Saturday, June 30, 2018

Godenergy or Goodenergy

Wow, this theory of Amlev Yelkind’s, that which focuses on the “Origin of the Universe” is gaining popularity leaps and bounds - even amongst staunch supporters that have forever supported the age-old “Big Bang” nothing-burger theory. And it is good news that the old guard is awakening to a revival of sorts, tuning in and turning on to the younger generation’s thinking patterns. Especialy for some of these PHD carte blanche card carriers, after waiting in line for years for that Hardon “Super-Collider” to be built to test case their Steven Hawking “Big Bang Black Hole” theories. What a “Hoax” that turned out to be, as soon after “Opening Day” and $13-billion in the “hole” the “Tube’s” super-magnetic tunnel blew-up like a 4th of July firecracker - and the Higgs Bosom Buddy went perverted and a no show, it disappeared forevermore! With that let down, many scientists started to realize that they will be grave-side before their time to smash together beer bottles at super-sonic collider speeds, so are resorting to find an equitable and respectable way out of a mess. Through mathematical reasoning Ted Kaczynski please take a bowel movement, I mean bow! Only kidding. Yet we needed a “keep it simple Simon stupid” renaissance romance upon “How the Universe Died for Dummies 101”, here it is. According to Yelknid, it all starts with a “Godenergy Ring” that existed alongside an inner nothing and an outer nothing and “always was” so it was on God’s time. Now if you require a separation of “Church and State” this easy to understand reasoning of when and how it all began, just replace the “God” with “Good” - so it is a multi-denominational non-denominational theory treatise and works for everyone. Amazing what an “o” can do, said again “simple”! Back to the migration, this “Godenergy Ring” was of “pure energy” and infinitesimal due its unadulterated pureness containing all possible energy, it needs no demonstrable “dimension”. When the call of “let there be light” was announced, that emancipation source was emitted by the “Godenergy Ring” with orders to emanate towards “infinity”, in both the inner and outer domain. And this nothing but this “Ring” also consumed jurisdiction upon the NETHER. That call for a “beacon of light” created this “infinity” as a destination, as there was now a place to go where no light has gone before! But this resurrection of “light” with the “Lord of the Ring”, it indicated that two distinct “infinities” evolved with this “charge of the light brigade”. And in efforts for the inner ring to not be in violation of the laws of “infinity” now that “light” was on the loose, the “Godenergy Ring” expanded at a speed greater than the well-known speed of light - aka “Godspeed”. Now the expansion at this “Godspeed”, it caused the “Godenergy Ring” to transform into a “Mobius Surface”, so now there is a separation of “Church from State”, which allowed for the merging of the two distinct “infinities”. The “Mobius Surface” is magical in this respect, it does not segregate! And due the fact not friction that the “Mobius Surface” finds an irregularity, it is the “wrinkle on the map” that science has been searching for ever since Isaac Newton went on that apple-bob expedition. Now this “irregularity”, this allowed an outlet of interest - a link, such that the interaction of the merging of infinities could instigate the Ether, which before this “Mobius Surface” reality was but for the NETHER - empty! In consideration the fact that there was “light” unleashed by the “Godenergy Ring”, wherein the former has an inherent velocity as well a magic “photon” mass without mass, well it weathers the storm through the generation of “MASS”, which promotes the “Universe”. Now with “infinity” involved, this F(Force)/A(Acceleration) = M(Mass) is a continuous fraction function and as we speak the “Universe” continues to grow, with the merging of the “infinites” causing a continuous balancing act the result of the merging of a force and accompanying acceleration. Yes, mass is created in this merger which then propagates and populates the (N)ETHER, as without mass being created the merging of two infinites would have to allow for more then a single “infinity” which is not possible in the space-time continuum. In efforts to relax the taxation of the mergers, mass is “Created” and the balance of the Universe remains ever so in sync-check. And this mass, it can be but for the smallest know mass of a particle, or F1/Acceleration(constant), the first known force at the first known time of interaction when the “Mobius Surface” was created from the “Godenergy Ring” and stamp of approval on “infinity”, to facilitate the birth of the “Universe”. This is when “Universal Time” started the Tic-Tock-Toe! And since every “trial and tribulation” with this “Mobius Surface” merging together the once “inner and outer infinities” being so unique, this merging “creates” nothing over again. That’s why every planet is different, a different merger between the “infinities” never to be duplicated, it results in variety, it results in diversification. And since “infinity” has no bounds, this merging will also continue forever, and because “Mass” is a basic concept the result of simple Newtonian physics, everything possible gets “Created” in time! The planet earth lives on, due being in the right place at the right time the merger of the two definitive infinities affiliated with the “Godenergy Ring” wherein the results yielded what it is today, what we are today. In ending this dissertation for “Dummies”, it means there exists no bounds to space, no bounds to the size of the “Universe”, and the only misrepresentation of this process is through shrapnel from broken beer bottles colliding in some think tank on the brink of Helter-Skelter because someone finally let the cat-out-of-the-bag of “Universe Reality”. Thank you Amlev Yelknid for making it so easy to understand how it all came to be.

Sidebar Chat - I had the opportunity of a lifetime to sit down and chat with super-star self-taught 12-year old Amlev Yelknid. This brilliant scholar of Russian descent resides in the Athabaskan village of Ood-Yboocs(“Talking Dog” translation) in Alaska. To get the point across how simple her “Theory of the Universe”, she cut 3-strips of paper as follows: One strip was formed into a simple ring, the “Godenergy or Goodenergy Ring”. Another strip started off like the previous ring, but then Amlev threw me for a loop with a “coplanar” twist of 180-degrees and then closed the loop, it demonstrated the “Mobius Surface” and is very unique in its relationship to the “inner and outer domains”, the two separate “infinities”. And the remaining strip started out the same but then found a coplanar twist of 360-degrees and to my astonishment, it was the ring of infinity in the closing statement! So in the beginning it was the “Godenergy Ring” which created a light-show as it possessed all known energy. Then the “Lord of the Rings” transposed itself to a “Mobius Surface” wherein the “infinities” did not take too kindly a “Travel Ban” this beacon of light so merged and populated the (N)ETHER with the results of the Force to Acceleration to Mass prescription of relief. And when it is all said and done if “infinity” ever finds an end, it is the ring of “infinity” transformation. Now this is a theory we can teach our kindergarteners along with a quick quit deed that we no longer must spend beaucoup bucks trying to make love to a muon boson, that is always a “stood-up” even on the first date!

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