years gone bye, $billions$ of dollars spent on Hard-on Super Colliders - that prove nothing except man is inferior. But many have made it a lifetime career chasing this notion that “all that matters” was contained in a very dense booger under heat and then somebody picked the nose - it is the ultimate in that “nothing burger” category. At least with Donald Jong Trump, he does not hesitate to lie upon a lie. He doesn’t hide the fact that this liar’s fool has made it through life with the same Motif Operandi, that a lie pays off! So this theory that there was nothing then something, it does not compute. When I look up at the morning or nighttime sky, there is no indication nor fragments of the imagination that there was at one time chaos from that booger exploding. If that be the case, then the “chaos” that has arrived in the beltway, that chaos that now claims squatters rights in the White House with an “April Fools” welcome sign, well if this kind of “chaos” leads to patience with Fascism, we are having the wool pulled and lies will become the normalcy until Democracy is raped then what? We have a choice, a lump of coal or…that lump - nose booger - has been fantasizing our desires to understand for 13.8-million years how Donald Jong Trump got to where he is today. And the New York times said God was dead and the war began…OK, the bastard child claimed that “God was Dead”. But the “Big Bang Black Hole” theory does not work, as a lump of coal containing all of matter defies the triple-point of water and to accept this inferior theory relies on the fact that there was always a “dimension”, so “Creation” cannot exist like some scientists have fooled us to believe. And God is not dead, as is not the Creator just a concept by which we measure our pain…

Defintion of FOXcopulation Syncopia Complex:
Chuckie: Why didn't you give me none of that nasty little hoochie-woochie you usually throw at me?
Cathy: Oh, fuck you and your Irish curse, Chuckie. Like I'd waste my energy spreading my legs for that Tootsie Roll dick? So go home and give it a tug yourself.
Morgan: Tootsie Roll! Toot, toots!
Chuckie: She's missing a tooth, Will. She's got skin problems. Plus, it's like five to two Morgan ends up marryin' her, you know what I mean? There's only so many times you can bang your friend's future wife.

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