Saturday, March 10, 2018

Ball & Stripes & Term Limits

41-days and 41-nights, 41-days to wear the ball & stripes,,,Oh Mama. No, then how about the 41-day itch? Better yet, the 41-day “Jockstrap” Itch! It appears that after one-year the Hornymoon is over for this Rex Tilleron’s Fucking Moron. Remember, Rex said that Not I - only a repeat representing the truth of the matter. It’s true and the truth does hurt! And soon after that anniversary, the chastity belt went on lockdown as it is a Stormy weather forecast, so Uncle Buckle up. Since then we see the struggles of a very horny erectile dysfunction economy - ups and downs, buy no sell, I’m cumming, no not yet! My as well put this Stormy spin into the equation, as we are living in perverted times with respect to the “Trump Tower” definition of a healthy economy. And of course we will never see those Federal Tax Returns, as in those documents the write-off for lawsuits, pay-off payouts to satisfy those “Non-Disclosure Agreements” for those Stormy nights…But I guess with the Gary Harts, the Edward’s Spitzer-hands and the Bill Clintons, it is all about who can outdo the other’s perversion and stay politically erect. “Politically Correct” is a bygone. And since the U.S. Constitution went constipated with this “perversion”, some 87 high-ranking officials have been indicted for masturbation. And this addiction based on a 10-year cycle, it finds today an exponential excitation, so is becoming normal behavior which means it is acceptable - the reason we end up with a president that sides with the North Korean pervert. Hillary stayed with Bill, the reason she is in a gated-community retirement home. And, well the best think tank thing that could happen to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” is a retirement home for the existing Oval Office staff-infection and the entire 115th GOP Congress and I end with this dissertation of distraction for traction - what the hell happened to “Term Limits”? See, at one time not to far back, limiting the terms of endangerment our elected officials was in vogue - everybody gathered around this covered wagon to pursue the challenges with imbedded embattled officials. But then those behind it realized they may push themselves out to pasture what amounted to a “Do Nothing” high paid hooky opportunity of a lifetime. Now then low and behold, they changed the tune of the conversation one-way while emphasizing that what we really needed were seasoned and experienced representatives. Bullcrap, as if we had adhered to the principles of the Constitution, we would not be in the predicament we find ourselves in this day - the laughing stock nation. See, lets wind it back to 1787 when the U.S. Constitution was finally hatched after a long gestation period. See, a Senator had to be the ripe age of 30 before stepping into the Congressional arena. And with that, a 6-year term was allowed - for a life expectancy of 38-years which means at most a one-termer, 6-years in the political urinal and then a few years retirement fishing! With the “House”, it meant a maximum 10-year commitment. Wow, what a concept - built-in constraints as an exercise disallowing a hijack on the decency of how our Founding Fathers envisioned limiting “mold”! With “Term Limits” applied, it means best defend the Constitution NOW, while time allows instead of bending over to the “Hobby Lobby” that may be instrumental in you keeping that “job for life” as it is all about the $money$ horny! See, “Term Limits” would have already limited the terms of endangerment of Donald John Trump, as the 115th Congress being limited to “short time” would then have to venture into “hard time” employment, and would you hire any of those scoundrels for “Do Nothing” expectations? So, we cannot blame the Russian Federation, we can only blame the U.S. Congress, as a job-for-life finds no place in “This land is Your Land”. And in ending once again, as I have “Time Limits” that restricts my behavior, what is with the “WALL” - the Stock Exchange? It’s that ball with chain and stripes restricting the normal behavior to that of a 41-day and 41-night “Jockstrap” itch, a.k.a. “Term Limits”!

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