Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Pet Rocks or Trump Tower

Test for all able-bodied American voters. What came first, Pet Rocks or Trump Tower? Draft Dodgers or Vietnam War? OK, the hippie “Love Bug” generation along with the Charles Manson “Helter Skelter” generation along with the Theodore Kaczynski “Boundary Theory” generation along with the John Kerry “Fit-for-Duty” generation are well aware that back in the 70’s some guy came up with a brilliant money making idea, the ultimate fool’s gold approach to sell “Pet Rocks”. Don’t laugh, we fell for it and after 2-million rocks sold at $4-bucks a whack…rocks are free! You do the math of success! That intuition to sell “Nothing” worthwhile except a piece of the Mother Lode but Not gold some 4-billion years old was based on Congressmen Don Young of Alaska selling the idea of building bridges to “Nowhere”! Yes, the ultimate in “Fools Gold” - only problem it was the U.S. Taxpayers that played the role as the “Fools”. That was about the same time in memorable history somebody came up with another brilliant “heel spurs” idea, that if people are stupid enough to waste money on a “rock”, snake-oil them by selling a name! But there is a difference, in one position you actually get something concrete in return. And the Stormy jury is still out to lunch on whether or not you get enjoyment from using someone else’s name for free-lancing a boil on the butt cheek. The same thing happened with the 2016 election, Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron was better capable of selling his “Casino” name over that of Casanova’s abused wife. What’s in a name, case closed, NO Collusion. And even though we are supposed to learn from our mistakes, the snake-oil ministers never give up hope that there is a weakness amongst US - another endeavor designed to waste Not want. We are all “Fucking Morons” when push comes to shove “I have a deal for you”. Remember, if it is too good to be true and remember the old saying shoot your phone? Too bad Ma Bell made that a crime as today we suffer with this “We all Tweet in a Twitter Submarine, Twitter Submarine, Twitter Submarine” syndrome. It’s free, this rant & rage Midnight Special available 24/7 without a license to kill, no age restrictions, no nothing but it is costing US dearly in the “Human Endeavor” called upon to advance civilization. Just yesterday the Stephen Hawking’s “Black Hole Gage” was increased by some 2-million Neanderthal years, which means today on the intellectual quota…I’m embarrassed! Here’s what gets me. At his disposal, the President of the United States has press briefings, has a seasonal “State of the Union”, has an unlimited ways and means to get the word out - as when the Commander-in-Chief speaks, the world is listening and every word spoken is usually censored as a precaution someone doesn’t read into something that may cause an international crisis! It is NOT censorship that tramples that 1st Amendment Right, it is just a precautionary measure. That is how our nation operated for 200-plus years since the U.S. Constitution came to be and successful at that. Kiss that good practice precedence “Goodbye”, as today we are proving to the world “like acting president like acting citizens”, we Americans come equipped with Moron DNA. The reason Hawking’s is increasing the size of that “Black Hole”, we are imploding! It takes evolution time to unmask human traits and qualities, sad that it came all so suddenly and all at once, this Moronism. But it is “Social Media” technology that instigates and exploits our weaknesses, as the mighty buck made by the perpetrators of this “snake-oil” is more important over any ethical limitations, that which may stall that income streaming confiscated by the masturbators of this mind game. Yes “Mind Game” as we are powerless in the “Big Picture” show and this finger-fucking madness to destroy our neighbor is designed for ease of use - and velocity of attack and ferocity of attack is not a human “good” quality. See, IMAGINE if we disabled that “Twitter”, I did! And it is so “Modern Man” relieving to be out of the “Twitter Submarine”! Try it, you may like the “Freedom” away from an abusive “Pet Rock” technology - it’s a rock and has no feeling!

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