Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Other “F” Word

Take a look around you, listen up as the attack on Democracy is here! Constitutional Crisis? That started on January 20th, 2017 - yes over a year ago. It is no longer silent this movement, no longer just a faint like whispering in the breeze. It is loud and clear from sea to shining sea. “This land is your land, this land is my land” may soon be guarded by a “No Trespass” sign and you may also find an eviction notice nailed to your front door, signed by a Fred Christ Trump Fuhrer! The “Trump Tower” is demonstrating a liking and willingness for such a takeover, through FASCISM. Look, the White House just gave up Hope! Par for the course this fascination with FASCISM as this worship with the “Trump” goes way back, to when Woody Guthrie took on “Old Man Trump” over yonder in the po’boy patch, Beach Haven NYC. This time frame when youngster Donald John was learning about a direction in life, from a father proud to be a racist. Woody was a simple man in his ways and means, a hobo with his iconic “This Machine Kills Fascism” 6-string guitar, yet delivered so powerful the word. As a messenger, his songs sing out a warning. We must begin to listen, or else we will be robbed of any future under a guaranteed “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness”. In America, because we have “FREEDOM”, we live a life of give and takes. The salt-of-the-earth hard working middle-class that cherishes this nation it’s “Freedom” foundation, well we spend very little time with an understanding of the political quagmire, a.k.a. “Beltway Cesspool”. Sports finds a better equipped fascination then does a political forum on immigration or gun control or energy or impeachment. From Big Time wrestling to curling…way to go Team USA on that trip to the finals with the “rock”! But does anybody know the results of the curl, because as soon as the Istinka Rump showed up, I turned off the Olympics. Fucking Morons ruin everything and anything by promoting a “FASCISM” agenda, not my cup-of-tea! I only want to see Istinka’s mug or Jared’s mug on a police blotter APB. Since the inauguration some 360-days ago gone bye, this Rex Tillerson’s Fascist Fucking Moron has shown his warship worship for a dictatorship, and is attacking the very fabric of Democracy, tearing it down one thread at a time. If this nation were the USS Bounty, Donald John Trump is Captain Bligh. If we listen to what Woody said about the “Tower”, we find Fletcher Christian. There is a “Mutiny” in effect, we must defend. The evidence is convincing, and yes there is collusion in the “Fucking” as in US! Today we find unprecedented attacks on the FBI by the Fucking Moron family. We find the Pentagon under siege, with the Fucking Moron wanting a military parade - another sign of Fascism distemper. We have seen the U.S. Treasury raided, and the wealthy non-participators of “True Democracy” are benefitting. Look, if you are part of the 1%, you would smile under any form of government rule, even a dictatorship, if your net-worth remained the same. Yes, FASICM today is for sale. And since that murder spree in Florida, the NRA has come out in a full-court full-colors frantic like force majeure, as even the law enforcement agencies are under attack by the Wayne’s World “Militia”. All these wannabe he-man Sheriff Joe Arpaios and wannabe she-man Sheriff David Clarkes that are saying the Parkland “Sheriff...Look, Trump said he would go into a burning building without a gun to apprehend a shooter? Only if it were a strip joint and the weapon in use “Big Phony Tits” of a Stormy in heat! Ever since Trump came into office the police have been ridiculed if they say anything against the Moron’s ineptness. Now to be honest, you must be Fucking Nuts to mess with the Hoover FBI, especially when trying to cover up “money laundering”. At the same time, the Moron calls his “what’s left over” cabinet names, like Mr. Magoo for Jeff Sessions. I wonder what his nickname for Kellyanne Conway may be, as when she was on the Ted Cruz’s campaign she called Trump words no woman should ever let loose from civil lips. So that is how a Fascist takes over, by morally destroying the outer fabric of Democracy then attacking the inner-city society. And just leave the military out of it, keep the troops abroad until it is too late and then have Putin keep them occupied so they can’t come home to waste this takeover - yes more “Collusion”. The NRA is gearing up to call to duty its “5-million” strong “Militia”, on alert to help out this Fucking Moron’s coup d’etat.  And like the wealthy that don’t care what form of government they pay tribute upon as long as their stock portfolio stays, the NRA is the same as it will be happy under a dictatorship as long as that faction gets to keep their guns. And under Fascism the rank and file membership will increase exponentially as those that say AYA to the dictatorship, which amounts to some 62-million “Turncoats” that voted in a Fucking Moron, the “Great Divide” is here. And let’s not forget, it was Rex Tillerson that gave us the “Fucking Moron”, NOT I but I am jealous I cannot take the credit! Saving grace? We should embrace the preaching of Woody Guthrie, as that is in itself a formidable weapon against “Fascism” and maybe we can bite our tongue and hope that there is a “Mutiny” going on, incontrovertible with General McMaster and General Kelly realizing that they signed up and are sworn to protect the U.S. Constitution against this Treason of Fascism. Stink Bomb….yes, but even a Red with White & Blue military takeover is better than the alternative - Live Free or Die, give me Liberty or give me Death finds new meaning under a Fucking Fascist Moron.

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