Wednesday, May 2, 2018


The Honorable Berit Reiss-Andersen/Chair
 Extinguished Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee

On this 2nd day of May 2018, 18-members of the United States Congress wrote to the “Norwegian Nobel Committee” respecting Donald John Trump, in the capacity as the 45th President of the United States and as that nation’s Commander-in-Chief, as a nominee for the 2019 Nobel Peace prize.

On this same day, this correspondence refutes that nomination and respectfully entered by and for John Doe American and Jane Doe American 1 through 65853516 by the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” that which represents the before named constituency population of record.

There exists reason to believe that Donald John Trump is today infringing upon the “Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness” for American citizens Kim Dong Chul, Kim Sang-duk and Kim Hak-song, the latter being held captive in Pyongyang North Korea DPNK under Kim Jong-Un’s supreme leadership, that which practices blatant disregard of human rights, especially upon its prisoner population. These Americans were arrested and incarcerated for “hostile acts against the DPNK state”. This planned “infringing”, that which should deny Mr. Trump the possibility any nomination before your committee, it is based on concerns that these American citizens were released on or about April 1st, when then CIA Director Mike Pompeo held a secret meeting with Kim Jong-Un with regards to negotiating a nuclear-free North/South peninsula and possibly more concessions with the intent to promote “peace”.

On April 18th, U.S. President Donald Trump acknowledged that “No Negotiations” were possible until such time these Americans were set free. But it is apparent that negotiations had already begun, yet these prisoners remain incarcerated, they are still the property of DPNK and have not been united with their families. United States has never started a negotiation until such time POWs are released and returned unharmed to America soil, that is how this nation was founded by the Founding Fathers.

We have reason to believe that a “prisoner” release was arranged, yet due to narcissists feeding frenzy photo-opportunities consistent with possible “peace accords”, that these prisoners are still being held for no reason accept as “fodder” for political game gains only. This is unacceptable, as if true these prisoners have been released, yet remain incarcerated stranded in North Korea, this warrants not a Nobel Peace prize as it continues as a disregard for human rights. Especially if the intent to delay a release was for political gains, to increase the popularity or dispel a failing approval rating for Mr. Trump.

The fact that the above named American citizens have not yet been returned and united as Americans on American soil, along with the fact that the Trump White House remains silent upon this release, it is only in observance of using this event as a photo-opportunity when Kim Jong-Un and Donald J. Trump meet for a soon to be announced summit, and the good news is broadcast that the president has negotiated the release of these Americans. In the meantime, since these Americans remain as prisoners even though legally “released”, it is acknowledged that they have been subject to “ideological brainwashing”, which is a continuation of torture. Such could have been and should have been avoided had an “immediate release” been postured. If these Americans are “free”, they should have been released to a United States military liaison in South Korea for reasons of safety.

The United States has always, up until this time, always demanded “immediate release” of Americans held captive with any furtherance of negotiations, not through some time evolution wherein it can be used for political posturing. For this reason alone, Donald John Trump should not even be considered to fulfill the role as an honorary nominee nor recipient of this coveted award. This is not a rally the base game opportunity, it should not be condoned by consideration the Nobel Peace prize.

Please take this refute into serious consideration until such time these prisoners are released and rejoined with rejoice their loved ones before any interest to seriously entertain Donald John Trump as a righteous nominee, as to do so can only dismantle what this “Peace Prize” represents. Had these prisoners already returned, it would be a different story. They are being used today, which means enduring more abuse - if not though physical abuse, mental abuse.

Please deny without prejudice, the nomination of Donald John Trump at this point in time, until we see the results on any peace accord between the United States and North Korea and that American citizens as DPNK prisoners Kim Dong Chul, Kim Sang-duk and Kim Hak-song have returned home safely.

Respectfully submitted this 2nd Day of May 2018, by S. Pam McGee/Lousy Hat Solidarity Party.

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