Monday, May 7, 2018

The “Suitcase Bomb” Conspiracy

Back in the early 2000s, Uncle Sam spent $millions$ on its “Kill Vehicle Technology” research project. No, nothing to do about self-driving UBER cars out-of-control, this was for military purposes as a deterrent capable of intercepting “incoming” missiles from Russia. When “drop the big one” became a nuisance reality, when we were under constant consideration for an attack by Ted Cruz like missiles equipped with nuclear warheads originating from the Portnoy Putin Federation kingdom. And remember, Sarah can see Russia from her wasillabilly front yard. So up “North to Alaska” is wherein one finds underground silos under guard and ready to launch these “kill” weapons, a device that can send a projectile at sonic speeds towards an incoming target at 4-miles per second, to destroy the “mission”. Think about that kind of speed Mr. Damien Demon, it means Frisco to Boston in 10-minutes and only 4-minutes from the White House to Mar-a-Lago for a round of golf! Talk about “North”, what has happened to this nation when the only pervert the NRA can find to fill the head-honcho seat is “Oliver North”? Yes, perverted in the sense of perverting justice, liars in the White House and liars in the NRA. I guess a liar is a liar finds another liar. Doesn’t bother me, as I gave up my NRA membership 40-years ago, when the NRA went involved in “Union” busting in Alaska, following the lead of a member of Congress for preferential treatment payback. Now there are several military installations across the nation equipped with this “Kill Vehicle” technology - so we were somewhat safe! Yes “somewhat safe” as the Russians went smart and realized that it was best to get closer to our “heartbeat”, by placing the old fashion “nuclear suitcase” bombs closer to home, our home that is. And at the same time this remodeling of a Russian “First Strike” capability, with the Portnoy Putin fascination to melt away America, well it found more interest in a “slow death” instead of instant annihilation. So now we will supplement those 26 Alaskan based “kill rockets” with an additional U.S. Taxpayers’ nuisance to bring that total to 40 - and at the same time Putin laughs at our “mission accomplished”. See, we waste too damn much taxpayer confiscated wealth on “crap”, as why protect this nation as we are well aware that in the event of a major World War the wealthy will side with the winning side and we Proletariat class-citizens will be left as “slaves” on our own accord fending for ourselves. Look, a wealthy person would side with the enemy in a heartbeat, it is already happening as long as that wealth remains sacred! Anyway, Russia went smart after it realized the United States was developing this airborne “kill vehicle technology” and the lowest bidder with the most expensive lobby party won a contract to provide a lessor deterrent, because it made more loot for the “shareholders”. True story, as other technologies being researched to hoodwink a Russian missile proved more suited as a deterrent, to destroy any weapons that went airborne against this nation’s sovereignty wherein we were targeted by outsiders. Remember, the “threat” was always from the outside, which may not be the case today read on. Yes indeed, a better technology that was tested and proved worthwhile with a higher standard of accuracy and reliability was the “Laser Guided Kill Beam”, wherein a high-powered laser activated device was harnessed aboard an Air Force 747 and four of these birds would be circling our borders 24/7 and ready and willing to unleash “Armageddon” upon any incoming stool pigeon. And when the “WARNING:INCOMING” was sounded, that laser beam could be directed at the target at, well the speed of light. Which means that trip to Mar-a-Lago lasted only 5-milliseconds and so fast, if the first shot missed the intended target there was plenty of time to reload. With the silo rockets, it is do or die one-time release commitment, sorry we missed! But that “laser” technology didn’t create the jobs and return-on-investment required by the “WAR MACHINE” corporate mentality, which is the drive behind what kind of wars we face today - if you cannot make a profit why have a war? So, what really worked and excited the brass, it fell by the wayside. And of course the Russians know we have it, but only of a backburner interest. But just incase, Vladimir Portnoy Putin sided on another form of destruction against US, and that interest rests its case in this age-old “suitcase bomb” scenario. Sometimes the old guard is better than the new-age guard. Now it is not known for sure whether or not these now embedded and secretively placed devices are the “dirty type”, those that could be detonated in central locations to cause havoc by spewing radioactive matter out and about and making the crime scene uninhabitable for a short duration, off limits at least until the cancer-causing nuclide levels abated through natural processes of weather cycling. Or the more destructive 1-kiloton type, which can kill a bunch of women and children without the pain and suffering approach and make it a living hell for many years. Now in efforts to get this bombshell technology secured for future use as a Russian “First Strike” option, it required outsiders and insiders. The outsiders, the Russian Oligarchs with visitation rights along with a bunch of punch’n Putin’s loot, to commandeer properties in the US proper that would find these “bombs” planted without viewer discretion and without detection. See, we let down our guard as many of these wealthy Oligarchs have their own “Russian Air Force” and could enter this nation easier than most Americans that hand-held “official” passports. We live not yet in fear, but where have these “suitcase bombs” been located, and how many have been deployed to bother “Tranquility”? OK, if your sentiment “what you don’t know won’t hurt you”, move on don’t bother with the rest of this broadcast. And it is not hard to guess wherein the best places to plant the “Dirty” type bombs, ones that do not interrupt the infrastructure with destruction as would be found with a conventional nuke warhead - but wherein a release would sicken the population until it dies off and the infrastructure remains intact to be used by the invaders. Remember, money talks, so with a little help from friends as it was vogue to befriend a rich and powerful Kaspersky or Vladimir or Sergey, well such a weakness allowed for this “plant” to find success! So, Donald John Trump was in Chapter 11, a.k.a. “Bankruptcy”, when a bargain hunter offered the “Trump Tower Dysentery Dynasty” $60-million more then what a piece of property in Florida was valued at - from $40 million to $100-million with “no strings attached”? Usually, the normal approach when someone is desperate, offer pennies on the dollar. Well because all of this property transaction distraction may be on a “Secretive Non-Disclosure Agreement”, it is possible that this property was targeted by Portnoy Putin to hide one of these “bombs” and a location “ready & willing” to cause fear, pain and suffering when called to duty. So, the Moron Idiot’s excuse for accepting well over the appraised value, something to do with remodeling additions. So maybe, just maybe such modifications went on when Trump still owned the property, as to not arose suspicious activity, and maybe a “bonus” to not ask questions just in the end take the money and run for it. Of course par for the golf course this is what went on. As there has been forwarded no other explanation that makes plain sense as to why a Russian Oligarch would…well be not foolish by spending a whole lot of Putin’s questionable cash for no apparent reason. Look, even Stormy may be aware of this ordeal, she is smart and made a movie, a porn flick that is called “Operation:Desert Stormy” - wherein this porn star queen sensation, that has been paid by Donald John Trump for details not available but it cannot be sex, she sits on a “Massive Ordinance Air Blast(MOAB)” or in other words a massive “hum dinger”. OK, how do we find out if this is true, with “suitcase bombs” being deployed on American soil through property ownership of Russian Oligarchs? First and foremost, there are many of these devices missing from Putin’s arsenal. And the best kept secret, these nuclear devices are not missing, but strategically deployed and the “missing” sentiment takes on the aspect like FAKE news. So, we cannot for sure understand the severity of this compromising situation until it happens - as when it comes to money over Patriotism, for some the buck starts there! Remember, the Moron Idiot is the only one that matters! Not you, not I, and surely not the future of our next generation(s). Should we live in fear? It is like a two-headed coin toss, pick heads your safe, pick heads you are doomed. So maybe this is the real McCoy behind this “COLLUSION” fascination!

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