Monday, March 19, 2018

Date Rape Stabilized Rent

115th GOP “Majority” Congress just back from its 3rd “Spring Break” already this year, when “in like a lion out like a lamb” isn’t official until tomorrow, no wonder term limits is DOA this job for a life-time without a commitment. Well those that showed up passed a law to protect “pets” on plane flights but passed on a similar law to protect the Robert Mueller investigation. See, cruelty to animals on high was a NO NO, while cruelty towards a Moron…Skewed priorities? So the Kushner Family business is once again in the news because of “lies” that allowed recipients of rent stabilized housing to get booted out onto the cesspool overflowing streets of NYC? Look, there is a reason Istinka Rump finds passion with Jared Kushner and permission by the Moron dad to “marriage me”. Look no further than “Old Man Trump”, as in the “Beach Haven” days Woody Guthrie warned US about “thum kind”!


Try this on for fun: George Papadopoulos is a former member of the foreign policy advisory panel to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Popatopolis is a B-rated movie starring Stormy Daniels, former member of David Dennison’s 2007 prudential campaign.

New Magna Crater: Maybe we should start renaming the Moon’s craters after bad days on WALL STREET, especially those “impact basins” deserving a real name with historical significance! See, it is well known that 84% of the stock market’s wealth is owned by 10% of the people that “Pay Taxes, Who Me?” But maybe with “My Country ‘Tis of Thee Democracy”, even while under attack by Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron, it is more resilient that what we thought. Like with “Global Warming” and nature taking drastic actions to correct the off-course ship of fools we are, while we continue to debate “who is at fault”, same thing may be happening with our “Democracy”. See, like with “Global Warming Warning” we do as the 115th “Do Nothing” Congress, same with the Russian Federation “meddling” taking way too long to see some semblance of blame-game resolution - so we see Facebook stock tanking because that social media network considered “money over matters” and allowed an exploitation of data that was mined & minted by individuals that should have their “Citizenship” taken away and sentenced under the Moron’s “Opioid” death penalty legislation. It is “TREASON”! But as we “wishy washy” away the Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s addiction, well maybe we see payback today, as $billions$ is being thrown overboard the sinking Facebook ship - and maybe this payback satisfies the “giveaway lien” on that “Corporate Tax Reform” - Democracy lives on. So, for Mr. Facebook and his $5-Billion devaluation, crater MARE VAPORUM renamed today as Zuckerberg Minus 336. That means how much the DOW dropped and yes, Facebook’s value is “vaporizing” because “Democracy” is heating up!

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