Monday, March 5, 2018

Cat’s Meowing, Best Listen

OK, put your Dumb & Dumber “MAGA” Mitt Romney lousy hat back on, testicle time. What did J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI finally use to take down Al Capone? No not blunt-force head trauma murder with a baseball bat, no not death initiated on rat finks through choking on a foreign object like an over-stuffed peperoni sausage, not that “Scarface” curse-of-death either, but Simple Simon “Tax Evasion”. And it appears that the same FBI a little older maybe bolder, after spending a lot of time, effort and Fabulous Moolah they got their man once again, Donald John Trump is soon to hear “GO TO JAIL: Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go. Do not collect $200”, yes Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron soon to be a cell-mate with Bubba Igor Manafort. And like in Al’s case, based on an IRS technicality wherein no finger-prints required and very little in the category of witness protection program stool pigeons. Here it is in a “Big Phony Tit”: Somebody in the Dumb & Dumber organization placed an order for stuff bearing the Presidential Seal that was then used at Trump owned golf courses. Now according to John Lawman; Section 18 of the U.S. Code stipulates "whoever knowingly manufactures, reproduces, sells, or purchases for resale, either separately or appended to any article manufactured or sold, any likeness of the Presidential Seal for non-official government use shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both." But I hear some sinister rattling going on, could it be…Now maybe this was another Obama set-up, I am hoping so. And when I say Obama set-up, one of the John Doe and Jane Doe 1 through 65853516 that didn’t vote for this walking "Tower" idiot. See, with all the confusion in the Fucking Moron’s Oval Office “crapper”, juxstaposition if somebody on the sly & prank sent in a “FAKE” order for something that if used improperly would be a violation of standing law and the order was then send back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue wherein somebody like Kellyanne Conway got the Fucking Moron to sign off on it thinking that it originated from that “crapper” as official business…it worked and it would be unbelievable enjoyment justice served if promotional golf “Ts” with the “Presidential Seal” puts the Moron away, even if but for a 6-month reunion with Bubba. Throw the book at the Fucking Moron, to set precedence, prove a point hip-hip-hurrah for the “Red, White & Blue”.

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