Monday, June 4, 2018

WAR Declared on Special Counsel

~ U.S. Department of Justice - URGENT ~

To: Attorney General of the United States of America
            The Honorable Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
& Deputy Attorney General, Mr. Rod Jay Rosenstein
& Mr. Robert Swan Mueller III, Special Counsel Investigating Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Election;

On June 4th, this year, the 45th President of these United States, Donald John Trump, acknowledged “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” acts in progress, the latter specifically targeting the “appointment” of a Special Counsel under the auspices and authority of Mr. Robert Mueller - a former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in good standing. We must realize that Mr. Trump uses “Twitter” as a legal and trustworthy means to speak with the American citizens - not unlike the “Fireside Chat” forum used by Franklin D. Roosevelt. According to the broadcast response of concern on this day from President Trump: “Appointment of the Special Counsel is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Despite that, we play the game because I, unlike the Democrats, have done nothing wrong!” The President is the Commander-in-Chief under the U.S. Constitution and is “sworn” under oath to defend that Constitution as a living and all-powerful document, therefore defending the citizens of the United States any action that weakens this Constitution. When the Commander-in-Chief makes something of national security known through any broadcasting capability or capacity, including “social media”, he is speaking to “All Citizens” and this acknowledgment of “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” actions against the Constitution is very bothersome to a majority of law abiding Patriotic Americans. If indeed actions against the U.S. Constitution fail it under duress this “UNCONSTITUTIONALITY”, any furtherance this action can be considered WAR against the United States. Because the President in all his authority has deemed the “appointment” of the Special Counsel as “UNCONSTITUTIONAL”, we cannot argue that fact, it is not an off-the-cuff remark above the law - but the spoken word from the Commander-in-Chief. We must take it as truthful, as never would a sitting U.S. President make such an error in judgement, this egregious assault on our justice system under “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” acts or omissions. Falsehoods would subject the President to ridicule and “unfit” for duty, actions unbecoming a Commander-in-Chief. The use of this “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” is very strong language, it cannot be left unintended without consequences. By and through Mr. Trump’s spoken word as Commander-in-Chief, indeed this “appointment” is “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” and an action that must be arrested. “We the People” listening have no other option but to believe the statement, that it is “UNCONSTITUTIONAL”. With that, the Special Counsel appointed should immediately “Stand Down”. “We the People” cannot have it both ways, as it appears the President’s justification through his response to this “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” verdict finds an obligation under “we play the game”. It is not a game when the sitting President acknowledges this “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” act in progress, yet is stymied to STOP it due political pressures. It must be STOPPED, as the President acknowledges this is “UNCONSTITUTIONAL”, we must prevail to protect the “Constitution”. Not that the “Special Counsel” finds weakness in its mandate or merits of what has been proven of evidence and goodwill to date, but the simple fact the President has acknowledged it is “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” finds a necessity that it should be concluded, a “Stand Down” until such time the “UNCONSTITUTIONALITY” is argued through a court of competent jurisdiction. As it stands this day, the U.S. President’s acknowledgment trumps any other opinion and said again, any “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” action remains an invasion upon the Constitution, it constitutes WAR. Please honor this request for an immediate “Stand Down” of the Special Counsel under Mr. Robert Mueller until such time it is determined by legal forensics the going-forward merit without any undue “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” concerns. Be it known without argument, this is what our Founding Fathers would have desired, as a matter above the law for the good and greatness of “Our” Democracy, so be it “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”.
Respectfully Submitted, this 4th Day of June, the year 2018 by S. Pam McGee, Founder of the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party”.

I love a good man outside the law, 
just as much as I hate a bad man inside the law.
~ Woody Guthrie 1940

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