Thursday, June 28, 2018

Amlev Yelknid’s Universe Theory

I had the opportunity of a lifetime to sit down and chat with super-star self-taught 12-year old Amlev Yelknid. This brilliant scholar of Russian descent and from the Athabaskan village of Ood-Yboocs(“Talking Dog” translation) in Alaska,  is about to break the old-mold and announce an out-with-that-old and in-with-the-new, her “Theory of the Universe”. Praytell, a discovery that is sure to withstand the test-of-time the merits of monumental achievements in the “Theoretical Sciences”. Maybe amongst the greatest achievements in science since sliced bread, or brewing beer if you ask Benjamin Franklin his opinion. After listening to Yelknid’s vision about how the “Universe” was conceived, it will be a noteworthy discovery akin with Newton’s gravitational apple-bob and Einstein’s method of getting to the coffee shop missing his left shoe, not to forget how not to fly a kite! It is “Big Bang for Dummies 101”. Over the years, I got really tired of these Steven Hawking “wannabees” with their PHD nincompoopery trying to explain why ice cream melts when the outside temperature reaches Farrakhan100! It is simple, it is HOT! Don’t bring to the table some hootenanny thermodynamic bull-crap no one can understand, it is called the SUN! So herein I will give it a shot to relay what I learned from Amlev Yelknid, and yes, she can call in a wolf pack when not busy in karma with Ramanujan. So hold on to your hat! Before even the unwind of the NETHER - the latter defined as nothingness of space - there existed but a single enterprise, what Amlev calls the “Godenergy Ring”. And this existence was on someone else’s time not known to man nor beast! It was a pure form of energy, so existed in harmony with nothing else as an infinitesimal ring of undefined radius, as there was “nothing" in between the inner and outer wall of this “Ring”. And because it contained “ALL” energy, in its realm as an “infinitesimal” met the criteria for self-inheritance. Yes, this “Godenergy Ring” contained all the energy, forever Amen - no competition. When “let there be light” was heard by the Town Crier - just kidding - in efforts for light to exist in the “inner circle” of nothingness friends, because “light” is a source it has both a directional element and with that a speed arrangement, this ring had to start expanding as the “light” reached out to approach “infinity” - so this inner circle was considered an “infinity”. And due the fact that the “light” had already begun its journey, the “ring’s” expansion was greater than the “speed of light”, which is a “worm hole” according to the wannabee nincompoop’s collider theory. At the same time with the “charge of the light brigade”, the outer circle was subject to the same “Good Will Hunting” treaty, a photon source with speed demons. Which was headed outwardly into the NETHER ahead of the expanding “Godenergy Ring”. Since “light” is a sub of the “pure energy” it is a particle, what we know of today as that “photon”. That provides some semblance of limitations to the speed demons, wherein the “Godenergy” is the 1st and foremost “infinite speed” source. So things were happening, and quickly! In the meantime, two “infinities” in “Creation” mode warranted a correction course, as there can be but for a single “infinity”. And the way to accommodate this “inner” & “outer” infinity, just merge them together in efforts to promote some semblance of “Universal Order”. See, this entire “Creation” had nothing to do with “Chaos”. The promotion of “Chaos” enters the equation when the PHD nincompoops cannot find an accepted understanding how it all began, so the “Chaos” becomes a convenient “curve ball” those that sit around all day and wish upon a star! Anyway, this merger of the “infinities” according to Yelknid, this was accomplished by transforming the “Godenergy Ring” into a “Mobius Surface”, wherein both “infinities” could merge through natural secession, and the results cast off through the surface warp consistent with the “Mobius”, and that breached the infinitesimal into the NETHER. With the merger creating “force & mass”, the ETHER was born. Now when two “infinites” merge, so that the fundamental assessment holds water that there can exist but for a single “intelligence”, I mean “infinity”, that merger is very interesting. It creates “EVERYTHING”, from an atom, electron to planets and the list goes on forever. It never duplicates a domain. Which means there is only one earth as we see it and this “Mobius Surface” is the only “worm hole” and there was no such “Big Bang” and “Black Holes” are a fantasy. This “Theory of the Universe” gives us an origin and an insight how it all came to be. What was also of interest, this new-age theory was made easy to understand by Amlev cutting a few strips of paper and forming 3-rings. The 1st consisted of a simple ring, with surface continuity and this represented the ”Godenergy Ring”. From there, a 180-Degree coplanar twist produced the “Mobius Surface” and the infinitesimal irregularities easily observed for understanding how this “Ring” links to the NETHER, now ETHER. And low and behold, if one performs a 360-Degree coplanar twist, the result is the “Infinity Ring”, all that simple! So the simple equation proposed by Yelknid is like this: Godenergy Ring transforms to Mobius Surface….it ends there as infinity is forever as we understand that concept. But the fact the equation ends with the “Infinity Ring”, it warrants this theory is on the correct track from beginning to end. Amazing that with a few strips of paper, a few simple explanations I have today an understanding of how the Universe started and the fact this process continues on today is no longer a stretch of one’s imagination. But sometimes the “simple” finds competition, from those that find no fascination in the proverbial “Keep It Simple Stupid”. But “I’m In” with Amlev Yelknid’s theory, and she didn’t have to spend a dime on some “collision” course with Mad Scientist Dr. Collider! Way to go Amlev, for making it all so simple for us to understand how it all began. You have my vote for a NOBEL!

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