Saturday, May 5, 2018

Fire & Ice

It is apparent that Donald John Trump in the capacity of the 45th U.S. President and Covfefe-in-Chief operates under a “Mobius Strip” mentality. Just when you think you have him figured out, he suddenly appears 180-degress out-of-phase with reality - so we have no idea what he is talking about. The ultimate “curve ball”. It reminds me of this in that “Nutshell” fascination - OK, we can replace the “shell” with our “case”! With respect to “numbness numbnuts theory” not to be confused with number theory according to Theodore Kaczynski, combine the like terms of Colonel Kurtz from “Apocalypse Now” along with Hannibal Lecter of “Silence of the Lambs” and “Portnoy’s Complaint” and then a little “A Clockwork Orange” - we then have the ingredients of the 45th’s administration and then we can surely replace that “administration” fanfare with “castration”. His now famous quote: “Learn before your speak, it’s easy”, is like that divide by zero error ever so common with laptops running Kaspersky spy routines. And of course par for the course the Russians are infiltrating your conscious, so is FOX. Remember, according to August Mobius, the “swamp” is not a “swamp”! The same reason that one day the Moron remembers that whore payment and the next day he doesn’t, all depends where we are at on the “Strip”! But Trump sports a fascination for Xi Jinpingpong of China, and accordingly they have this great working relationship and respect for one another, “Brother can you spare a dime”! That was at 901am EST this morning. Then at 905am, the Pentagon along with Sarah Huckleberry Hound us, together they warn China about militarizing the “man-made islands” in the South China Sea. Over the past 5-years, China has built these islands that are now being used as military preparedness bases, and drum roll please…gas hydrate exploration through exploitation! It is all in the art of the deal, in this case oil and gas. See, it is estimated that the Chyna Doll sea, which has been confiscated by China and that sovereign nation now claims “ALL” rights, well deep down in the deep state there exists beaucoup volumes of gas hydrates - methane that can be used to boil water, run vehicles and produce electricity. This “fire ice” mush can be found almost anywhere we have deep water or permafrost, like up in Alaska along the Beaufort Sea. So China went smart, and built these islands as a ways and means to extract then deliver this methane to a growing infrastructure that relies on energy. And, coal is on the ban in China due “Global Warming” concerns, so here comes the hydrate madness. Now the South Chine Sea, well estimates based on what is known about ocean depth and temperature, estimates today signify 300-years of energy needs…get the point. See, right now China is importing liquified natural gas at highway robbery prices, and by setting its goals on this methane gold mine, well we can kiss our export market goodbye. And guess who is teaming up with China to get this resource of course? EXXON is everywhere. So, credit to China, for pursuing this gas hydrate as a viable energy source that is cleaner then coal. So, our “near-term” and “long-term” threat of consequences in these “contested waters” off Vietnam and the Philippines, well Jinpingpong cares less what we think or say and he knows damn well we will take no action. But it works for the Moron’s base attack, keeping them blinded by the right. Remember, right can wrong according to Mr. Mobius! And the United States also tested out this gas hydrate extraction, up in Prudhoe Bay under a research scholarship from the U.S Department of Energy, a project that was shut down when Rick Perry came to town as Trump’s Energy czar. See, as nations like China and Russia move forward with new energy dreams and decide to let the soot burning coal stay in the ground, we serenade a two-step backwards shuffle which is but a scuffle and the Moron thinks we are mighty because “we coal miners”! But up in Alaska, this Taxpayer funded “gas hydrate” testing, it was a very successful venture to the point “Alaska's Big Oil” built a pilot plant to liquify this stuff, it worked. Then it was all secretly shutdown and not a word has been heard of what’s next? Well China isn’t waiting and tired of paying twice as much for energy exported from America - so they have found a solution and militarizing that South Sea to protect its interest in affordable energy. See. This is what “American Big Oil” wants to keep hush hush about like with that Stormy stuff stiff, as the estimated amounts of gas hydrates in the Pacific, in the Atlantic, in all Oceans-11 - at least a 100-years of cheap energy awaits the drilling rigs to “start your engines”. Yes, thousands of jobs could be created in this new field, for our future. But our system works differently then what we see happening in China. Profit driven, it is the art of the deal. As long as we continue to be corrupted by cheap oil and gas, no need to search for an alternative source. See, Uncle Sam was smart this go around with the funding of the “gas hydrate” testing, as when it earmarked our loot for this project in Alaska, it maintained the rights to “Intellectual Property” rights as ransom, which means “Big Oil” can use it but will have to pay a fee for the technology that was developed during the testing on the Taxpayer’s dime. Now consider that this gas hydrate domain is part of the sea-bottom in the 12 mile minus 3 mile coastal zone, a whole lot of this juice already belongs to Uncle Sam. So with royalties and IP licensing, the U.S. Treasury stands to make a windfall if and when that energy source is in demand. And with what is happening in China, soon we will see all those export contracts reneged upon by Xi, we will have to join in this new source of energy waiting to be “unstranded”. But since the profit margin with “gas hydrates” doesn’t meet that “Big American Oil” profit portfolio, don’t hold your breath that “fire ice” will become a recognized commodity so soon here in the United States. We should be watching out what other growing economies of scale are doing to prepare for the future, wherein “profit” is not the only guiding light. It is how we end up loosing the “Global Economic War” and even though we spend enough for our “Military Machine” that outranks the 11-largest nations with respect to that Gross Domestic Hernia, we cannot even stop China from taking over a sea in a place we fort this nation’s last real war. So, Jimpingpong doesn’t give a rat’s ass what we say about consequences now that he owns the South China Sea, as he who laughs last, laughs best. I guess we can sell “Tabloid” crap, as long as we keep that Moron in business!

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