Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Hustler

Stormy, we love you! Can I have a kiss? On second thoughts, No Thanks as loose lips sinks ships parts unknown down-under this Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron. RT Fucking Moron for short, please don’t get the RT confused with Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Russia Today propaganda news agency or its alias Russian Trolls network.  That aside, we still love ya Miss Steaming Stormy, just can’t engage in any touchy-feely. OK, please blow a kiss this way, that’s exceptionally acceptable this “Blowin in the Wind” sign of affection. I can’t IMAGINE any woman wanting an affair with this RT Fucking Moron, talk about the possibility of “Fromunder” stains. OK, if it’s your job, then hand job the slob. But are we seeing an emergence of Democracy in the style we used to enjoy, by Larry Flynt from down-yonder Hustler! IMAGINE some more if you will if a porn-made-man can take down what the U.S. Congress has failed at addressing. Flynt’s notoriety seems to be hounding the Stormy nights saga, along with the enjoyable fact Mr. Hustler is not a big fan of this “Trump Tower” dysentery dynasty. Larry is looking for dirt, pay dirt that which could form the basis to “Impeach” the Moron and has placed full-page ads in major “Big Phony Tits” newspaper agencies coast to coast. The challenge is ON! Hey, the Trump Tramp Camp tried to salvage Hillary dirt, that meddling, so an eye-for-an-eye heel-spur-for-hell-spur what’s the difference make my day! Now back to the weather. See, when Stormy felt that RT Fucking Moron didn’t get his money’s worth because he refused to endorse her services so there must have been a customer Vladimir Portnoy complaint, there came this talented offer to settle indifferences with a typical “Non-Disclosure Agreement”. Maybe because this RT Fucking Moron was handed his balls in the 2016 election erection, he couldn’t then advertise for “Stormy Nights”! The original contract for “Services Rendered” allowed Stormy to go home with a $130000 bonus - not an awful lot of loot for a Stormy night’s out how many we don’t know. It was not a one night stand in for Melanomia, as it was an “Affair” according to a little “white lie” fly on the wall - a Russian spy. But now Steamy Stormy is arguing the legal merits of the “Agreement”, which finds a possible $1-Million liability breech that which is excessive but is designed for protection against renegade reneging. Will the real David Dennison please stand erect! But if the legalese community sees fit to educate to adjudicate recovery for a breech by Stormy, then Simple Simon math works like this. Take that $1-Million plus the $130000 pay-up please the Moron already pulled-out, and all total we find $1130000 in expenses that Stormy will have to dish out for the “Unhappy Together” times. Same way that Melanomia feels and has too live with it - no she doesn’t! But this “loot” will remain in the vault, as who in hell is this “Dennison” character anyway? “I did not have sexual relations with that Stormy”. Bill, is that you, Bill? Do you really think that security camera would catch the likes of Donald John Trump sniffing around for that loot? Maybe Devin Nunes will be the cat burglar cajoled into a recovery mission for the goods. But don’t count the cookie dough yet, as even with the “NDA” in full force, one party would have to prove the extent of injury to claim that entire $1-Million - the courts do not act in a carte blanch reckless manner such rewards regardless of the language. So worst case scenario for Stormy is that $130000 bucks as we know Mr. Trump cannot be financially harmed, as he is not a party to this reunion and even so if based on precedence set, this is a “Nothing Burger” threat only by the RT Fucking Moron’s Fucking Moron cast of scumbag attorneys acting on behalf of Sergeyland. If Dennison is Trump, then that could be bad news, as the real David Dennison would then have a counter-suit to recover damages for indecent exposure. But with Larry’s “Dirt Grab” it can see upwards $10-Million to be awarded to the person with the goods that could sink the “Trump Tower” ship of fools. So let’s say for “Services Rendered” that well, Mr. Dennison stands to see what a real Return On Investment accounts for in a Ponzi calculation. Now if Steamy Saucy Stormy were to rattle the cage to “Impeachment” and inherit the Hustler’s prize, she would be $9.8-Million bucks ahead of schedule, on a $130000 buck charitable donation - which outwits that Florida Mansion wheeling and dealing wherein the Moron made a 150% ROI with that collusion collision RT gulag gang, Stormy ahead by a factor of 7592%. And with this storm front approaching and about to deliver upon the Moron that proverbial 100-year flood, go Stormy! Now we should compare the “business” genius!

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