Monday, March 5, 2018

What the la-di-Frickin-da?

Why are so many so scared of using the “F” word out loud publicly, especially when appropriate, even if directed at a Moron? Remember, that once banned word found new ground when Rex Tillerson authorized it attached to that Moron we all know, in reference to Donald John Trump. So, no longer an under-your breath sentiment, out loud it is here to stay hurrah! And so becoming for this un-becoming idiot in the Oval Office. To begin with, this guy is in no way shape or form fit for the duty as Commander-in-Chief. Appears name calling is rampant in “Trump Troll Tower”, like with Mr. Magoo tagged to an honorable man that has served this nation far beyond any member of the Trump Tower dysentery dynasty.  Now I am not a Jeff Sessions fan by any stretch of one’s imagination, as I believe he may harbor a Confederacy mindset, but is not name calling something we learned to beware upon when in kindergarten? Remember what we learned, play nice! But now that “We the People” have endured 402-days of a Fucking Moron Maniac Maggot as an unqualified occupier of the West Wing and the Oval Office cum stains are supplemented with brain farts, it is time to raise the bar with “Fuck You Donald Trump Suck My Dick”. Thank you, my Lady Madonna. Sorry, but “no more mister nice guy”. Now where in hell do we place blame upon the present quagmire that is ruining “Tranquility” and for that matter why in hell is the Union of Concerned Scientists now in “Emergency Session”, wherein the outcome may up the “Doomsday Clock” to 1-minute left? Simple, blame it on Bill and Hillary Clinton. Oh, shut up is your comeback, let me qualify that reasoning. When power and image excels beyond the belief to uphold “Liberty”, well we end up with a Fucking Moron. I did not vote for Hillary and proud to admit it. I did not vote for Trump and even prouder to admit it, and NO I do not feel guilty as we ended up with the worst of two evils. I don’t care if Donald John Trump goes to jail ever, as he displays mental instability problems and is in need of professional psychiatric first-aid help. He is living proof that Henry Murray’s experiments found detrimental side effects in “unwitting” patients. But when Hillary went fascinated on becoming the 1st woman in the White House, those expectations were a blatant fool’s gold wish. See, my take is this. She should have thrown Bill out a long time ago, and then maybe she could have re-purposed her image instead of proving to the world she likes to be in an abused situation - just like the behavior most recently uncovered with another Oval Office brat, that Rob Porter. Maybe Bill left a memoir in the Oval Office “crapper” that was Porter’s guiding light on how to abuse the “Woman is the nigger of the world”. `Bill’s a maggot! Porter’s a maggot and yes indeed, the Moron is a perverted maggot. But when Hillary stayed with this piece of crap that made friends with child pervert Lolita Express, there was no way in hell she was going to establish a residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - not on our watch! And then along comes Trump. Look, Hillary’s lose had nothing to do with Russia! Get over it, the GOP was a failed regime to begin with so could not stage fright a valid candidate and the other side of the isle was also in default, so this nation should have been educated to vote for Bernie Sanders. But we are inept monsters when it comes to politics. We want to be part of it by virtue our allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, yet we understand diddley squat and the ramifications of a feeble understanding is paramount to what is happening today. And we should not have to be experts in the field of politics, but when we have such a powerful lobby and money run amuck that indeed controls the outcome of elections, the system is broke and if it continues down the dead-end road of destruction and all about image is all that matters and nothing about Patriotism, the “Doomsday Clock” is telling US the truth. In ending, below is Bob Dylan’s dissertation about World War III, take note:

"Talkin' World War lll Blues"

Some time ago a crazy dream came to me
I dreamt I was walkin' into World War Three
I went to the doctor the very next day
To see what kinda words he could say
He said it was a bad dream
I wouldn't worry 'bout it none, though
They were my own dreams and they're only in my head

I said, "Hold it, Doc, a World War passed through my brain"
He said, "Nurse, get your pad, this boy's insane"
He grabbed my arm, I said, "Ouch!"
As I landed on the psychiatric couch
He said, "Tell me about it"

Well, the whole thing started at 3 o'clock fast
It was all over by quarter past
I was down in the sewer with some little lover
When I peeked out from a manhole cover
Wondering who turned the lights on

Well, I got up and walked around
And up and down the lonesome town
I stood a-wondering which way to go
I lit a cigarette on a parking meter and walked on down the road
It was a normal day

Well, I rung the fallout shelter bell
And I leaned my head and I gave a yell
"Give me a string bean, I'm a hungry man"
A shotgun fired and away I ran
I don't blame them too much though
They didn't know me

Down at the corner by a hot-dog stand
I seen a man
I said, "Howdy friend, I guess there's just us two"
He screamed a bit and away he flew
Thought I was a Communist

Well, I spied me a girl and before she could leave
"Let's go and play Adam and Eve"
I took her by the hand and my heart it was thumpin'
When she said, "Hey man, you crazy or sumpin'
You see what happened last time they started"

Well, I seen a Cadillac window uptown
And there was nobody aroun'
I got into the driver's seat
And I drove down to 42nd Street
In my Cadillac. Good car to drive after a war

Well, I remember seein' some ad
So I turned on my Conelrad
But I didn't pay my Con Ed bill
So the radio didn't work so well
Turned on my record player—
It was Rock-a-day Johnny singin', "Tell Your Ma, Tell Your Pa
Our Love's A-gonna Grow Ooh-wah, Ooh-wah"

I was feelin' kinda lonesome and blue
I needed somebody to talk to
So I called up the operator of time
Just to hear a voice of some kind
"When you hear the beep it will be three o'clock"
She said that for over an hour
And I hung up

Well, the doctor interrupted me just about then
Sayin', "Hey I've been havin' the same old dreams
But mine was a little different you see
I dreamt that the only person left after the war was me
I didn't see you around"

Well, now time passed and now it seems
Everybody's having them dreams
Everybody sees themselves
Walkin' around with no one else
Half of the people can be part right all of the time
Some of the people can be all right part of the time
But all of the people can't be all right all of the time
I think Abraham Lincoln said that
"I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours"
I said that

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