Friday, March 2, 2018

Art of the Linkletter

The most “linked” word in “blue swede shoes” that found an interest on the Net Neutrality this first week of March was “Trump’s Stooge”. In like a “lion” when “clicked” sent you to a cloud that re-surfaced your transformed link request as “Trump’s Hemorrhoid” and then with one more pit stop, a picture of House of Representatives Devin Nunes appears. I despise using a person’s image to get a Portnoy Putin point across, as we were not created equal, but in this case I rest my case - it is the epitome of a “Stooge”. Here is a peon that is single handedly trying to have anal sex with Vladimir Portnoy Putin from far and away, like with the interest in cars driving without real people. Which in my book is long overdue as evolution has proven that humans cannot operate safely a weapon-on-wheels and still play into Donald John Trump’s “Twitter” rage. “I Shall Respond”! But this “Trump’s Stooge”, Devin Nunes is trying to be a “hero” by constant obstructionism into the FBI-Mueller investigation into why so many find a craving to have anal sex with Russian Federation oligarchs. Nunes wants to go down in history as the “Hero Exonerator” for the Fucking Moron, even if it means practicing “High Crimes Treason”. One thing for sure, re-writing history will create a bunch of new jobs! Hey, Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron started the DOW crash through obstruction of justice by imposing a “Tariff” on imposter steel and aluminum. And he didn’t even have the decency to pass this “Executive World Order” before the House or Senate, both controlled by the GOP! Since the Russian meddling investigation continues on with full force like a Beaufort Scale 10 “Stormy” gale and is hitting the “Trump Tower” in the groin, the Fucking Moron is now calling the GOP 115th Congress “FAKE”. So the Fucking Moron has only two friends left, Sean Hannity and Judge Jeanine, both with the FOX. Sorry with so much emphasis on the “Fucking”, but it hurts! And he didn’t even have the decency to talk to his financial spirits…and there ain’t nobody left in his cabinet with the patience to tell the Moron to stop “Fucking America” over some more - enough is enough. So, why did the Moron go ahead with something that is causing the WALL to come tumbling down? He called Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint line and did as any “puppet” would react, do something stupid that plays right into the hands of the Russian oligarch. Look, the Russian Federation is continuing to disrupt through discord, and by attacking the stock market, it finds a world-wide effect. That is the new-age WAR we must contend with, “Chaos” and the Russians are testing US. See, one wrong move from the “Chaos” then the “Cold War” shows once again its ugly side. Portnoy Putin doesn’t want any direct blame, that places him in the position for a legitimate counter-attack. WWIII, it starts with an attack on our Democracy through a “Great Divide” and then we will see the financial stability of our nation undermined, then escalation due a Fucking Moron that lives with rage and pissed because a majority of Americans believe his only role in life is that of a “MORON”. But this Nunes, it gives “Turducken” a whole different outlook on life. Take Devin Nunes and stuff him up the anal hole of a pig. Then stuff that over-stuffed pig up Mitch McConnell’s rear end orifice. Now when it is all said and done with, and Mitch relieves himself and the pig has a good shit, we are left with the transformed Devin Nunes - it stinks and just a Sad Sack of shit. And there ain’t much good left in the White House that can try to correct the Moron’s fascination with Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint. I always thought that maybe Kellyanne Conway had balls, but rumor has it she is really Vince McMahon of the WWE “Rikishi Stinkface” fame in drag - my god gag me with a spoon.

Children have an unerring instinct for knowing when they are being patronized. They go immediately on the defensive against head-patting adults who treat them like strange beings. - Art Linkletter

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