Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Headless Horseman

UBER has these cars that self-drive, and just yesterday one of these “Capone Drones” may have went busy away from driving responsibly while responding to a Rex Tillerson’s Fucking Moron’s “Tweet” and ran over a pedestrian. Yes, running over a blind lady just trying to get to the other side-of-the-road - in a crosswalk mind you! Blind leading the blind? It was a safe-zone incident, which used to be “safe” until the NRA’s Wayne Lapierre and his pussy posse went into Loesch Ness monster mood. We used to have a White House that cared about safety, especially our kids’ safety in crosswalks, but the Moron’s only sense of “safety” is an Access Hollywood rubber for a busy Stormy day “woody”. With this “Headless Horseman” modern technology at work, is it the cart before the horse? Now ever since Cambridge Analytical bribed Marc Zuckerberg’s Facebook in a Rikishi Stinkface face-sitting to give away personal data because Antonin Scalia was correct his “opine” - there is no such clause in the U.S. Constitution that “guarantees “individual indivisible privacy” - we are under attack. See, since about the time Vladimir Portnoy Putin went interested in the 2016 election, I continue to get a monthly “fraud” charge from an UBER account. It’s a re-occurring charge for a ride share service and each month the credit card company sends me a self-stamped advisory letter so I can disown these fraud charges. The sad thing about it, it is the same individual and the same route time after time - in NYC. I live in Alaska! So one month I missed the challenge deadline and what a hassle trying to defend the fact I did not take an UBER ride from Alaska to some striptease joint in the Bronx, as that would have cost well over $2600 bucks and I was only being charged $613-bucks, because this 10-minute taxi drive “fraud” must have included back seat sex. Then I am told that the criminal making the “fraud” charges isn’t real, so the police can’t make an arrest and…something has gone drastically wrong with society! I guess I can blame the NRA, maybe it’s Bill Clinton using my account! But the NRA, it is no longer an American icon as its “Patriotic” mission has been brainwashed. I gave up my membership 35-years ago in disgust. See, I lived in Alaska down Valdez way and guns without roses was life. Rifles for hunting and bear protection, not for “mass murdering”. Now I remember attending an NRA meeting, wherein hunting was discussed by a guy from “Wayne’s World” that came over from Anchorage, the “Big City”. What was interesting at this meeting, it was made up mostly of men that worked on the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline - a very roughneck crew and this “spoke” of the NRA wheel was asking some questions too close for comfort our work environment. At this same time, we were somewhat “Up in Arms” due work conditions and involved in an organized labor movement. Soon after that meeting, we found out that the same guy that was that NRA spokesperson had hired a “stool” to gather information about individuals involved is this “organized labor” activity here in little old Valdez - something “Big Oil” in Alaska was so damn afraid about. See, if we had been successful in this “UNION” effort in Valdez, like a wildfire it would have spread up that 800-mile pipeline and then like a virus captured the entire Prudhoe Bay oil field - which could have meant a new union 10000 strong that would be in control of a $billion$ dollar business with respect to workers’ rights! I will not go into detail the weapons “Big Oil” pulled out of its legal cesspool to squash any desire to “Unionize”, but there was attempted “murder”! In the end, we lost our fight and many have paid for it since. My entire career was “Black Irish balled”. And that guy from “Wayne’s World”, he was a big shot lawyer with ties to union busting law firms. There had to be a connection between the NRA and the busting, maybe through guilt by association but in Alaska, it is a small “Wayne’s” world. And so today in my book, the NRA is but for what for just another “Headless Horseman” and soon…are kids are NOT safe as the “UNION” should have the same protection as the 2nd Amendment Right because it is part of the 1st and labor today is on a crash-course, just like those self-driving cars of the future! Time for all American workers to join in “Solidarity” in the “Lousy Hat Union”, which is the only movement that can Make America Gracious Again our “Patriotic” right-to-work at a better wage. We need to make "UNION" mandatory!

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