Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Universe is Wrinkled!

Self-taught 12-year old Amlev Yelknid, of Russian descent and from the Athabaskan village of Ood-Yboocs(“Talking Dog” translation) in Alaska,  is about to announce  a “Theory of Relativity” discovery that is monumental amongst the greatest achievements in science. OK, that “Relativity” is reserved for the patent shop guy. But Yelknid’s vision about how the Universe was conceived, it will be a noteworthy discovery akin with Newton’s gravitational apple-bob and Einstein’s method of getting to the coffee shop missing his left shoe! And finally, after countless Steven Hawking PBS specials on the romance of a “Big Bang Black Hole” look out for the “worms”, a theory that answers some of the perplexing questions about the origin of the Universe. To make it easy, “The Universe for Dummies 101”, in the beginning before getting into the heavy hitting dangling particles of Yelknid’s work, this theory proves that there are no “Black Holes”, there was not a “Big Bang” and there is but for a single “worm hole” throughout the entirety of space, at the origin. Yelknid’s theory makes it easy to understand how and who we are! And most recently, famed physicist and mathematician Gerald Skaragard has gone on record and approved Yelknid’s theory, making her achievements a nomination for the Nobel Science Prize and at the same time a strong contender for the Field’s Medal of honor. Yelknid’s work covers scientific fields of interest consistent with “time-continuum” physics to mathematical “boundary layer” concepts, specifically the “Bounded Harmonic Functions” devised by Theodore Kaczynski. Yelknid is being compared to the mathematical brilliance of Indian born Srinivasa Ramanujan and the genius of scientific boss from the “Attic of the Pavilions” Isaac Newton. With respect to the “Space Mobius” as the center of attention the “Universe”, this theory resigns itself upon the fact that the origin of the universe can be found at a “Mobius Surface” boundary, a one-of a kind occurrence. Yelknid’s theory is postulated on the grounds that before the universe started taking shape of form, there existed Godenergy time which is a massless time phenomenon or pointless time domain so the concepts of speed or acceleration are meaningless, this place taker in space was defined as an infinitesimal disk of nothing matters, void of matter, with an infinite directional boundary wherein a linear ring of pure energy provided a boundary for another infinity. So this “Godenergy” in the form of a continuous ring separated an unbounded infinity to a bounded infinity, and void of everything else except infinity so outside the ring in all directions “black energy” NETHER consumed existence. Since infinity was pulling at the “pure energy” ring equally in two opposite directions, it remained a pure source field, basically undisturbed. So “let there be light” was satisfied with the Godenergy ring, and because of nothing to interfere with the ring’s tranquility like a resistance to throttle away any energy, a state of equilibrium existed for - an unknown amount of time, this Godenergy Time element.  When there came the call of “let there be life”, the linear ring snapped open but for an infinitesimal moment of time “we must spare”, allowing the two infinities to see each-other’s existence, with a yearning to merge and with that “merger” the universe began to take shape and is still expanding as the merging of two infinities takes infinity - so the universe continues to expand and will always expand. The original Godenergy Time ≠ 0 & Godenergy Mass = 0 disk remains, but today Universe Time ≠ 0 & Universe Mass ≠ 0 and the linear ring is now in the form of a bounded or closed “Mobius Surface”, as that is the only way the bounded and unbounded can relate to each-other and allow closure of the ring and the universe to exist in harmony, else there is no universe. And in efforts for this merger to begin this one-and-only universe, it required the linear ring to be broken. Once broken, it cannot return as a continuous ring, else the universe would collapse. It is well known that a continuous ring, like a rubber band, cannot ever become a Mobius Strip, as the continuity must be broken in efforts for the fundamental of the Mobius Surface to dominate. So it all started off at Tun≠0 & Mun=0 with a disk like universe, infinitesimal and infinite with a pure energy source in a ring format in equilibrium and protecting yet another infinity, since time originated - two different infinities, one bounded the other unbounded. And the physics of the merger created matter, and still the same today as the universe expands. There is the realization that only a single “infinity” can exist, so the merger of the bounded and unbounded infinity in free-space, force & mass is created to counter-balance the merging. And the fact that a Mobius Surface has an irregularity, that is a "wrinkle on the map”, it allows the disturbance of force & mass creation to enter the NETHER, transforming into the ETHER due the release of “mass”. And Until the bounded infinity is consumed by the unbounded infinity and the unbounded infinity consumed by the bounded infinity, until such an equilibrium is established, the universe continues to grow. What we know about “infinity”, this merger process will never end! From the Mobius Surface, another coplanar twist is allowed and yields “infinity” - it is theoretically possible, yet even infinity can never achieve that position. It is merely a goal of succession. So, the Universe was not a “Big Gangbang Bangathon”, as infinity is involved. And in this process, the closing of the “pure energy” linear ring converted itself to a “Mobius Surface” in efforts to allow a “bounded infinity” to merge with an “unbounded infinity” and the ring taking shape with closure. So, when the linear ring was opened to allow this equilibrium process to begin, sure it could be looked at as a “Big Bang”. But due the fact infinity was involved, that disallows the “Bang”. If the linear ring had re-closed as a continuous 2-dimentional surface, the sudden bounded infinities would cause an enormous collapse, a “Black Hole” and back where we started. It didn’t happen as the nature of the beast is easy going, time is on its side with this “infinity”. If ever the “Space Mobius” reverts back to a linear ring, the end of it all that quick. So, there was NO “Big Bang” and a “Black Hole” doesn’t exist today. And the fact that the “ring” closed as a “Mobius”, that allowed the universe to proceed forward because this mathematical phenomenon finds an inherent surface-warp, basically you cannot put the cat back into the bag! The surface-warp with the “Mobius” allows the time-coincident merger of the two distinct “infinities” with the merging resulting in the creation of “force & mass” as a 4th dimension - thus filling the void of space with “universe”. The merging of “infinities” can produce amazing things the reason there is so much variety and diversity of living and non-living elements in the universe - this merger discovers everything possible. So, the “Mobius” controls this merger, that which is tunneled through this space-warp energy ring - it is a “Ture” wormhole one-of-a-kind! The “Mobius” is unique in the fact it displays “diversity”! A “ring” can have an inside and an outside, both segregated from each-other, not so with the “Mobius”. So if one wants to bring a “Creator” into the picture, mixing science with religion, it works well with Yelknid’s postulation that the center of the space-universe is a “Mobius Strip”. This amazing discovery from an uneducated self-schooled young girl, we must allow future discussions of the origin of the universe to include this “Space Mobius” theory postulated by Amlev Yelknid. The “Mobius” is a very interesting concept especially in “space”, it has a twist to it. The reason the universe continues to grow, as this “twist” creates a boundary between the two-infinities yet it does not restrict the transfer towards equilibrium, when infinity is reached. Look, our very basic DNA has a “twist” so why should not the beginning of it all have a “twist”? Maybe the DNA had a guiding light? Congratulations Amlev Yelknid, as this is a theory I can understand!

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