Saturday, March 10, 2018

White House - On Ransack Watch

The 2017 appraisal of the White House is official - it has lost a tremendous amount of its pre-qualifying pre-sale value. It is of record the first time in history since it was built in 1792 that a real property value decrease is realized, after it went up for sale in January of 2017. No buyers have elected to offer up a reasonable bid, so it goes without maintenance and dilapidation is setting in like rigor-mortis and rumor that “fromunder mold” is rampant in the West wing, so the value decreases will continue. To save money, all the “Black Butler” staff have been furloughed and many of the paintings and antiquities, wow board up the front door! Is that a “Sergey” I see sneaking in through the hatch of a basement escape tunnel? How the hell did the Russian Embassy brats get the combination to our safe-haven-house? The economy may be robust, but things are pretty Sad Sack at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue, that according to gang mom Sarah Palin. Why is it the first thing that greets our day, even before the covfefe pot, we are confronted with a “cesspool”! That so once we see there is still an outside world, praytell Godsend this Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron’s Armageddon Apocalypse Now is still in its “genie” bottle. We need to stuff that many pounds of genius shit into that bottle, then throw it out to season. So, aftermath that it feels good to relieve oneself, especially after an all-nighter under cover. It’s been 62-years since I was afraid at night, and now like back then sleep with covers over my head - I fear the muzzle flash of a nuclear disaster. They say with the “flash” your eyes are burnt to a crisp and you go blind with pain, but you are still alive for a few seconds as the heat builds, then all the fluids in your body expand rapidly and you explode! You are pronounced dead before the radiation settles in as that fallout is reserved for making this baron ground inhospitable for a 100-years. But wait there’s more, run to Costco and pick up your “pre-ordained” survival cache, good for the entire family and only $6000 bucks! Who in hell ever thought of this form of “Torture”? The reasoning, if we were reasonable humans “all” such weapons would be disgraced and we would not today be scaring our children sleepless with “fake” outs that there is no Tomorrowland. If we want to advance mankind, it can only be achieved with “Peace” and it appears advances in that direction - how come our CIA has not yet taken out the murderous leaders around the world? But taking that urinal ritual for granted, the White House is on “Ransack Watch”. I get the impression that “Despicable Me” today shows the ugly side of wealth, how the inbreeding with the filthy rich is a somber reminder that artificial insemination advocates will do anything to retain an “I’m Rich You’re Trash” society the reason we still live with weapons of “Massive Destruction”. Wealth, it is the root of all present-day evil. Wealth hoarding circumcises any attempt for a free-wheeling social order, where “social” is governed by equality that “we are all created equal” and enjoy eating a ripe banana, an apple, the fruits of our labors. The disconnect, between the have and the have-nots is Oval Office awful - why so this segregation lives on I’m bewildered, it is 2018! As wealth divides, we stall our achievements advancing forward as humans. It is so simple a relationship, yet we refuse to honor what we are all about as humans and this “Negativity won’t pull us through” the next WAR - I hear the tanks approaching and the Gulag smells once again of death beds being turned up. “Brotherly Love” what a missing-in-action concept! I always get a kick at those that still believe there is life in outer space that will one-day explore this earth - forget that as it would mean an advanced civilization that would be stupid to approach this Leper Colony. And this “Despicable Me” aficionado, it is more emphasized this day in day out, as the Fucking Moron surrounds himself with the gold-glitter golden showered boys and girls club mentality that is “unbecoming” what Patriotic America is all about.  Each day, we are moving backwards in what we have so far accomplished in that “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness” endeavor, after a forward ho over the past 200-plus years, our efforts are being reversed! We push, the rich shove us back. And it finds a reason as the “Wealth” realizes this stronghold cannot last forever, there will come soon a day of reckoning and instead of caving in they consistently show a relentless affection of “greed” rules their destiny’s child still. How many trust fund babies are allowed - kids that will never have to own a real job! Look, “Made in America” CEOs do not deserve a salary that could buy 8-mansions each year for 40-years. The rat race is in actuality the rich race - just how much can I squander away for no other reason then that of bragging rights at those block parties in sheltered gated communities? Yes, we are talking “Socialism” as the fix and that scares the Dickens with the wealthy and many others that think they deserve not better but worse. I am talking the “middle-class” that thinks they can get ahead, you can but it ain’t easy. Best set a new target, one that is achievable. IMAGINE, what it would be like if we actually practiced what we learned in kindergarten - that sharing thing. In the meantime, be patient as Socialism will one day be the saving grace of this somewhat civilized race. We have it in us to behave and enjoy a socialistic society. So where does this nation stand in the horrors promoting a ransacked society? Today there is posted a sign at the front door of the White House, “NOT Rich NOT Welcome”. I think the playbook left behind by Barack Obama as a “welcoming gift” was “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. Today we find a Randle and a Nurse Ratched character running around the West wing and also appropriate is “A Clockwork Orange” and “Portnoy’s Complaint” let’s not forget a Hannibal Lecter, the “Silence of the Lambs”. If you combine the plots of the latter mentioned scenarios, welcome to Donald John Trump’s world. Do you really think this cabinet that likes $31000 dollar pie plates and $139000 office doors and $130000 office whores - when you bath in wealth, you give NOT a rat’s ass any monetary suffering upon others not so well off. I guess in ending, the sentiment “my shit don’t stink if I am rich” sticks and does stink like shit, but for a member in good standing the 1% whore lord war lord wealth lords. One thing that will swallow this nation like the swirling vortex of a cesspool, is wealth-NOT retardation. And that is promoted today because we are so hungry for “Blood on the Tracks” wealth, WAR worship builds those investment portfolios. Here is a test, if you have a 401k or invest in a smorgasbord of “Stock Options” with a Wall Street Wolf, when all those young kids were mowed down in cold blood there in Florida did you challenge that portfolio any “gun running” affiliation? Fuck No as out-of-sight out-of-mind I don’t know and don’t care to know, that is why I hire a smuggler don’t tell me bad news - as the interest in arming the teachers caused the gun stocks to sell at highway robbery market prices. If you own stock and rely on another’s wisdom to make a “Killing”, unless you have directed that broker “No Guns” you have blood on those tracks of grisly guilt. I am sick and tired of this enthusiasm supporting our troops, as this WAR fever we deliver around the world, it finds nonsense and is but for a defense contractors golden opportunity to rape thy nation’s heritage. Remember, “War is over if you want it", why hasn’t it disappeared? Why is it not today endangered? As our infrastructure goes unattended, we are paving the roads with gold in those “Desolation Road” deserts. Today we use our men and women in uniform as fodder, to promote not a mighty military bent of protection of the “Homeland” but preferential protection for Mr. Warbucks, as he is the saving grace for a whole lot of funny money heading their way courtesy of Uncle Sam. It’s your money, used to “Kill” and then you receive a pittance the Net Worth due Net Netanyahu Neutrality. To survive…maybe not! See, if all the cabinet members were hanging out with the Russian entourage and Ivanka farts, if it is disgusting enough and causing hate and discontent “who done it”, Donald John Trump - a.k.a. Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron - would gladly take credit, because with an inbred fart it is collusion at its best and those in the know would probably sell it for a profit. Take the money and run, where to because if the streets of heaven are paved in gold, take me towards hell instead as “We the People” middle-class are getting used to the heat!

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