Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Real Nowhere Man

In 1965, the Beatles confiscated our attention with the hit, “Nowhere Man”. And in this new age 50-years later wherein “repurpose” finds new meaning from scrubbed-out agricultural land to creosote railroad ties, this tune is today a tribute to the 45th President of these United States. Here is my take on the F’n Moron Idiot - hey if the shoe fits the heel spur wear it. Our Founding Fathers made damn sure that “Religion” would be free from government interference and through an act of contrition our Constitution was well founded on “Separation of State from Church”. Now all was fine until “Religion” and the snake oil ministry found out that the “Constitutional” restriction was not a two-way street, finding an interest in the fact that the pulpit wasn’t only to preach the gospel, but punch and push the political agenda of Lucifer. Every sermon that strives for political recognition has an inherent warning: “Please allow me to introduce myself - I'm a man of wealth and taste - I've been around for a long, long year - Stole many a man's soul to waste - And I was 'round when Jesus Christ - Had his moment of doubt and pain - Made damn sure that Pilate - Washed his hands and sealed his fate.” Look, if this guy that has taken up squatter’s rights in the White House continues to work-jerkoff an agenda based on the Mobius Strip philosophy, wherein rich may mean poor on the “strip” and hate may mean love and war may mean peace - our DEMOCRACY is doomed. Since we have no idea his daily routine out-of-phase relationship, forget about trying to figure out who is on 1st! But it is tough getting used to a businessman in 1st Class and we the people proletariats going along for the joy ride. It means Dom Perignon over a bottle of Nestle’s swamp water. But if indeed a savvy wheeler and dealer the art of the orgasmic deal, then start taxing this “Religion” as it has violated the “Separation” agreement. So, tax the church of any denomination based on how much podium time is acknowledged as “political” hoodwanking. If you give $10-bucks during the collection time, if a 50/50 spread political yelling verses a religious calling, Uncle Sam gets half of that basket. Fair deal, and that would bring a boatload of wealth to the U.S. Treasury enough to build the border WALL along with the much-needed WALL up in Alaska. WTF? Yes, little known to many is just how porous Alaska’s many miles of “unsecure” coastline allows for illegal entry. And remember, Sarah can see “From Russia with Love” while tweeting from her bathroom crapper. True to fact how many “Dreamers” looking for that American “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness” as immigrants wanting to come to America, starting out on that journey up north. By landing “family employment” aboard these humongous ocean trawlers fishing the abundant fishing grounds off Alaska’s coast and when they get enough loot, pay for a shoreside ride. Like when Alaska became a state of the Union: “We’re In” is heard all the way to the Canadian border. But this guy in the White House, he is a bully and the epitome of a “Big Talk No Action” type of guy, a softy. Answer me this single brain cell tough guy question. How come a majority of his supporters think he is this Rambo type fit for life guy? He’s a Sad Sack pathetic out-of-shape clown! Would you follow him into battle? Look, he is over-weight and is a member-for-life in good standing the “18-Handicap Club” which is honored at every golf course in America, including “Miniature Golf”. But we hear him go off the deep edge…hold that thought. I just walked home from the beer mart and stopped by a real “swamp”. It was teaming with life, so this “draining the swamp” thing the Moron drools and foams at the mouth with distemper upon, it’s a cesspool! So, a year into this “Old Man Trump” dysentery dynasty and a year into the Mueller Special Counsel Investigation, well the Moron Idiot is upset that this “Witch Hunt” is “FAKE” and already cost the U.S. Taxpayers over $100-million. Look Mr. Moron Idiot, you are the F’n President of the United States. If this is indeed a “Witch Hunt”, instead of another “Stay Tuned” place a halt on it right now, that is what the strongest nation in the world allows the Commander-in-Chief to do, make things right if wrong and interfering with our Democracy. Sign an executive order exonerating yourself and let bygones be bygones. Just end it, right now! Sure there will be riots for a few days like we see in Jerusalem, just call out the National Guard - when the smoke clears all will quiet down. But why am I telling you this, as you understood your power deck when you were sworn in, were you not listening at this christening? In ending, since you have not yet placed a tax on “Religion” and since Robert Mueller is still on your tail, you have failed and there must be a reason. And the only fathomable thing that comes to mind, just a real “Nowhere Man” and you are afraid of your base, as they may turn on you when you do something “smart”!

He's a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Doesn't have a point of view
Knows not where he's going to
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere man please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere man, The world is at your command
He's as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see
Nowhere man, can you see me at all
Nowhere man don't worry
Take your time, don't hurry
Leave it all till somebody else
Lends you a hand
Ah, la, la, la, la
Doesn't have a point of view
Knows not where he's going to
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere man please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere man, The world is at your command
Ah, la, la, la, la
He's a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Songwriters: John Lennon / John Winston Lennon / Paul Mccartney / Paul James Mccartney

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