Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Slip Slidin’ Away

Windfall for the wealthy? Every slippery-slope picture tells a story, don’t it? Just “Stay Tuned” according to the Grand Wizard…the Wall Street Market rap sheet, up and down then all around, is this evidence of good faith or does it mean born under a bad sign this roller coaster ride-share? Now this money laundering started seesaw joy riding about the same time the “Tax Relief” strolled into town like an illegal immigrant - “Build that Wall”, Trump did! OK, maybe that “rap” was a quagmire miscue, more like “rape” for those party-to-the-majority of US hard-working Americans with proletariat class of citizenship that thought maybe one-day we could enjoy the benefits of the “Wolf Den of Wall Street”. Instead, it has turned into a dysentery insolvent green machine for, well Mitt Romney said it so true, “all we get is a lousy hat”. That is what the 1% ended up with, what’s in your wallet that went so thin it slipped through the cracks of evolution and morphed into a “black hole” that requires compounded interest! But just look at the DOW trends since January of this year, very little traction in the climbing “gains” status yet very active trading - and it looks more like a Donald John Trump premature ejaculation when Big Phony Tits come prancing by look out for the yellow rain forecast! There is a reason for this trending that doesn’t make sense to many, as to look at this topsy-turvy as a so called “correction cycle”, it raises questions. OK, rich people pay very little taxation, the reason they hide their loot offshore at Jerry Epstein’s “underaged girls for sale” pleasure palace. Honestly, what ever happened to “No Taxation without Representation” clause and effect, that said we should begin today to take the Jack Marler approach to defying the IRS in efforts to take back “Democracy”. Mr. Marler won his case against Uncle Sam back in 1956, wherein he was working as an IRS agent in Alaska, refused to pay his share and was arrested and in the end won his case based on “No Representation”. A competent jury found that “Representation” was lacking, so Mr. Marler was in the right mood to keep his hard-earned income home alone where it belongs - he is one of America’s greatest forgotten heroes! Ask yourself, what kind of representation to you have today? And this landmark case that set precedence, wherein the G-man was defended by Theodore Fulton Stevens - who would become Alaska’s long time Congressional Senator - the latter honorable statesmen would eventually be taken down by the very government agency he stood strong representing - it’s a long story, another time. Now when this F’n Moron Idiot, the guy in the White House that thinks he is a Commander-in-Chief and in reality for sake of clarity and convenience just replace the “Chief” with “Thief”, to get the true picture and maybe get to the bottom of this romance with the stock market’s cajoling, just hear me out loud. It starts with the numbers, it is all in the numbers. Today, the 1%ers have confiscated 38% of the “stock” portfolio, which means they own 38% of what was once upon a time “this land is your land, this land is my land”, and we still pay for all the road improvements? And let’s expand the horizon, 10% of the wealthiest own 85% of the stocks - which means a few own it all. And of the remaining “fodder stock”, the leftover 15% is worthless paper for 54% of Americans down from 62% when Obama was minding the White House. So there is a lopsidedness to the equation of greed that the stock market is based upon, so the “Wall Street” is no longer inviting to a majority like it was originally designed. It all fell apart when speculators and hedge hogs infiltrated and hogged all the trading opportunities. And with Net Neutrality under fire, you will no longer be able to trade from home with any speed that allows you to save your retirement when “the sky is falling”! So the ups and downs, who really gives a rat’s ass as it only effects the wealthy. Now when the tax relief bonus gave the F’n Moron Idiot something to smile about….it was a smirk like smile laugh and “he who laughs last laughs best”, remember “Be Best” according to 1st Spousal Abuse Lady Melanie. Well if you don’t pay any tax to begin with, I am sure many felt “left out” this campaign to give away our inheritance held safe for a time in the Treasury’s vault. Now when Corporate America realized a tax bracket that committed hairy-scary dropping from 35% to 21%, well all the future savings for the “Corporation” were designed to invigorate the American Dream. Yes indeed, the peon-class benefitted from this “Trump Regurgitation” and since then all tax benefit savings to the proletariat class has been sucked away at the gas pumps. Sad, when today we have an overabundance of crude oil to the point the Koch Brothers are exporting this stuff - there is no bonafide reason why gasoline prices are going crazy, except the fact without government oversight the republican manipulators are at it again. It means more “Corporate” profits at our expense. But when this Trump Tower free-for-all tax reduction became effective, it backfired! That is what we are seeing today, blood out of that turnip seed by the wealthy, through stock buy-back options. If the F’n Moron Idiot was a true statemen, when he proposed this reduction in taxation there should have been oversight that disallowed this hoodwinking by the wealthy that is, “criminal”! See, shareholders control what a corporation does with its future. In this case today, instead of increased wages or buying new equipment from China due taxes cut almost in half, just paper chase the stocks. It goes up followed by a cool off period then down so the wealthy can purchase more and the splits, well the rich are cashing in on this delivery from Trump in the tune of $180-BILLION! In less than 6-months - talk about a return-on-investment it gives highway robbery condom relief! It wasn’t supposed to work this way, said again with delusion when government is missing in action the “hen-house” gets raped and robbed. What is happening in America today is so shameful. One thing for sure under an F’n Moron Idiot’s reign of explosive diarrhea, the rich are getting richer by the second. Another thing about the “Wall Street”, the loot that is being made and withdrawn with the “futures” racket, it is a candidate for a RICO violation - nobody cares as to make waves one will be subject to “You’re Fired” and loose that retirement, America ain’t worth it today! Can’t beat them, join them is the wave of the future. And FOX is gearing up for the next election, by graduating from Fake News to Fake WWE which means confiscating the millisecond attention span of another 10-million voters that believe in “Truth & Justice” the Rikishi Stinkface way and that sentiment boosted by “Donald Trump Meets the Boogeyman”…at the same time hope remains as Netflix has signed a contract with Barack & Michelle, called that “Last of the Presidents”. We hear all too often about how close this nation is to a “Constitutional Crisis”. Let’s be fair, we are almost 500-days into that “Desolation Road” as the U.S. Treasury is under attack, we are today a nation without Constitutional Representation and we have today a choice to take it back or loose even more. This is NO different than when our Founding Fathers drafted a commitment to cast away the spell of the “Tories”. Like the HMS Gaspee “hard aground”, time to get the torch! So ship-wrecked is the institution that is sworn to duty to protect our Constitution, burning it down and starting over may be the only option. From the White House to the Halls of Congress, it is total abandonment the principles of “Life, Liberty and that pursuit to Happiness”. The latter is not reserved but for a few individuals! It is time to tame the 1%, by taking over this nation’s wealth, by keeping our hard-earned income at home until such time we once again see “Representation”. We have a choice, take it back with a force majeure reasoning by bankrupting the U.S. Treasury, wherein we STOP paying taxes and face…we will face our own kind in that jurors’ pool in solidarity, and will win the cause and the effect with “Miss Liberty”, else give me death! Time for a Jack Marler revival, as that case did indeed set precedence upon the stage of justice for “No Taxation without Representation”. Ask yourself this, what has your Congressmen done for you lately, and they get paid for playing this hooky and Democracy is on the cradle of failure. I'm In!

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