Monday, March 19, 2018

Statutory Rape by 115th Congress

I love Stormy Daniels and hope she tail-spins the fuck out of that Fucking Moron David Dennison. But I never understood this court appointed “arbitration” BS, now I do thanks to this steaming-streaming PORN star and it could not have come any sooner. In fact, we all owe her a kiss! The 115th “Statutory Rape Congress” is about to unleash 100000 individual weapons of “Mass Destruction” along with a “protection” clause in the “AV START Act” to eliminate any and all liability due the victims of any mass murder fallout from these “drone” weapons. No, these animals are not for military purposes and we will be the ones under attack. See, as the law stands which is foolhardy outlandish, “Big Motor Mouth” is allowed to deploy 2500 self-masturbating vehicles “Exempt” from Federal Safety Standards. The latter is what keeps our children safe buckled up - may as well start smoking cigarettes again! See, that doesn’t make sense this “No Standards Allowed” because if in a crowd, what good are any safety standards if there is this weak link? And these are vehicles that self-drive! Wow, just reported in pedestrian killed by UBERbarf. Of course we need standards, and stricter rules and regulations at that - like DUI comparable guidelines. This is unimaginable legislation, are not the major highways in need of some semblance of safety with trespassers that drive by a chip shoved up their you know what!  So, let’s up the ante, by bombarding our school parking lots with more unsafe things to contend with, besides the NRA. But if some “drone” kills a “blind person” in a crosswalk, it means “Arbitration”, no Civil Criminal Courts allowed. And what I learned from Stormy in her debut with “Operation Desert Stormy”, this form of justice shifts the power to the “Big Mouths”. Mind you, this law is already of record with the House side of this “Statutory Rape Congress” and it is stalled in the Senate, but we know what Mitch McConnell thinks about the Confederacy. No kidding, this is happening and “We the People” are getting hoodwinked hoodwanked over the coals, as stupid laws are being passed by this Congress that are in no way shape or form “People Friendly”. It is an attack upon the true meaning of “Democracy” and is a dereliction in Patriotism to the point it looks and smells a whole lot like “Treason”. No doubt, I am sure that hidden deep in some whack job boring wordsmithing, “Statutory Rape” is no longer a shame these 115th “Turncoats” bribed by “KY Street” jelly as it must feel good to “Fuck” Miss Liberty.

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