Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Where Do the Children Play

Here it is, the 4th of July, the day “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” celebrates an “Independence” a government of our own accord. United we stand - corrected! Things have changed, almost for the worse “where do the children play”, but we never give up hope as we shall overcome - together again like this nation has always respected, when push comes to shove. To start off, I am not a Donald Jong Trump supporter, never will be and if you ever have the opportunity to force that upon me, then I would prefer the gallows. YES, hear me out loud and clear, “Give me Liberty or give me death”. There is NO liberty in wealth segregation, the Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty bargain basement desertion. I find it appropriate to change his “John” to “Jong” as in North Korea’s Kim Jong dUNg, as he is a monster within a monster. And to finish this “start off”, I am not a supporter of the Clinton faction, as that husband & wife team ruined the Democratic Party. We knew going into the 2016 election that both the Republican and Democratic rivalry was DOA. But with a “Do Nothing Congress”, what do you expect accept a “Silence of the Lambs” as the Democrats thought for sure that Hillary would beat Trump without a doubt. Yes indeed, they were already counting the winnings before the final chapter. See, we became comfortable with 8-years of Buch then 8-years of Obama wherein a “Congress” was but a waste of “Taxpayers” wealth, so it meant our Oval Office statesmen had to single handedly take control of destiny. If this nation went smart, we would all become followers of Jack Marler, and respect what is meant by “No Taxation without Representation”. So what am I getting at besides it is time for all able-bodied countrymen to indeed say NO to the U.S. Treasury? Remember, “We the People” have the power of the purse, and precedence was set with the Marler case, in Alaska in 1956. But when the Grand Old Party is dead and the Democratic Party is dead, we have but two choices, as these parties are never coming back with the strength and stamina that history has shown us over time. All good things come to an end, get over it and concentrate on where we go from here - so we have a place “Where Do the Children Play” that is under the auspices of Miss Liberty. Donald Jong Trump has a very simplistic but effective view of power, such rests its case on segregation as a means to segregate wealth. It begins with segregation in housing, something the young Trump learned from his father, Fred Christ Trump during the Beach Haven housing segregation days back in the 50s in NYC. And at that time, Fred Christ Trump was known to be a KKK and Fascist sympathizer - even went arrested at a rally that turned ugly against our WWII veterans during a parade - the reason Donald loves parades! Today Donald Jong Trump practices what he learned from his upbringing, segregate everything if it makes a profit then segregate it again for more profit based on the premise you can continue to cut things in half as long as the dissection finds the outcome benefitting that wallet. Since his inauguration, we have seen “Segregation” as his branding iron - from taxation benefitting the wealthy to separating families, someone is getting richer every move he makes. The way the Stock Market has reacted the past 6-months is a tribute to how segregation can benefit a few. His motif operandi is based on the fact this is the way America is supposed to act, that everybody has the same opportunities and challenges in getting ahead even if it means no more “Brotherly Love” and “Buddy can you spare a dime” today a worn-out street corner craving. So when Trump became the front runner ahead of a wide-ranging better-fit-for-duty cast that embraced the agenda of the Republican party, well that parties followers had but a single choice, vote for Fascism. It did not matter, as anything was better than the thought of another Clinton taking over. No way for Hillary, as there would have been GOP riots in the streets had she become the first woman U.S. President with a husband named Bill! On the other side of the aisle, many were so to disgusted in another Clinton the front-runner for the Democratic Party, well the end results speaks for itself. There was a “divide” in this nation that was made noticeable at the voting booths. Those on the democratic side voted their conscious, even if it meant a vote cast against the Clinton dynasty. Even Mitt Romney voted his conscious, writing in his wife and pet dog. But many got taken by the 2-headed dragon, and the republicans won it for Trump, because they care only about a single agenda - divided we fail and divided we fall. There was no Russian collusion to the point it changed the election outcome. America was sick and tired, NOT of Obama, but we went tired based on what we had as a choice to ruin this nation. In the end, it was give and take the lessor of two evils take your pick the definition of this “evil”. But rest assured, today both the republican and democratic agenda is gone forever. Fascism won out, as the republicans maintained their party affiliation only to be blind-sided by what Donald Jong Trump really stood his ground upon. For many of us that realized the cross-roads of Democracy was a reality, that the democratic party was doomed, it was encouraging to see a party on the move that embraced “Socialism”. The Founding Fathers realized that one day “Democracy” would find challenges, we are at that point in history. But the Fathers had not a solution, as it will be the outcome of a “Revolution” that finds a new form of government whence the “smoke” clears away. And the time is ripe for this “Revolution” as this nation is equally divided. And this conversation about a “Constitutional Crisis”, it is a fear of Congress for taking this nation to the brink of  a “Democracy” extinction. Now calm down, this is not the “Blood & Guts” type of Revolution that should scare US into a survival mode, we are still brothers and sisters with a common goal, but that goal may be very lean no matter what the outcome of this “WAR” that is being fort right here at home. If Fascism wins out, it will be but a slow defying decay as segregation of the wealth continues to erode away at our right to “Life, Liberty and that once guaranteed pursuit to Happiness”. It will not be a Heil Hitler takeover, just each and everyday you will have less and less and that is in itself how we will be controlled. We will be left with the basic ingredients, shelter and food, nothing else. On the other side, we could embrace “Socialism” and we see a new invigorating movement in that direction. First and foremost, Bernie Sanders is still a voice and some long standing democratic seats of Congress are forfeiting to a younger generation that embraces Bernie’s vision. Socialism, same damn thing as we will be guaranteed success with shelter and food, what else is needed? Well in Fascism the ownership of everything is by a few, as a means of control. In Socialism, we share everything, as a means of control. And which one do you think will survive by embracing the American Spirit? Happy 4th of July, and YES, our children will have a place to play and pray, but the wealthy are never satisfied on how much they own! They have a sickness and would smile as they take away that freedom! Fascism or Socialism, pack your bags now as this is wherein “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” is heading, yes down the same damn path without resistance for now! And the best thing that the Clinton Democratic Party can do, get out of our way. It is over with as is the Grand Old Party done with, but it does not mean an end to Miss Liberty, just a preference if Miss Liberty lives free or in confinement with a chastity belt! And the best thing that should happen, think tanks of young thinkers should be embracing this moment, to deny the GOP and Democratic namesake on any future voting booths. It is today Fascism verses Socialism, get over it but first and foremost we need a definition and mission statement of what each controlling mechanism stands for, one has wealth control the other has people control, it is that simple.

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