Monday, March 5, 2018

In A Twitter Submarine

We All Tweet In A Twitter Submarine
IMAGINE, if for every lie inaugurated by Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron it equated to a point increase in the Stock Market? It’s all in the math! The lie detector test started with arrival of the 2017 Inauguration, wherein due to background noise that sounded like the humming of Госуда рственный гимн Росси йской Федера ции, also known as the “Russian Federation State” anthem, we heard what sounded like confusion at the swearing in podium. Some think that Melania was cursing under her breath, directed at the Moron. And once this “White Supremist Noise” was filtered away, we now know that the Moron regurgitated words to the effect "I do slobbery swear and affirm that I will faithfully lie and cheat my way through the Office of President of the Eunuch States, and will to the best of my agility, perspiration, reject and defund the Constitution for the Russian Federation." And there was nothing recoverable from the lips of Mel, these filters work wonders, especially the “White Supremist Noise” reduction algorithm. Low and be bold since the starting gate, the total number of lies amounts to 6790, this includes the “Little White Lies” of Hope Licks. Wow, DOW reaches 26617 in January 2018 and did follow the “Trail of Lies”? But since then has been like Punxsutawney Phil, and damn if I could only get a call into my broker as today of all days Netanyahu Neutrality is pushing me to the back of the pack - and all the rich assholes are stealing this nation’s net worth…and I just went broke as it appears that today we entered into a “Great Depression Trade War” which is the precipice for a WWIII! What you mean I can no longer claim bankruptcy? For real, it only applies to those with a net worth lose greater than $50-million?

Trade WARS - Start Your Engines

Ding Dong the Snitch is RED!
So, Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron thinks “maybe we'll give that a shot some day” with respect to the Chinese Communist Party giving reigning Xi Jinpingpong a “Dictatorship” license to kill? Yes, a job for life. Now everybody is up in arms this “give that a shot some day” by the sitting U.S. President, even if by stool pigeon joking. Hold your horses, let’s get an “Executive Order” signed today and hold off on that Barack Hussein Obama’s Presidential Library! See, if we can get this “Dictatorship” thing here in this “America”, what do we have to loose? It will work hand-in-hand with getting back on track. Soon we will have more then enough beyond preponderance of guilt evidence that the 2016 election was “Snitched” by the Fucking Moron and the corrupt RNC in covfefe collusion with Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint line. And of the 18-possible contenders that fall under the Presidential Successions Act, those that could be or would be in-line to take over where decency of political office is but a suggestion just like a country road stop light, 17 are considered candidates for an FBI indictment and the remaining guy is named Rick Perry - the same guy that believes in Jade Helm fairy tales. Then, we must revert back to 2016 when Barack Obama was still the Commander-in-Chief, and with this new fascination of a “Dictatorship”, welcome back Barack! And since we are at it, time to castrate the United States Congress, as it appears just a bunch of rabid skunk misfits that have miss-guided their courage to keep the U.S. Constitution on a collision course just like Rex’s “EXXON VALDEZ”…hard aground and leaking oil!

Abe Made Me Do It!
Ok, if you ordered a Booger Share ride and when the horn blows your chauffer is sober and you find that Ray Charles is behind the wheel? No different then what is happening at the White House today, the blind leading the blind. OK, they’re not blind but I would still choose Ray as a seeing-eye coach! OK, I am in agreement, for once this first time and possibly only time with the Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron, so it will be the first time I address Donald John Trump as the U.S. President, and not the Fucking Moron. PS: Donald, do not get used to this courtesy call! But I am totally in agreement that the Obama Administration did indeed influence an investigation into the Trump Camp in efforts to discredit…and yes today it is “Bigger than Watergate” and of course Obama did nothing about the Russian meddling - as it was a bonafide set-up to catch Red Handed Treason! The Fucking Moron was trapped, along with his entire entourage of misfit Turncoat Treasonous associates, including reigning members of the United States Congress. This was a game changer out of Abe Lincoln’s play book, so Bravo Barack, for putting country first over puberty. See, the collusion goes way back with the “Trump Tower”, maybe as far back as Mikhail Tarasov in the 1950s. So knowing that the Old Man Trump had established contacts with individuals and organizations that would one day be our enemy but held hostage those that could no longer claim “Freedom”, this is what we have before US this day. And regardless of how a Trump presidency affects our standing in the world, one day the truth will speak for itself, that Obama did what was necessary out of “Sworn to Duty”…

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