Monday, March 19, 2018

New Order World NOW

Monday March 19, in the year 2018 “Is man still alive, can woman survive”: Today marks the start of the “New Order World” as Vladimir Portnoy Putin has captured the Presidency of the Russian Federation for his 4th “Term of Endangerment”. That means a “Dictatorship” for history’s sake and following the “rigged” election, it is so apparent the overwhelming Kremlin servants love and affection as they were seen well past midnight screaming out “6 More Years”! And that “Lock Her Up” with Theresa May? Takes the heat off Hillary.  Now the victor’s “Branding Iron” approval rating is 60%, or equal to the “Disapproval Rating” of our Moron-in-Chief. But the Moron has his “Castration Iron” marching orders, to disrupt the FBI Mueller Investigation, as that has crossed the “Red Square Line” with Vladimir - getting too close for comfort as it encroaches upon the Sergey Foundation’s “money laundering”. Likewise so disguised with our Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron, the world has no idea the magnitude of Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s wealth - for a reason. Take Bill Gates for instance, or Warren Buffett or many others of fortune of the Forbes-500 best sellers list and for the most part, not bragging rights but Bill and Warren are honest about how they made their earnings. They both admit that “luck and opportunity and sincerity and respect” play into the equation of success - which means such wealth was not hoarded away on grounds of suspicion, just honest dealings. With the Moron and Portnoy’s Complaint, the “money trail” is a secret. I ask why? Not a tough question, we know why! And this “New Order World” or the “Novichoke Regime” started shaping into place last week, as Putin was guaranteed a win because the servants were told that if not reelected, “black immigrants and gay men in tights might take over the Russian ARMY”! The same “subliminal” message we heard during the Moron’s “Execution of Democracy” campaign back in 2016. With Rex Tillerson’s firing as Secretary of State, that was due to the affiliation Rex has with the Kremlin, that “Order of Friendship” which complicates the matter. See, that award gives the recipients “Coup d’état” assignable rights should things get out of control in Russia, and when Rex was the SOS bossman, there came the authority to call in Luca Brasi. And with that scare about “Black Men”, the “Hate Bombings” down in Texas part of this “NOW” - did Ted Kaczynski get furloughed? Presidential Pardon Me? Basically, Portnoy wants all finger-prints dissolved, as to get on the trail of the richest man in the world - NATO would be pissed and then a “World” boycott would cause Russia to declare WAR to survive. When you look at world domination, like it has been forever, it is land ownership that finds a fascination to take over the world and with Putin that is only possible with an Achilles Heel helper, bone-spurs will suffice. Putin has today a “Puppet” in high places, this “Goldilocks” Moron we despise and times ahead so challenging, as this will be Putin’s last draw to captivate his plan this “New Order world and that can only take shape with the Moron his puppet. So, Putin has time on his side, we don’t! And how come I am starting to feel more comfortable listening to…forget that Vladimir Portnoy Putin’s Complaint pilgrimage. In the year 2525, “if man is still alive, if woman can survive”, will see by the end of this day what that tomorrow will bring but “I ain’t gonna study war no more, for nobody”! Why so? By the year 2525, there will be but one leader, else the “World Order” will cease to exist. We are modern man, we cannot succeed so divided a war here and a war there. WAR has exhausted its welcome as it proves nothing today but support investments in “Blood Money”. I am talking “ALL WARS”, against the blacks, against the gays, against religions all colors different and let’s just try being “nice” to eachother - we may…we will like it. And once a “World Order” is resurrected, under a single authority that realizes “we are all created equal” and discrimination was an experiment of past that fails us today - the sky is the limit and we can place our interests in “Space Travel” instead of the “Killing Fields” and in that final frontier find enough proof that Stephen Hawking was right - so we can finally honor him with that Nobel Prize so deserving his “World Order”. It is time we set our sights on a “World Order”, not through dominance as that is also a failed experiment. But based on “Creativity”, that something of a higher order be it a “black hole” or a “Bucky Ball” encouraged “LOVE” against “HATE”, as one brings a smile, the other crying children. I believe a ”True Leader” would pick that “smile for a smile"!

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