Friday, March 2, 2018

Albert Einstein & Melanomia

Albert Einstein, well known for his brilliance in physics, promoting world peace and losing his socks. A genuine “Genius”, just like Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron thinks of himself. So why for this comparison of Mr. Mc2 and the 3rd trophy wife of this Moron? I admit that the brightest in the bunch seems to be Barron, as he stays clear of the Chaos Central. I tried to stop calling the 3rd Lady by namesake Melanomia instead of Melania, but every time I see her mugshot my only thought is “Mesothelioma”. She is like a piece of walking “friable asbestos” that has been used and abused away from its original intent, breath in and you are doomed. Yes 3rd Lady, as it appears that Stormy is on first base and some Playboy bimbo just stole second base on a balk, because she was a better hummer in the convent choir. But this new wave of guilt that is following the Melanomia, the fact she was allowed into “My America” when on a special assignment that found preferential treatment with an EB-1 raffle ticket, also known as an “Einstein Visa”. According to Uncle Sam, that qualification finds the following criteria: You may be eligible for an employment-based, first-preference visa if you have an extraordinary ability, are an outstanding professor or researcher, or are a multinational executive or manager. Wait there’s more! And to be considered under this “Extraordinary Ability” welcome to America mat, at least 3 of the following must also be met with evidence to support, as fraud is like rampant rabies with this easy Access Hollywood “You’re In”: Evidence of receipt of recognized prizes or awards for excellence, membership in associations in the field which demand outstanding achievement of their members, published material about you in professional or major trade publications or other major media, evidence that you have been asked to judge the work of others, either individually or on a panel, evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance to the field, authorship of scholarly articles in professional or major trade publications or other major media, your work has been displayed at artistic exhibitions or showcase, your performance of a leading or critical role in distinguished organizations, you command a high salary or other significantly high remuneration in relation to others in the field, your commercial successes in the performing arts. Holy shat, some tough and rough going! It means contributions to mankind above and beyond what “Sebastian Gorka” had accomplished trying to steel asylum here in “Our America” and when his application was approved, he reneged on that “Pledge of Allegiance” and immediately went to work for FOX. So now that Melanomia is under attack, this fallout over receiving that “Einstein Visa”, lets calm the cool as we have way too much chaos confronting Democracy to have to deal with this “Crap”. See, maybe Melanomia deserved this “free ticket” to enter the “Sweepstakes” of a lifetime. See, she gave a wonderful speech that showed she was a candidate for the “First Preference EB-1” immigration test, even though she ended up in 3rd when she was invited to take up residency in the White House. The only problem, she stole those lines from Michelle Obama, not once but a consistent pattern of stealing another’s intellectual property mindset when it comes to important issues. See, none of the Fucking Moron’s supporters paid any attention to Barack or Michelle when they were running this nation now under ruin, so of course Melanomia thought she could get away with it. So by giving a “plagiarized” speech…Melanomia didn’t give a rat’s ass! I guess it means time we must amend that “Einstein Visa” qualifying list, and add plagiarism as a bonafide pastime. “SCUMBAGS” they are - but we must realize that Woody Guthrie warned us of the “Trump Tower” some 50-years ago…can’t deny it, as he was right-on and gifted with “Extraordinary Ability” to see through “Old Man Trump”.

 EB1A, MELANIA par with a Nobel Prize worthy scholar?

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