Monday, July 2, 2018

State of the Union Eunuch

Before Donald Jong “DO Uche” Trump used the proverbial “ten-pounds of shat in a one-pound bag” to covet his base and then shoveled some more “shat” on “shat” and somehow fondled his way into the Access Hollywood White House, “We the People” had “Red Herring” flags, warning signs like a shot across-the-bow as a gauge that which spelled out the “State of the Union”. As a “Patriotic American”, for some 65-years from the likes of Ike to Kennedy to Johnson to Carter to Reagan to Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama, I always enjoyed the “State of the Union” addresses by the sitting U.S. President all sides of the aisle. Even though such “Statements” came with a “shallow” political divide, there was always some semblance of a bipartisanship relation that gave me confidence upon a checks-and-balance between the Congress and Commander-in-Chief and vice versa - for “ALL America” is “What are we fighting for”! OK, there is a void during the Nixon & Ford years and I am sure that if today that “State of the Union” voice demonstrated “Patriotism” over “Treason” I would be a staunch listener. There is no such thing “shallow” today and more of a “shadow”, what assurances forward looking as a “State of the Union” with a check & balance, as the U.S. Supreme Court just ruled that the “Union” is dead! And the divide between US and THEM is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned, else they would have promulgated laws to insist that even with a political divide, leave well enough alone leave that divide at the door upon entry to the House and Senate chambers - no political loitering allowed. And Bob Dylan was right, they “blackmailed the Sergeant-of-Arms into leaving his post”, else the jail in the basement of the Congress would be on overflow with “Turncoats”. And I am talking both republican and democratic “Turdcoats”. What we learned in kindergarten, “Divided We Fall”, and it seems everyone in a political shelter has forgotten about “United We Stand”. This “Gohmert Pile of Shat Freedom Fendom Caucus” with the likes of Jim Jordon and Mark Gaetz, it is so, so dangerous to our “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness”. And what happened to “Term Limits”, when we were so close to having a Congress realize that a job for life is a dangerous proposition to the wellbeing of “Democracy”? They reneged on US when all of a sudden they realized to push forward such an agenda meant they would be unemployed and may have to find honest work for a living wage! But I stopped finding entertainment, stopped finding pride in the president addressing the American Citizens back in 2009, when Confederate Representative of South Carolina Joe Wilson “aborted” the dignity and integrity of the U.S. Constitution and shouted out that Barack Obama was a liar. “The President sang Amazing Grace”, and was branded a “Liar”? What should have happened right then and there even for a civil society is a hanging, yes-siree-bubba the gallows should have been resurrected for Mr. Wilson’s reward for, well this was “Treason” of the highest bar. Remember, when the WAR was over and the “Turncoat Confederates” cried for freedom, our Founding Fathers had the power to hang, but gave the confederates leniency - but the law to hang against “Treason” remains intact today. OK, we are different today so maybe just some Velma Dinkley “Waterboarding” would suffice for Mr. “You Lie”. Damn, off on that crash course again but an easy correction to get back on track. Now one gauge that was always of interest an overall bench-mark the “State of the Union” was the price of oil, as everything is tied to oil, every damn thing. From farm to market, it takes gasoline for transporting illegal immigrants to pick the produce and watermelons, this “motor-petro” comes from oil. So that bag of lettuce, it has a few pennies added here a few peenies added there to satisfy your craving for eating healthy and getting this stuff to the table before rigor mortis sets in. Get this, hamburger box stores have teamed up with drug companies to figure out how they can addict us to bad diets of “fromunder” beef and when that stuff devastates our immune system we must have drugs!  My WWII dad is living proof this nothing burger on a bun stunned his immune system and by now an aftermath addiction, as he has a daily pill for every letter of the alphabet. See, the doctor tells him that reciting the A through Z is good for the memory. OK, Donald Jong Trump used the campaign slogan the “dog ate my homework” and received 60-million votes for being honest. The problem his truth-in-lending statement, he didn’t have a dog talk about collusion! But when Trump moved into the White House like the Beverly Hillbillies moving into Hollywood, we are governed today by a whole new set of rules, including the “gauge” for the State of the Union. OK again, it is today better off stated as the “State of the Eunuch” and it is not the price of oil that is the tell-a-tale our credibility as a freedom loving “Union”, it is the price of drum roll please…Toilet Paper! The gauge usually has a “volatility” statement, and due the fact our nation became self-sufficient self-reliant and didn’t need King Sodomy of Arabia’s oil because we fracked the hell out the earth under the Great Lakes, well oil was replaced by what it takes to clean up after doing the daily business. And it is a “Be Best” Melania bowel movement moment, as we are getting “shat” upon daily by…yes I changed the “John” in Donald XXX Trump to “Jong”, as it appears he is a monster within a monster and that DO U? It means DOUche, for the bags under his eyes as he is constipated, his entire family is constipated, his entire administration is constipated and soon the Supreme Court will be constipated. And one day when this constipation is Dulcolax free, we are in deep doo-doo! Soon, single ply will be in vogue due the price of the Ritz Cracker stuff only the wealthy can afford, “My County ‘Tis of Thee, sweet land of 2-ply liberty” a thing of the past because the wealthy honestly believe their “shat” does not stink! Donald Jong Trump, 530 destructive days in office on this 4th of July and it equates to the same amount of days that U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross has been in a sound sleep! Has anybody seen or heard from Rex Tillerson? Maybe he is still having an EXXON Valdez laughing fit over his dealings with an F’n Moron Idiot and when we hear of leaches and mites invading the shore-line beaches of Florida, the birthplace from whence this Helter-Skelter holocaust comes from is well known and the spokesperson for this bite itching filth is your very own…cannot, will not on this 4th of July pay any respect and call that “Moron” only what he deserves - and it ain’t “The President sang Amazing Grace”!

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