Monday, October 15, 2018


I am a Bernie Sanders fan, but his ideology of governance upon humanity is based on “Socialism” and America is scared of that opportunity, as we get confused upon what that form of government is all about. We are talking about a form of government never tested sea to shining sea, as the defining moment for any form of government is acceptance. Since we have not yet tested a Bernie Sanders form of socialism here in the Union, we really don’t know what it means. Sure it could work, wonders. For basics, it would level the playing field between the rich and middle-class, is not that enough? But I don’t hold my breath that Bernie would ever get enough votes to take back the White House. Bernie is a “Revolutionist” and “We the People” have not yet come to the cross-roads of such as a guiding light going forward, as we are afraid of our shadows when it comes to “True Patriotism”. We brag about unyielding support for the 2nd Amendment Right, yet are so afraid to mobilize as a “Well Regulated Militia”. We don’t even practice that call to duty, so it is all a big smokescreen. I know so many gun carrying aficionados this Founding Fathers’ right, yet these Rambo wannabee make-believes would run for cover the first call to organize under such a “Militia” - like with “Chicken Little Ja’Red Hen”, who will help me defend the Union…not I, not I, not I! But the other wannabe presidential candidates in the running so far for 2020 on the democratic side, very boring and may as well chalk up another 4-years for the F’n Moron Idiot. It is more of the same poor showing as we saw in 2016, the Hillary syndrome. Amazing, Trump’s only qualification is the fact he can throw out paper towel rolls when people are hurting from a disaster. OK, he is very good at hiding from the Taxman and seems to legitimize rape and murder - this is the Motif Operandi that won the Trump Tower Dysentery Green Stool Dynasty the “Throne”, and he has made it a family affair. And for sure, deep down inside the “True Conservative Republican” movement, it must despise his ways and means - but if it gets that faction’s agenda set in stone, like with the Supreme Court…hold that thought. We are a divided nation, and our Founding Fathers warned out loud the dire consequences should that separation continue without arrest. We have always succeeded as a bi-partisan community, wherein a dedicated U.S. Congress regardless of what party found power with a majority, that body saw too it compassion on both sides of the aisle. And that enforced acceptance of the Commander-in-Chief, yes support from the citizens because what was going on in Congress benefitted “We the People ALL”. It is Congress that yields the gavel of power, and when so lop-sided the Jack Marler concept of “No Taxation without Representation” rings out loud and should be practiced in unison. That is not the case today with the U.S. Congress, it is on “Tilt” with respect to a bipartisan mandate. So is Democracy doomed? Maybe, else we get a tag-team running for the 2020 election that can once again bring back a bipartisan relationship. With a president candidate that demonstrates an affection for Democracy and running mate that is enough conservative to shed away votes from the incumbent. Believe me, take away the conservative vote from Donald Jong Trump and his dream of another 4-years is done with and then he can start his time in solitary. With that, I propose the team of *Eric Swalwell and Nicolle Wallace* as the candidates that can take back control of the White House and also throw a noose around the AWOL U.S. Congress. So today the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” endorses the Swalwell/Wallace ticket for 2020 - we must recruit, we must draft, we must invigorate this ticket to step forward and make Democracy well again. It will take a combined party team to break away from a stagnation that is eroding away at the foundation of the U.S. Constitution. Eric & Nicolle, they can do it!

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