Friday, March 2, 2018

Trump - Back Stabber

Wander wide wonder why on the same day that the Russian Federation announces it wants to blow the western world to smithereens, because it was allowed to make super-bombs because the Fucking Moron never signed the “Sanctions” that would have delayed this craze to melt NYC, that we see the Stock Market go south? No “Big Phony Tits” here, it is sex without a condom, we have no protection against an incoming 100-Megaton Cobalt-30 Thermonuclear fryolator with a “hot-wings” special. See-saw, when we should have seen “Sanctions” on Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint become a reality, the Fucking Moron places “Trade Sanctions” on China instead. Saw-see, the Fucking Moron is pissed because Xi Jinping can now become a “Dictator” because the Chinese Communist Party has lifted “Term Limits” for its Supreme Leader. Putin is a dickhead of state. Bong-one is a dickhead of state. Netanyahu is a real big dickhead of state. And now Xi can become a bonafide dick. And our Donald dickhead will be going to jail. Yes, we received a “State of the Eunuch” address filled with false premise and the Ruskies a “State of the Gulag” message that warned of nuclear fallout. But the markets took a turn for the worse south when these Chinese “Trade Sanctions” were announced. Now I thought “double jeopardy” was against the law, maybe the Moron is stitching things behind the scenes in the early mornings when he can’t sleep due explosive diarrhea of the “Twitter”? Remember back to day 367 of the Chaos Theory President, just a few weeks ago when the Stock Market was still showing strong growth on the same trajectory as was realized under Barack Obama, well Trump imposed a 30% import tax on solar panels from China. Now this was for no reason whatsoever except for the fact the Fucking Moron doesn’t like renewables, so tax the hell out the GAIA energy guys. The Moron’s reasoning, “Make America Great Again” by building the panels stateside. I work in solar, and many small outfits have tried to build solar panels here in the states, just cannot compete with China and South Korea and Canada and Mexico - based on labor costs and semiconductor atom mining. I would love to entertain the world by asking this genuine Moron how a solar panel works. “No Donald, it is not midget slaves carrying photons to the Queen bee”. So if we want to go “Green”, we are held hostage by competition and must procure panels through imports - but jobs are created, maybe not in the steel smelting sector, but in the solar field. A 100-megaWatt solar farm will employ 2000-workers for at least 2-years. We live in a global commodities environment, love it or leave it. And this “Trump” magic number of 30%, it was re-purposed to erase the 30% “Incentive Tax Credit” made possible by George Bush through Barack Obama and that which created thousands of jobs in the solar field sector. Solar is new, keeping the costs down is paramount the success of this new age industry. So with such an interest in California - the state the Moron hates - well down yonder Devin “Trump’s Stooge” Nunes pig sty land, that is where solar is re-purposing burnt out farm land that cannot even grow weeds today. In some places we do not need Putin’s help for total destruction, we are there abouts already. And since the Moron doesn’t know how to read a map, he wants California and its sanctuary city life to suffer. OK, he is pissed at Nunes for the “Nothing Booger” memo that was supposed to exonerate any affiliation with Vladimir Portnoy’s Complaint. Now the 30% tax burden didn’t really place a dent on solar projects for 2018, even though the “Bush-Obama Era Tax Credit” was erased by this “Trump Import Crap Error” - as the momentum was there even if Trump wanted blood out-of-a-turnip. With the present chain-migration of solar stuff from other “allied” nations required to erect a solar farm, electricity generated for free when Stormy is away, it is today equal to fossil fueled generation - so be it the reason it works, or did! And that Nunes “dud” that gained the pig farmer the “Trump’s Stooge” award, it pissed Mr. Moron off more than Xi’s freedom to be a dickhead dictator. So, like we have become accustomed to with the Fucking Moron, an early morning brain-fart which is all that yellow matter custard covered head can deliver, dripping from a dead-dogs eye we hear about some other bright idea to now try and get blood out-of-the-turnip seed! Look, we all know the Moron gets no sleep, or sex! So as manufacturers started gearing up to make solar panels here in the states, low and behold another fucked up Fucking Moron tirade. Yes, tax the hell out of China by some new “Raw Material” import tax, another 25% for steel and 10% for Aluminum, and that is wherein a majority of “stuff” needed to build solar panels would come from - so this move buries California’s mandate for cleaner energy into the dugout. Since the Moron’s 2nd year began only a few weeks ago, today solar has risen by 17% on the books. S.O.S. = UNAFFORDABLE! Which means through “double decker jeopardy trickery”, he gets even and the solar will suffer, which means jobs will be lost and electrical rates will increase again, and again and again. Bring on the coal I hear him singing with delight - “I did it Putin’s Way”. This guy occupying the White House is a genuine Fucking Moron, wait there’s more, add Maggot to get the full picture of an individual who never got over the disenchantment of seeing his first pubic hair, and is still wondering why it was yellow and unlike the hair color of a true Man.

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