Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Poor, Poor Me, Paganites. Aah

Now that Stephen Hawking has declared “God is Dead”, it is time to unveil the “Truth”, that the biggest hoax and the longest lasting hoax is the paganites retreat and hiding behind an unrealistic myth defining “Creation”? First and foremost, the “Big Bang Black Hole” theory was flawed since its incipient cavitation inception. OK, back a hundred years ago we did not have the mathematical computation speeds that could have warned us upon this “hoax”, as the slide-rule was a magnificent achievement but had its limitations with Cosmic Ray's math. Remember when we “men & women of science” walked around with this concealed weapon, hanging from our belts? Don’t mess with me or I will Pi you in the face! For real, I never felt alone or afraid walking the Boston Back Bay’s back alley streets half-drunk with a marijuana high decay setting in, heading back from Bukowski’s “Dead Author’s Bar” when Mr. Slide Rule was by my side. But modern-day high-speed computer number crunching has found respect, as so so soon with the newest Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh! What? He just published his first High Court “opine” and it satisfies the long awaited sentencing that “beer cannot be taxed”, way to go kudos from the “Boston Beer Party”. But now that bastard child Stephen Hawking has declared that “There is no God”, maybe this is something that should be handed to the Supreme Court for a jurisprudence review. But the theory of Hawking and other non-believers, it did not work from the get go as to have a lump of coal that contained all of matter - there was no dimension in the beginning and X times Y times Z was a divide by zero error! For that matter all this matter, there was no light, nor time as is comprehended by modern civilization, and no dimension. Now even though there existed no super computers when some priest woke up with a cheap communion wine hangover and had this headache that was the result of a “Big Bang” when he was caught looking through a “Black Hole” into Sister Irene’s habit changing room, well praytell all things considered can be solved by Newton’s “zero root” equation - so there is no excuse this “hoax” that we have been challenged to believe by people we are supposed to trust. Don’t believe me that we have been “hoaxed”! Take the time to go outside tonight if clear and dark, look up at the nighttime sky and pause for a moment of silence that “flat earth” cell phone can wait! Do you see “Chaos” or “Tranquility”. If the “Big Bang” did indeed invade “Tranquility”, we would still see the results, in chaos swarming through the heaven. But it is tranquil, which means forget the “Big Bang” and forget the “Black Hole” extravaganza. OK, I recall that comment about a “bastard child” with Hawking, but he used that handicap as an advantage to prepare us to accept something not even he could prove in his segregated lifetime. Just the other day a guy that was a survivor of cancer, wherein radiation treatments melted away his nose in disgust, he was kicked out of a “box store” because being close to Halloween kids in tow their moms shopping for candy went horrified. Now if that were Stephen Hawking, do you really think the store management would have thrown this Nobel scientist out the door? But the “Black Hole” & “Big Gang Bang” theory of Creation needs a lobotomy, a Melania Trump makeover. And I stand corrected, Hawking never won the coveted Nobel prize for physics or any other studies and today blames God. Why no bragging rights? The “Big Gang Bang Rape” theory could not and would not ever be proved to the satisfaction of the Nobel steering committee! I never believed it as acceptable science, as it was tested numerous times at Bukowski’s - on bar stools spinning out of control. See, in the beginning there existed no light, no civilized time and no dimension. And “Infinity” was a concept, like God. Concept? Remember John Lennon. Now there is a new kid in town “Theory of Creation” that should be gaining notoriety and acceptance away from the maddening crowd share of scientist that are afraid to admit defeat and have swindled a career of nonsense like a Stormy porn star, with their Hard-on Super Collider ejaculations, it should be renounced like Satan at baptism. The fact that some scientists believe the lump of coal theory can demonstrate a single point beginning, well an infinitesimal point doesn’t exist - it will finally vaporize to nothing with each integration - modern computers teach us that fact of the matter a lump of coal. I keep using that “lump of coal”, like that gift that keeps on giving which should be by now retired and the same with this theory from those that are supposed to understand why I-beams bend! Interesting, that the guy that designed the World Trade Center Towers performed calculations of what to expect if a plane flew into the structure - it wouldn’t collapse. But that was when the biggest plane on the production line was a 727. Hey Saudi Arabia, just buy a 737 bomb! But the “Theory of Creation” by Amlev Yelknid is easy to understand and will soon be the center of attention and attraction. Take a piece of printer paper and cut a strip an inch in width and form it into a ring. That ring in its infinitesimal state contained all of energy, so pure of form. With a Simple Simon 180-degree phase transition due an act of contrition, that ring is then transformed into a Mobius surface - wherein light, time and dimension were born and with that the need for “infinity” as the light was on a journey. The latter beacon street beat respected by time and dimension, an important element for propagation of new matter. The transformation between this pure energy being downgraded with a dimension allowed for the creation of planets, in a subtle “bang” that induced continuance of “Tranquility”. See, “Tranquility” is important for stability. Now when the energy is totally consumed - and we don’t know yet if that has come of age - the Mobius will undergo another Simple Simon 180-phase transition, and that is “infinity”. Closed loop solution, and “here we go loopty loo, here we go loopty…this theory don’t lie! Remember, “We learned it all in kindergarten” and graduated to bar stools!

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