Sunday, June 17, 2018

Oh Happy Father’s Day

For the Founding Fathers YES! For the Fathers of today YES! For future Fathers of America YES! On June 17th, 2018, at 926am the “great divide” between Americans may have found a way home. It was getting nauseating, so “divided” we were failing, and divided we fall finds no turning back. So maybe, just maybe we have stalled the “free-fall” of Democracy. As today a thread of hope from the sitting U.S. President resonates in “Solidarity”, or at least Donald John Trump gave his approval to engage in “Solidarity”. This is a “first” of record, wherein such a dramatic about-face upon the “Union Spirit” from government would make Woody Guthrie happy! This could mend an age-old battle between Woody and Old Man Trump - the Beach Haven ghetto days. There is but for a single obligation “We the People” can achieve and enjoy, being gainfully employed with a decent wage - in reality it is an endeavor that finds no fascination a political divide. When we are employed in a trade, do you really care the political affiliation of that guy watching your back? NO. I worked in the oil & gas fields of Alaska for many years, and NOT once did I have to worry about political madness getting in the way of our obligation, to get the job done on time and safely. From the “far left” roughnecks to the “far right” roughnecks and anywhere in-between roughnecks, we left our political interests at home, and that helped us all get home safely to our loved ones. There exists way too much “hatred” today to allow politics into our bread & butter. Alas, as of today we have something to sink our teeth into that promotes “Brotherly Love” and brother can you spare a dime YES. There is something of common we can all come together and embrace to be “One” in harmony building a strong nation - as American workers regardless what side of the isle you prefer to rest your weary bones after a hard day’s night. Today, with a blessing from the U.S. President on this “Father’s Day” we have reason to strive for a “Union” for a more perfect “Union”. To reiterate, this is blessed by the sitting U.S. President, so today is a Father’s Day celebration for the Founding Fathers. Not often does an individual in such a powerful position step out-of-line time proven accolades and approves American workers to “STRIKE”, to walk for a “long strike”, for “more money”. Trump’s almighty “Pardon” that “We the Working Class Proletariats” can STRIKE, it should send shivers up the spineless back of every corporate boss from sea to shining sea. IMAGINE, the White House boss endorsing American workers to “STRIKE”! What better permission to “walk” then from the individual that can STOP unauthorized “strikes” through legislation built into the Taft-Hartley lawbook. This is “BIG”, this is “Be Best BIG” and we must not allow this opportunity to get cold feet. There was a reason that back in 2016 I inherited the obligation of the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party”. This followed Mitt Romney’s famous speech, that “he(Trump) got the White House and all we got was a lousy hat”. The ship-of-fools had taken over, and it looked all downhill for labor any semblance of protection, as all agencies offering worker rights protection were getting gutted by Trump appointees. But on this Father’s Day, Donald John Trump in the capacity of the 45th U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief under constant threats from the “left”, he embraced “Solidarity”.

Back in the 70s a welder named Lech Walesa went to bat for workers rights at the Gdansk Shipyard, wherein a “STRIKE” finally paid off for the workers, this under a communist government and so brave such workers that it ended communism in Poland. Walesa became the president of Poland and won the Nobel Peace prize, for what he did for Poland and the working class. But when Donald Trump went-of-record to encourage American workers to “Strike”, with emphasis on “really long strike would be a great idea” and another emphasis this workers actionable right for “more money”, American labor won a major concession. A sitting U.S. President encouraging a “labor Strike”, unprecedented sets precedence. And we best take advantage of this opportunity. Even though Mr. Trump has signaled his approval of “STRKE”, there exist certain trades that are not allowed to “Strike” under any circumstances, police to firemen, etc. But with this “permission granted” from the White House, all American wage earners should today assemble under a single umbrella of “Trust”, to embrace this power to “Strike” for “All of US”. If a certain faction under a single “Union” cannot “STRIKE” due priorities to protect America, other workers can “STRIKE”, as under a single umbrella “Union” it will have the same effect - “more money”! And if it is not “more money”, whatever we need to better the working conditions of American wage earners is at our disposal today - YES, Happy Father’s Day. Mr. Trump cannot turn back his approval, as that would be an action with “Impeachable” consequences. So now is the time that every able-bodied man & woman wage earner stand together as ONE, and backed by the U.S. President use the power of the “STRIKE” to get what we deserve. This is one of those opportunities that shows its face once in a lifetime. We must organize in Solidarity, for our future and the future of our loved ones. Can you imagine the impact a single “Union” would have on…for once we would be telling those CEOs “You’re Fired”. All those interested in this opportunity should start organizing efforts immediately at the workplace, lets assemble under a single “Union” and for lack of a better defining name, let US be united under the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” and through the use of the “Power of the President” bestowed this day to “STRIKE”, MEGASS - Make Employees Great Again STRIKE in SOLIDARITY!

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